The pound has plummeted to its lowest rate in three years against the dollar.

With political uncertainty increasing as a result of the growing possibility for a no-deal Brexit, the pound has fallen.

It is also believed that the possibility of a General Election taking place has affected the pound's rate further.

The pound sterling is now below $1.20 - the lowest it's been since the 'flash crash' low we saw in October 2016, when the pound was at $1.15.

In a speech outside Number 10 Downing Street on Monday September 2, Prime Minister Boris Johnson urged MPs not to vote to block no-deal.

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He said: "I don’t want an election and you don’t want an election.

"Let us get on with the people’s agenda, fighting crime, improving the NHS, boosting schools, cutting the cost of living, and unlocking talent and opportunity across the entire United Kingdom."

The pound's decline came after news that house prices could also plummet by over 6% in the event of a no-deal Brexit.

A report published by professional services network KPMG said: "Overall, while a no-deal Brexit could dent property values in the short term, it may make less impact on one of the fundamental factors driving the market: the stock of regional housing.

"Housebuilders are expected to reduce the supply of new housing in some regions in the short term as a response to a deteriorating economic outlook.

"So, while there will be fallout from the initial economic shock following a no-deal Brexit, the market is expected to recover most ground in the long run."