If quaffing a pint in intimate surroundings is your bag, you've probably visited The Circus Tavern on Manchester's Portland Street - the city's smallest pub and one of the tiniest in the UK.

But if you're up for a less urban experience, then The Birch Hall Inn in the North Yorkshire village of Beck Hole, near Scarborough, might be worth a visit.

The quaint boozer was once a cottage and was extended to offer a refreshing pint for the village locals.

It's situated 10 miles south of Whitby and has been compared to the front room of a small cottage by its owner.

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Beck Hole itself is made up of just nine homes, on the North Yorkshire Moors - which attracts walkers year-round as they traverse the routes and visit the nearby waterfalls, according reports YorkshireLive.

But visitors to The Birch Hall Inn pub can also sit in the garden area and watch historic trains go by on the famous Moors Railway line.

The pub which also houses a small sweet shop was purchased by Glenys Crampton and her brother in 1981.

"I still love it to bits," she said.

"The customers we have are amazing. Take this morning, for example, I came downstairs to find the beer delivery was dropped outside the shop.

"I've had a new hip so I asked the customers 'could one of you strong men take this in' and they did.

"We just get such lovely, lovely people. It makes every day great."

Inside the intimate Birch Hall Inn

At 70 years old, Mrs Crampton said that the regular interaction with the walkers and regulars who travel from the likes of Whitby, Newcastle, York and Leeds makes her feel 17.

She said: "The people in the nine houses in the village are elderly and retiring.

"They will pop in for a drink or to the shop for a Kit Kat but we don't see them often. Most customers are regulars but from a distance."

Mrs Crampton compared the pub's size to that of a 'small cottage front room', with the punters sitting at the closely concentrated tables being left with no choice but to converse with one another.

They once had 30 people and two dogs in here

She said: "It's just amazing how people get on. There are three tables at the bar and sometimes we have three groups at each one. Being Brits we don't make eye contact or chat if we can help it but here you don't have a choice.

"You have to drop a pebble in like putting a log on the fire to get things started but then they're off. You have to be really rude not to talk to everybody else."

But working life at the pub also means you have to be comfortable in your own company as the pub goes can go periods without any punters and has an average of 10 customers a day, according to Mrs Crampton.

There's outside space if it gets to cramped inside

The most people to have been in the pub at any one time was 30 people and two dogs.

Some of the joy for the owners comes from seeing the repeat visitors over the years as they grow up.

Mrs Crampton said there are some visitors who came as babies in the 1980s who are now bringing their children.

"There's a sense of continuity and institution," she said.

This continuity stretches to the owners, as Mrs Crampton explained that she bought it from a lady who had owned it for over half a century.

She said: "She put her life into it. It's a very personal place.

"She hadn't changed it during most of that time and she was desperate for it to stay the same when she was looking to sell.

"Other people were looking to do stuff with it and there was a lot of that happening in the late 70s and 80s - people changing old buildings.

External view of The Birch Hall Inn

"My brother and I were able to get it out of pure serendipity. We didn't have any money so she chose us because she knew that we couldn't do anything to the pub.

"Forty years later it's still here and still the same."

The desire to keep the pub in its current state is inspired by its unique history and charming character.

Originally a cottage, it was extended in 1860 to house a grocer and bar for the locals before coming to the centre point for the small community as industry and tourism developed.

Mrs Crampton's brother retired in 2004 and she has since run the pub with her husband Neil, who is 12 years her junior.

The Birch Hall Inn sits in a community of nine houses

The two run the pub together and will employ an extra pair of hands during the summer period if and when it gets busy.

Despite still being as enthused by the work as ever, the Cramptons have bought their own place to build up for when they eventually retire.

But finding someone to take on the reins of the Birch Hall Inn could be a challenge.

"We just hope we find someone mad enough to take it on from us", said Mrs Crampton.

"We are still fit and enjoy it though so we're not going anywhere soon."