A Bolton man has been convicted of dragging a stranger into a churchyard, holding a knife to her throat and trying to take her trousers off.

Following a four-day trial at Bolton Crown Court, a jury took around three hours to unanimously find Jonathan Kabala, 41, guilty of kidnapping, kidnapping with intent to commit a sexual offence, threatening someone with a bladed article, and possession of a bladed article.

Prosecution barrister Johnathan Dickinson had previously told the court that Kabala, of Chadwick Street, The Haulgh, targeted the victim after spotting her walking through Bolton town centre on the morning of October 2 last year.

After the woman turned from Bradshawgate onto Silverwell Street at 6.55am, Kabala started following her.

CCTV footage taken from the scene also showed Kabala rushing up behind the victim.

Jonathan Kabala dragged the woman through this gate at Bolton Parish Church

He then grabbed hold of the woman, before dragging her through the gates of Bolton Parish Church's churchyard, towards some bushes.

Kabala held the knife to the woman's neck and said 'I want this' before attempting to undo her pants. He also kept saying 'I don’t want to hurt you but I will' as she struggled.

In a police interview, the woman said: "I thought he was going to kill me."

At one point she managed to fight Kabala off with a metal travel mug she had been carrying but he managed to get her to the floor for a second time.

One witness, Ann-Marie Connell, called the police. Another, Caleb Kane, filmed some of the incident on his mobile phone and told Kabala to stop what he was doing.

While Kabala was momentarily distracted, the woman managed to wrestle the knife from his grip and throw it towards Mr Kane.

Mr Kane then threw the knife away and told Kabala to leave.

Bolton Crown Court

Kabala walked away from the scene calmly but police tracked him down a short time later and arrested him.

During his interview, Kabala said that he had left his home to "go on a walk around town with the intention of finding a person to set upon".

Asked for his reasons, Kabala told officers that 'people had been calling him a girl and insulting him' and that this was his way of 'asserting himself and making things right'.

Kabala told police that he had picked up a knife from the kitchen and concealed in inside his sock.

He also admitted to threatening the woman with the knife, which he said happened after she hit and injured him with her travel mug.

Despite his admissions in interview, he pleaded not guilty to all the offences.

Judge Timothy Stead ordered a pre-sentence report to be written ahead of sentencing and said that more psychiatric information about Kabala is required.

He also commended Mr Kane for his brave actions.

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Judge Stead said: "I want to be sure that Caleb Kane is officially commended for his public-spirited, entirely proper action.

"He certainly didn't turn a deaf ear to what he heard when he was at home quite early in the morning.

"He exposed himself to a risk and he will receive a commendation endorsed by me for the things he did."