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'Utterly bonkers yet equally brilliant' - what to expect from Just So family festival

'Nowhere else could you have a mountain of fun in such masses of mud'

Just So festival 2019

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Never has a famous literary quote been more apt for a family arts festival.

2019 was our fifth year at Just So and our muddiest yet.

But with mud comes fun and with some families unable to even access the site because of the waterlogged car park, we counted ourselves among the lucky ones and quite literally got stuck in to the packed programme of events.

It's always tricky deciding the 'must-dos' from the 'if we have times', and with the festival celebrating its 10th year, there were more activities to choose from than ever.

Even with three days there you can't fit everything in, especially when there are the all-important golden nuggets to collect along the way.

The all-important Tribal Scoreboard(Image: Manchester Evening News)

That's because underpinning this entire event is the hugely competitive Tribal Tournament, which sees families dress as their chosen animal and battle it out to see who can collect the largest number of golden pebbles across the weekend.

The winner is crowned at the end of Sunday night's tribal parade. And if you think you won't miss much by leaving early, then you can think again.

It's a true highlight and when we hear so much about making memories with our children, I'm pretty sure no youngster would ever forget the time they dressed as a frog and chanted 'rib it, rib, we're gonna win it' at thousands of bees, lions, foxes and the rest of those losers.