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Rail passenger sparks row over 'entitled' seat-saving during rush-hour

'People need to be called out on ridiculous entitled behaviour'

The protocol around taking up a seat with a bag has been subject to fierce online debate

An irate train passenger has sparked a furious debate after slamming another traveller for using their bag to save a seat.

The commuter, who travels on the same rush-hour service daily, voiced her complaint online after seeing a woman refusing to remove her bag to allow fellow passengers to take the seat - even when the train is clearly busy .

Sharing her annoyance in a post on Mumsnet , she explains how "every morning the train is rammed" and despite people asking her to move her bag, she refuses and says she's "saving it for her pal", who, according to the original poster, eventually shows up.

"People end up standing, the seat free, then pal arrives," she added.  "I've seen a couple of people ignore her, move the bag and plump down in the seat, the entire train almost cheered.

"They do not get on at the same stop. Saver is always on already, 'saving' as it were, then pal gets on."

"What's the protocol here?"

The question has ignited a flurry of responses, the majority of which agreed that the "seat-saver" was in the wrong for blocking the seat on a busy commuter service.

One user replied: "If they are getting on at the same station and it's just taking them a while to get through the train, fine.

"If they are getting on anywhere else, tough. If you want to sit together you go to the back, assuming a commuter train where the carriages at the back tend to be a bit emptier. Or stand up somewhere and chat if no room to sit."