Readers have been remembering the day the IRA bomb went off in Manchester city centre.

This morning a fascinating collection of never-before-seen images capturing the aftermath of the IRA bomb in Manchester were revealed on the 18th anniversary of the blast.

The 69 images were taken by either Greater Manchester Fire Service officers or official fire service photographers on the day of the atrocity and in the days following the blast.

The story with these pictures has been shared thousands of times on our website with many readers recalling their memories from the day on the M.E.N's Facebook page.


Writing on our Facebook page Karen Crielly said: "Never forget this day.

"Standing behind the police line looking straight down and chatting with others pointing at the van.

"In direct line of the blast, till big sergeant on horse back made everyone move back and up side streets.

"And not 5mins later the biggest bang ever and then total silence and feeling all the air had vanished, and hearing a woosh as all the glass and paper started falling everywhere.

"Still thank my stars wasn't hurt..emergency services that day were incredible."

Vicki Harvey wrote: "I was injured in the bomb looking at these pictures makes me feel so lucky that I walked away with just a few scratches and scars!"

Denise Luke said: "Brings home the miracle that no one died.

"Also shows what an amazing job done by emergency crews and the reconstruction that has followed - well done Manchester."

Liz Clarke commented: "Shocking but great to see that no one was killed as it was pure carnage and great that Manchester has come back better and stronger and shows what a great city we have.

"I for one am proud to me Manchester born and bred and love our city."

Robert Cooley remembers: "Was trying on clothes in Next on Market Street when we were evacuated.

"We were on Trinity Way when the bomb went off. What I remember was the pressure wave hitting the car and the rising plume of smoke, but also a split second of silence between the boom and all the alarms in the city centre going off."

And Paul Kelly wrote: "Walked through Albert Square and it was full of people.

"Realised there was a security alert. Everyone laughing and footy fans having kick about. Euro 96 was on at time.

"Managed to get near back of Boots.

"Turned back and wife said how calm everyone was with bomb scare then boom.

"Walked back through Albert Square and you could have heard a pin drop.

"Miracle no one was killed."

Take a look at the map below to see the images and approximate locations


Today – June 15 – marks the 18th anniversary of the bomb blast in 1996.

And then, just like today, Manchester and the country was gripped by football fever as England hosted the Euro '96 tournament.

The bomb was the biggest ever to explode on mainland Britain.

The 3,000lb device had been hidden in a lorry parked on Corporation Street, just outside Marks & Spencer and the Arndale shopping centre.

A total of 212 people were injured but miraculously no-one was killed.

The bomb detonated at 11.20am and left the city centre devastated.

See the full selection on the Manchester Fire Flickr account here:

  • This helicopter footage shot by Greater Manchester Police shows the destruction from an aerial viewpoint
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