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The frightening rise of knife crime in Manchester

Around 125 people from the city were admitted to hospital with stab wounds in 2018/19 - up more than a quarter from 95 cases the year before.

(Image: Andy Stenning / Daily Mirror)

Knife crime used to be considered a 'London problem'. Not anymore.

Over the course of just 24-hours, barely six miles apart on the May Bank Holiday this year, for instance - there were three stabbings. One of which was fatal.

Blackley, Gorton and Beswick were hit with the spiralling knife crime epidemic in an horrific Bank Holiday bloodbath.

Police say they are now dealing with an astonishing average of ten knife crimes a day.

Data has also revealed that Manchester has had one of the most acute increases in stabbings over the course of the last year.

Around 125 people from the city were admitted to hospital with stab wounds in 2018/19 - up more than a quarter from 95 cases the year before.

Greater Manchester Police were called by hospital staff(Image: Manchester Evening News)


The figures show a huge increase Manchester stabbings since 2014/15 when there were 50 cases.

There were also more victims recorded in Bury, Trafford, and Wigan last year than the year before.