Police have launched an investigation after a text message circulating in Longsight claimed there had been a spate of religiously aggravated hate crimes in the area. Extra patrols have been launched while officers try to find out who originally sent the message and if there's any truth to the allegations.

Supt Ian Jones said police were made aware of the text on Monday afternoon and asked anyone who had been a victim of hate crime in the area to come forward. He added: "We were brought to the attention of this text message being sent around the local community yesterday afternoon, and have since conducted a number of enquiries in an attempt to find out if there is any truth to the claims being made by the sender.

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"Hate crime, in any form, will absolutely not be tolerated in our communities and I'd ask anyone who has concerns, or anyone who has been a victim of hate crime to please get in touch with police, so we can bring any offenders to justice and keep people safe. I'd like to offer reassurance that we are investigating and currently have a patrol plan in place, which will see extra officers deployed within Longsight.

"Please do approach our officers if you have any questions or concerns and they will be happy to help."

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101, quoting log number 1546 of July 226, via the GMP service at https://crowd.in/ReIZ4F or by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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