A television interview with the Ugandan High Commissioner to Britain has prompted a furious response from viewers with many pledging to stop donating to comic relief.

The segment on ITV's This Morning came amid growing controversy over Strictly Winner Stacey Dooley's recent visit to Uganda.

The star was involved in a Twitter row with Labour MP David Lammy  who had criticised her for perpetuating "tired and unhelpful stereotypes" about Africa.

The 31-year-old star had uploaded photos of herself smiling and holding a Ugandan child during filming ahead of Red Nose Day.

David Lammy blasted the charity for flying British celebrities to Africa to make films which send "a distorted image" of the continent.

On Friday's instalment of This Morning , hosts Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford interviewed Juilis Peter Moto, who is the Ugandan High Commissioner to Britain.

Mr Moto said that while Uganda was grateful for donations raised by Comic Relief, he had an issue with stars 'posting photos of children on social media'.

The Ugandan diplomat said he did not support stars like Stacey sharing photos of children online, while hosts Eamonn and Ruth suggested the star's intentions were good.

However, the interview left This Morning fans fuming, with a number of viewers saying they would stop donating to Comic Relief over the row.

Martin Cocker said: "Quite easy then - my money will be staying in my bank account #ungrateful #ThisMorning"

Stacey Mac said: "I have donated to Comic Relief for many years, this year won't. African countries want the money, but want to dictate how it is raised. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. #ThisMorning"

Marcie said: "Certainly won't be donating anymore #comicrelief #ThisMorning"

On Thursday's show, Phillip Schofield blasted David Lammy's remarks about Stacey Dooley as "racist" during a heated debate with the MP live on air.

The Strictly winner was trolled for having a "White Saviour complex" after her Comic Relief trip to Uganda.

Stacey Dooley

She recently flew to Uganda to help highlight the country's struggle with poverty, but came under fire from a group called No White Saviours who disagree with white people spotlighting poverty in Africa.

MP David Lammy added his own voice to the criticism, and said that she was perpetuating "tired and unhelpful stereotypes".

Writing on Twitter , he added: "The world does not need any more white saviours. As I've said before, this just perpetuates tired and unhelpful stereotypes.

"Comic Relief has a huge platform and privilege and it is the first and major way children learn about Africa. If they only show Africans as helpless victims to be pitied, children miss the broader picture of huge progress in Africa.

"Comic Relief should be helping to establish an image of African people as equals to be respected rather than helpless victims to be pitied. It would therefore be better for people who actually live there to speak about the continent they know.

"Many black Brits feel deeply uncomfortable with Comic Relief's poverty porn. It's my job to represent their views however uncomfortable."

However Phil hit back at his remarks in a fiery debate with Vanessa Feltz and Dr Ranj Singh and was later joined on the phone by the MP himself.

Phil ranted: "What has colour got to do with any of this? So you're well meaning and you think, 'Oh well, I can't go there because I'm white', 'I can't do this charity video because I'm white'. That in itself is racist."

MP David Lammy joined the debate on the phone and said that there were "big questions" on the role of charity and how it was done.

He slammed "the formula of sending celebrities out on expensive flights" and claimed that it "perpetuates colonialism".

Comic Relief founder Sir Lenny Henry also waded into the row with his comments during a fundraiser that David Lammy might says 'screw you white people.'