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DWP urges single parents to check if they're owed thousands of pounds after change to benefits

A minister has urged parents to check whether they are entitled to the benefit after the government extended the eligibility criteria

Thousands more parents will be entitled to the benefit after a change to eligibility criteria (Image: scu)

Thousands more parents will be able to access cash from the government after a change to benefits, according to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP). A minister is urging single parents who have lost a partner to check whether they might be owed thousands of pounds.

The eligibility criteria for two benefits designed to support grieving parents after the loss of a partner - Bereavement Support Payment and Widowed Parent’s Allowance - have been extended this week. Previously, only bereaved parents who had been married or in a civil partnership were entitled to the cash. But from today, co-habiting parents can access the support, regardless of their legal relationship status.

Minister for Social Mobility, Youth and Progression Mims Davies MP urged anyone who thinks they may now be eligible for the benefit to come forward. She said: "We have made this important change to help thousands more grieving parents access the financial support they need and deserve. We know so many lone parents are doing their best to support their families through such a difficult time and our bereavement benefits offer a lifeline to help them adjust to the impact of this."

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She added: "I would urge anyone who thinks they may be eligible to make an application, as crucially, some bereaved parents will also be able to receive backdated payments to ensure they don’t miss out."

Bereavement Support Payment is not means-tested, which means what you earn or how much you have in savings does not affect how much you get. Usually, it is usually paid as a one-off payment followed by up to 18 monthly payments.

Following the eligibility change, the DWP has opened a 12-month application window for bereaved parents who have dependent children and whose partner died before February 9 2023. The bereavement benefit and amount they are entitled to will depend on when they lost their partner.

To qualify, claimants must have met the eligibility criteria for either Bereavement Support Payment or Widowed Parent’s Allowance on or after August 30 2018.