The husband of a woman who died after running into the street on fire was 'smiling and laughing' while she was treated by paramedics, an inquest heard.

Nosheen Akhtar, also known as Sarah Hussain, died after suffering horrific burns at her home in East Street, Bury.

An inquest at Rochdale Coroner's Court has previously heard that Ms Hussain, 31, told paramedics that her husband, Waqas Mahmood, had 'set her on fire'. Mr Mahmood has denied setting fire to his wife and said she set herself ablaze following a row over his ongoing relationship with his ex-wife.

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Today, the inquest heard from PC Dilesh Adesara, who attended the scene of the incident on the evening of July 23, 2021. The police officer described seeing Ms Hussain in the street and said she appeared to have been "burned all over face".

"Her skin had peeled and her face looked like it was covered in ash," he said in a statement read out in court.

After having been at the scene for several minutes, PC Adesara said he noticed Ms Hussain's husband, Waqas Mahmood, talking to two other men, his brother Hasnain Mahmood, and their nephew, Murtza Safeer.

The three men were stood some distance from Ms Hussain as neighbours and paramedics tried to help her. PC Adesara said he "could not understand" why the men were not with Ms Hussain.

Paramedics said Sarah Hussain told them that her husband had 'set her on fire'
Paramedics said Sarah Hussain told them that her husband had 'set her on fire'

"They showed no real concern," he added.

PC Adesara said he saw Waqas Mahmood sitting on a chair receiving treatment for minor injuries he had sustained in the incident.

"He had no concern and had not asked once how his wife was," he recalled. "I asked how he was and he replied while smiling and laughing: "I'm okay."

"I thought this was strange, his lack of concern for his wife."

After Ms Hussain was taken to hospital in an ambulance, PC Adesara said he was informed that she had told paramedics that "her husband has thrown lighter fluid on her".

The inquest has previously heard that Waqas Mahmood, Hasnain Mahmood and Mr Safeer were arrested following the incident. No further action was taken against the three men and they were released without charge.

Waqas Mahmood
Waqas Mahmood

Yesterday, the inquest heard that just minutes after his wife ran into the street on fire, Waqas Mahmood phoned his ex-partner, Kierran Kayani, and told her: "I'm going to get done for manslaughter".

Returning to give evidence today, Mr Mahmood said he had called Ms Kayani but only to ask her to come and collect their children. He said she had made up the allegation as she had "got with another partner and wanted me off the scene".

The inquest also heard from Detective Sergeant Mark Evans, who carried out a review of body-worn footage from a police officer at the scene.

In the video, DS Evans said Ms Hussain could be heard saying that she "wants to give a statement". However, he said the comment was not directed towards the officer and it was unlikely they would have heard due to the commotion on the street.

At one stage in the footage, he said Ms Hussain can be heard to say: "Waqas Mahmood is responsible."

Police at the scene in East Street, Bury
Police at the scene in East Street, Bury

The inquest also heard that forensic tests had found DNA matching that of Waqas Mahmood and his brother, Hasnain, on a bottle lid inside the property. The lid is believed to have been removed from a bottle of white spirit.

Ms Hussain's DNA was also found on that lid as well as that of a second bottle, which did not contain traces of Mr Mahmood or his brother's DNA.

Last year, the inquest heard that a lighter found on the living room floor of Ms Hussain's home - yards from where she is believed to have been set alight - had both Waqas Mahmood and Hasnain Mahmood's DNA on it. It is not known whether the lighter was used to set her alight.

Ms Hussain's DNA was not found on that lighter but was on another recovered from the property.

The inquest has been adjourned until September 6 when the coroner Lisa Judge is due to deliver her conclusion.