Police have cordoned off a street in Middleton this afternoon, with forensic investigators on the scene.

Officers have taped off Rectory Street on Friday (June 28), with pictures showing a number of emergency services vehicles surrounding the cordon.

It is understood the scene has been in place for several hours as forensic investigators carry out their work. The exact nature of the incident is not yet clear.

READ MORE: Police issue major 'Section 60' stop and search order after man, 55, hurt in serious incident

Greater Manchester Police has been contacted for more information.

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Cordon has been in place since 3pm

One man walking his dog has told Amy that the road was cordoned off from around 3pm today.

“They’ve been here all day,” he said.

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'Four police cars and two ambulances'

Our reporter Amy is speaking to residents on Wood Street and Windermere Road about the incident this afternoon.

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Cordon has come down

The cordon on Windermere Road and Rectory Street has now been taken down.

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Cordon centres around Wood Street

The cordon in place this afternoon centered around Wood Street.

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Pictures from the scene

Good afternoon. Police are currently on Rectory Street in Middleton following what the M.E.N understands to be a 'disturbance'.

Crime Scene Investigators are also on the cordon this evening as officers carry out their work. We have a reporter on the way to the scene and have contacted Greater Manchester Police for more information.

(Image: JMG Press)
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