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Reynhard Sinaga: Detectives believe rapist's crimes stretch back over TEN YEARS after he exploited 'Manchester's student culture' to find young men to attack

EXCLUSIVE: “At the end of the day he is a predator... these lads are only vulnerable because of the amount of drink they've had"

Clubbers leaving student haunt Fifth were targeted by Reynhard Sinaga(Image: Joel Goodman)

Reynhard Sinaga is a 'one-off' who exploited the city's vibrant student culture to find victims, a detective has told the M.E.N.

However officers believe his offending may stretch back much further than the two-and-a-half years covered by the charge sheet which has seen him jailed for life for attacks against 48 men.

In interviews giving an unprecedented insight into the case, Greater Manchester Police reveal they believe the offending could stretch back well over ten years.

Officers found images relating to potential victims which date back not just to 2007 - when Sinaga first arrived in Manchester - but to 2005.

Once he came to the city, officers believe, he used the friendliness of the city's nightlife to escalate his offending against young men.

Officers say that the identified victims acted no differently from many young men who have visited Manchester city centre for a night out before or since.


Reynhard Sinaga: The Manchester student who raped 'hundreds of men' in city centre flat


“This is the Manchester student culture,” Detective Constable Dot Orr told the M.E.N.

“They go to houses, they have pre drinks and get drunk as cheaply as possible.