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"Inexcusable": Judge blasts police as rapist finally jailed after taking over TWO YEARS to get to court

"There is little wonder victims of sexual offences are experiencing an all time low in faith in the criminal justice system"

Meynard Murambakanda(Image: GMP)

A judge has blasted the police after it took over two years for a rapist to be brought to court and jailed. Meynard Murambakanda, 32, raped a vulnerable woman twice back in May 2020.

The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, complained to the police the following day. But, it has taken over two years for a file to be passed to the Crown Prosecution Service, Manchester Crown Court heard.

Murambakanda finally pleaded guilty to two offences of rape and was today (March 13) jailed for six years and four months.

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In sentencing him, Judge Hilary Manley told prosecuting counsel David Lees: “The defendant was arrested on May 22 2020. It took Greater Manchester Police two years to submit a file to the CPS.

“There is little wonder victims of sexual offences are experiencing an all time low in faith in the criminal justice system.”

She described the time taken as ‘lamentable’ and ‘crushing’, and ordered for a written explanation by the Detective Chief Superintendent. “This can’t go on in this way. If only it were an isolated incident - but it is not,” she added.

The court heard that the victim was vulnerable and receiving help from carers. After meeting her the week before, Murambakanda attempted to befriend her after striking up conversation outside her house.

He managed to obtain her personal information, including the pin number for her bank card. On May 10, he spiked a cup of tea before raping her twice. He then left her alone, stole her bank card and withdrew £650 from her bank account.

“It’s clear you were drunk, you forcibly raped her. She told you to stop. You were rough and violent, and she cried," Judge Manley said.

“She described you as laughing and smiling as it went on. Injuries were caused to her and you didn’t wear a condom,” Judge Manley said. The woman reported matters to the police the following day.

In an emotional victim personal statement read to the court, the woman said that it was the ‘worst day of her life’.

“After two-and-a-half years I have got justice,” she said. The woman said she had thought about taking her own life and said waking up each morning worried about not being trusted or believed left her feeling shame, distress and anxiety.

“You hear stories about other victims in the news and these victims never get justice and the offender remains unpunished,” she continued. “You often hear about these victims taking their own lives, or not wanting to continue due to the pain they are in.

“Since he has pleaded guilty I have felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and that my heart was going to explode with joy. I felt that I was believed and I knew I was telling the truth.”

Murambakanda was said to have numerous previous convictions for assaults on former partners, and has since served 32 months in prison for robbery.

Steven Sullivan, defending, said that his client’s immigration status had been taken from him at the time, leading him to ‘spiral’. “He was not able to claim benefits, he was not able to make gainful employment, he began to live a very much feral and itinerant lifestyle,” Mr Sullivan said.

He added that Murambakanda asked to apologise to the victim, stating that he has remorse and is ‘ashamed’ of his actions.

Judge Manley, sentencing, said: “It is inexcusable and inexplicable, as it seems to have taken the police more than two years to submit a file to the Crown Prosecution Service.

“I have read the victim's personal statement. She considered suicide and suffered from a variety of psychological distress related conditions and clearly this has a profound effect on her. By pleading guilty you have at least lifted some of that psychological pain.”

Murambakanda, of no fixed abode, was jailed for six years and four months, with an extended licence period of two years after the judge deemed him a dangerous offender under sentencing provisions. He must serve two thirds of the sentence in prison before being considered for release by the Parole Board.

The court heard that he will be deported after serving his sentence.

Speaking after the hearing, Detective Sergeant Qadir Hussain of GMP’s North Manchester district said: “I commend the victim for her bravery throughout this investigation and for having the strength to report this horrific crime to Greater Manchester Police. This was no doubt a long and distressing investigation for the victim and her loved ones”.

“Murambakanda preyed upon the victim and her vulnerability; he attempted to befriend her after striking up conversation outside her property and proceeded to meet with her multiple times within the space of three days prior to the offence.

“He was able to gain and abuse the victims trust by obtaining the victims personal information, including the pin number for her bank card. Murambakanda was then able to coerce the vulnerable victim to his property and unknowingly spiked a cup of tea she requested in order to stupefy her.

“He then proceeded to forcefully remove the victims clothing without her consent and raped her. Murambakanda then left the victim alone, vulnerable in his property and stole her bank card and withdrew around £650 from her bank account without her permission.

“Murambakanda’s crimes are horrific and his lack of remorse for the victim and her welfare is despicable. Murambakanda is an dangerous individual who fully deserves the sentence imposed on him.

“The bravery of the victim has been incredible from start to finish. I would like to thank the victim for the strength and courage shown throughout the investigation and hope that this will, in some way, provide closure so that she is able to rebuild her life.

“This case demonstrates the seriousness with which Greater Manchester Police deal with report of sexual assaults, including those committed against women and girls. We will believe you, we will support you and we will do everything we can to bring an offender to justice.”

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