It's time to get your affairs in order. With a new moon on the horizon, Greater Manchester fortune teller and tarot reader Stuart Cassels predicts an extremely busy week at work for most M.E.N readers' signs.

Cassels see this as a chance to be industrious and ‘get stuck in’ and clock up some extra hours at work. Don’t fret however, he assures that there will be the opportunity to indulge in a well deserved rest.

Individually, love will be in the air for Librans with harmless flirting that will be turned into some 'wild fun' thanks to the new moon on Friday (February 9). Scorpios have been warned to be prepared this week with everyone wanting to speak to them.

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Meanwhile, Geminis will be playing peacekeeper at home and at work. Below you can find Stuart's tarot reading for all the 12 zodiac signs for the coming week of February 5 to February 11.

Aries: 21st March - 19th April: This week you will discover something that you thought had been lost for some time. Friday’s New Moon will prove to be a significant day for you - Impulse purchases should be avoided, no matter how good the deal appears. Deep conversations with Aquarians, both at home and at work, should be approached with some thought, and will result in some truths being shared, whether you want to hear them, or not. By the end of the week, the air will be cleared, and the weekend will bring the opportunity to enjoy a special meal.

Taurus: 20th April - 20th May: "Monday and Tuesday will bring a fresh optimism and attitude. Take advantage of this positive outlook, and reconsider plans that may have been recently shelved during a time of negativity.
"Taureans who work in the medical and teaching fields will enjoy new challenges and the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues. Welcome advice will come from an unexpected source on Friday."

Gemini: 21st May - 20th June: "The start of the week will see you playing peacekeeper at work and at home. Expect to be asked to referee in others’ disagreements, and be given the power to make decisions that will potentially have big consequences.

"Whilst this may seem like a burden, consider why you have been chosen, and ultimately take it as a compliment. Don’t forget to treat yourself and relax this weekend - you certainly deserve it."

Cancer: 21st June - 22nd July: "You will be pleasantly surprised this week as the temporary situation that has been a source of irritation finally becomes permanent, giving you the sense of stability that you have been craving. If there is the opportunity to place a new sign on a door or desk, why not celebrate by getting your paint brushes out, and getting creative this weekend."

Leo: 23rd July - 22nd August: "This week is all about work for you. You will find that you are taking on additional tasks throughout the week, and it won’t be a surprise to those around you that you are coping magnificently. You will enjoy the opportunity to work alone and unsupervised, but don’t be afraid to ask for help from those around you when needed."

Virgo: 23rd August - 22nd September: "The week will see you surrounded by some very wise and influential people. Whilst others are trying hard to impress, you know that the best thing you can do is to sit back, listen and learn. Your different approach will certainly be noticed, and will eventually be rewarded.

"Meanwhile, it’s time to tackle that paperwork at home that you’ve been putting off for far too long. Getting it dealt with by Friday will allow you to spend the remainder of the week relaxing with those you care about."

Libra: 23rd September - 22nd October: "It’s a week of romance for single Librans. It is likely to start subtly, perhaps with some harmless flirting with a friend or acquaintance, but Friday’s New Moon will speed the process up and lead to some wild fun. Librans in a relationship can expect a small but thoughtful romantic gesture on Saturday. Expect to discover some enjoyment in a normally mundane task at work."

Scorpio: 23rd October - 21st November: "Well, aren’t you popular this week! It feels as if everyone wants to talk to you, and you will have to pick and choose your opportunities. By Sunday evening you’ll wonder where the week went, and more importantly, what happened to the weekend, but being practical, you will be grateful for everything that has happened.

"If time with family or friends has had to be sacrificed, make sure you make plans with them next week."

Sagittarius: 22nd November - 21st December: "A big project at work is taking up a lot of your focus. The end is in sight, but don’t relax just yet. Expect a couple of bumps in the road, and forget about getting away early. It’s going to be worth it. When it comes to family and socializing, relinquish control. Let someone else make the decisions this week. It’s time for a new adventure - but for once let others choose the path."

Capricorn: 22nd December - 19th January: "It’s a week of big changes for Capricorns. You may well discover that those who were causing you issues are coming around to your way of thinking, and this change will bring new communication skills for everyone involved.

"The weekend will see you change your attitude towards a hobby or pastime, resulting in taking a much more active role in organizing activities with others. Joining, or taking a more active role in, a club or society would present the challenge that you need right now."

Aquarius: 20th January - 18th February: "The approaching new moon brings fresh confidence and the ability to speak truths that have been held back for too long. It’s time to trust your intuition and deal with the issues that have been worrying you for some time.

"Get it all out the way before Friday and enjoy a weekend of fun and laughter with friends. Childhood dreams will become within reach. These opportunities don’t happen often for you, so be sure to take every opportunity as it happens."

Pisces: 19th February - 20th March: Expect a week of getting creative and more hands-on at work, but remember to focus on the current situation, and not the past failures of others. An extra pair of shoes or a change of clothes kept in the car will prove to be useful by the end of the week.

"Meanwhile at home, something will remind you of a darker time. You can choose to feel sorrow about the past, or you can celebrate how far you’ve come. This weekend is not the one to give in to past temptations. Don’t be afraid to enjoy your own company."