Dev Pragad: the man who saved the news

Newsweek – for years a byword for undignified decline through its twisting, torturous series of scandals, reversals, missed opportunities, own goals and failed relaunches – is now a brand on the up again. MT meets Dev Pragad, the man who made it happen.

by Adam Gale
Last Updated: 05 Apr 2022

Dev Pragad doesn’t want to talk about the dark times before. It’s quite understandable. Like most turnaround chief executives, he wants to talk about the good times, the revival of his business and its
bright future.

There’s plenty to say about that. Pragad has spent the past five years leading a remarkable transformation at Newsweek, turning a brand that had become synonymous with scandal and the sorry decline of traditional media into a rare success story.

In 2020, Newsweek’s website hit 100 million unique monthly readers, up from seven million at the start of 2017. In 2021, its revenues doubled to $60m. Profits have been growing healthily since 2018, and the company is without debt for the first time in decades.

If Newsweek’s historic arch-rival Time did a media version of its Person of the Year, Pragad would make a great cover. He’s been fêted by the UK government as a British business leader achieving success in the US and recognised by his alma mater King’s College London as an honorary fellow. His transformation of Newsweek was recently the subject of a Harvard Business School case study and he’s still only 37 years old. Of course he wants to talk about it.

Yet there’s more to his reluctance to discuss the years before he became CEO of Newsweek in 2016. Unlike most turnaround leaders, Pragad was there when the business was falling off a cliff.

A US cultural fixture

Newsweek had been a fixture of American cultural life since 1933, when it was founded by Brit Thomas Martyn as an essential complement to the daily newspaper, a place to “explain, expound and clarify” the biggest issues of the times. At its peak in the 1990s, its US circulation reached more than 60 million, nearly a quarter of the population.

Then the internet happened. The media was arguably the first great casualty of digital disruption, and it hit Newsweek particularly hard. How could a weekly news magazine compete with a world of information that was both free and instantaneous? Circulation collapsed, losses mounted and debt spiralled. In 2010, the magazine’s long-time owner The Washington Post sold it for $1, and most people assumed they wouldn’t see it again, except perhaps in a museum of 20th-century life.

Resurrection came in a strange shape. After a few years in bed with the Daily Beast, during which the print magazine ceased publication and the website languished, it was sold again in 2013 to the International Business Times.

IBT was a strange outfit, founded by virgin entrepreneurs Etienne Uzac and Johnathan Davis with the backing of their controversial pastor, David Jang, and intimately connected to Jang’s Christian university, Olivet. Essentially a news aggregator in the Buzzfeed mould, it promised to create a new digital voice in media, and had early success thanks to an aggressive approach to search engine optimisation.

Pragad comes in here. A practising Christian, he knew Uzac and Davis distantly from his student days. Indian-born Pragad, who lived in the Middle East from the ages of 10-17, came to the UK to study computer systems and electronics engineering at university; Uzac and Davis were also studying in London at the time. After completing his PhD in 2009, he had no intention of becoming a media mogul, but was at a crossroads in his life and accepted their offer to start IBT’s UK franchise. Headcount and revenues grew steadily under his direction in the years before IBT acquired Newsweek in 2013.

Over in the US, Uzac’s apparent early successes with IBT, which had been renamed Newsweek Media Group post-acquisition, were beginning to unravel.

As a team of star writers tried to restore Newsweek’s relaunched yet still loss-making print outfit to former glories, the website acquired a reputation for boiler room clickbait.

Behind the veil, things were just as bad. Overspending and underearning, the group was falling further and further into debt, despite being subsidised by Newsweek International, the UK/EMEA arm that Pragad owned and had run independently in London since 2014, but which was nonetheless dependent on the US newsroom for its content and reputation.

In 2016 that reputation took a public hit after Uzac sacked dozens of journalists en masse following a drop in IBT’s revenues. A few months later, following a federal lien over a missed tax bill, the company’s creditors had enough and asked Pragad and a new executive team to take over in New York, with Uzac – still co-owner of the US business with Davis at this point – as chair.

“We inherited a total mess. Lack of management skills, mismanagement, incompetence, you name it,” Pragad recalls. “I remember walking into my first meeting with the editorial team. I’ve never seen such shell-shocked people in my life. I sat down and just spent some time talking with them, saying that we were going to work very hard to turn this around. Let’s be honest, in the beginning no-one believed it. It was a lot of hard work.”

The challenge of solving these legacy problems was compounded not only by the continued presence of the owner, but also by the urgent need to begin a digital transformation of an obsolescent business model.

The first phase in this transformation was to pivot from a print-first to a digital-first strategy. Print runs – and therefore costs – were reduced, and editorial resources directed primarily to create stories for online consumption and distribution. Clicks were still very much the order of the day, but Pragad is unrepentant about the need for a mass-market media brand to maximise views. Newsweek’s survival, he explains, depended on becoming profitable quickly, and that meant hitting much larger advertising revenues.

“You had people who were paid X and producing Y, and Y was substantially less than X. How can you run a business like that? We had to accept market reality. In every other industry that’s the norm, so why not in media?” Pragad says.

The key was to convince writers that there was no such thing as a great story that no-one reads, and to encourage them to embrace data in their editorial decisions, learning which stories found an audience on the major digital platforms like Google, Facebook and Apple News, and which did not.

This was a difficult sell. For example, the leadership team developed a writer impact analysis, which placed journalists on a graph with their number of monthly stories on one axis and views on another, to focus minds on output; the newsroom soon christened it the “quadrant of death”, not exactly a sign of enthusiasm. Pragad acknowledges that certain morale-sapping “quality control issues” also emerged from the continued pursuit of views, most notably a story in 2017 that erroneously – and bizarrely – claimed the wife of the Las Vegas hotel shooter Stephen Paddock was a polygamist.

Nonetheless, the business strategy was starting to work. Unique monthly viewers had increased from seven million in February 2017 to 38 million by the end of that year, lifting ad revenues with them. Yet, unbeknownst to Pragad, Newsweek’s low point was still to come.

Reputation in ruins

On 18 January 2018, the Manhattan District Attorney’s office raided Newsweek’s building in New York, ostensibly over inappropriate financial relations with the Christian university Olivet. Uzac and his wife Marion Kim, the company’s chief financial officer, resigned.

Months later, it was revealed that Uzac had been covering the group’s considerable debts by lying about its accounts – even going so far as to create a fake accountancy to do its audit, borrowing $10m under false pretexts.

Its reputation in ruins, Newsweek was split from IBT in mid-2018. Pragad assumed a majority ownership stake in Newsweek – with Davis, who was not involved in any impropriety, as a silent partner – thereby ending his association with IBT and Uzac, who later pleaded guilty to fraud and money laundering.

The trauma of this time is still evident in Pragad, who was blindsided by Uzac’s actions. He pauses for some time. “Early 2018 was a real challenge. When you’ve started to create momentum and then the past mismanagement of the owners comes back to bite you like that, it’s really demotivating,” he says.

“People don’t see the emotional and psychological toll on leaders. I feel like it’s taken such a psychological toll on me in the last five years.”

Pragad says the experience taught him a lesson about being grounded in your values, and communicating those values relentlessly to the people you work with: “In hindsight I wish I’d been able to draw the line even more publicly between the old management and the new management, between the old ways of doing things and the new ways. Being grounded in your values gives a lot of confidence in what you’re doing and why it is so different from what happened before.”

The final separation from Uzac gave Pragad the ability to draw that line, once and for all, even if the circumstances were far from ideal. Morale was understandably low, not least after Uzac, in a parting blow, sacked the editors and writers who reported the saga in Newsweek itself, something Pragad says he did not condone. Another high-profile editor later resigned in protest at their treatment, writing a public letter to Pragad, which read: “This coup d’grace comes at the end of a string of scandals and missteps during your tenure.” Yet a renewed focus on Newsweek’s values – with a lot of communication – began the healing process.

Pragad looked back to Newsweek’s history to articulate these values and refine its mission. Newsweek would still “explain, expound and clarify” as its founder had intended. Rather than trying to appeal to the centre of politics as it had done, however, it would now aim to speak to and listen to readers across the political spectrum, welcoming diverse views in a spirit of rigorous, respectful and honest debate.

The appointment of former Newsweek veteran Nancy Cooper as the new global editor-in-chief was a key decision. She helped to define editorial principles and affirm that article quality was no longer to be seen as an inconvenience in the pursuit of web traffic. Instead, the emphasis would be on “impact”, which meant stories had to be both widely read and valuable once read.

At this stage, impact meant original, relevant, timely, well-sourced reporting guided by data about what readers wanted. As Cooper wrote in an email to the editorial team in 2019: “It’s pretty basic. We are a news publisher operating in an extremely competitive environment. We don’t want fewer stories or slower stories, just to make every story we do better.”

Web traffic continued to grow, but so did the reliability and quality of the reporting. Pragad proudly points to an open database of story corrections that Cooper established: “When she took over, there were a lot of corrections; today, there are hardly any.”

Away from the newsroom, Newsweek’s digital transformation also began to pick up in fairly dramatic fashion, thanks to a series of lucrative commercial partnerships.

The first was in 2019, with Engine Media Group. Founded by Tom Rogers, who previously set up CNBC and MSNBC, Engine provided sophisticated programmatic advertising capabilities without Newsweek having to spend millions on scaling its own team and technologies. Pragad says the deal accelerated growth while reducing risk, adding that it will have been worth more than $100m in additional revenues over its first three years.

The second was with Google Cloud, which worked with Newsweek to develop an industry-leading AI recommendation engine, serving readers personalised stories that were more likely to result in further engagement. Newsweek’s click-through rates increased by 50-75% between early 2020 and August 2021 as a result, with revenue per visit increasing by a factor of 10.

A studious approach

Pragad has something of the eternal student to him, which makes him an engaging conversationalist. His eyes light up when he talks about things he’s learned or people he’s learned from, and this happens a lot. For example, he credits his ability to get through the crisis years at Newsweek in part to the work of Stanford neuroscientist Professor Andrew Huberman, who suggested that controlling your breathing during cold showers is a good way of practising staying calm under intense pressure.

“If you’re able to remain calm, you can always see the path forward. Because when the chaos hits you, there’s always still a clear path – it’s just that the chaos distracts you from seeing it,” Pragad explains. Incidentally, he says somewhat wryly, he did take daily cold showers for a period of two years in New York after hearing Huberman’s ideas, even in winter.

When discussing the challenges of running a business in the limelight, he points with admiration to the self-belief of Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, and with sympathy to the toughness of Princess Cruises CEO Jan Swartz, whose stranded ship the Diamond Princess attracted a great deal of unwanted attention during the first wave of the Covid pandemic.

He can also talk for hours about the finer points of the technology underpinning the mobile internet – the subject of his PhD – and still has lunch with his old supervisor when he’s in London.

In his life before entering the media industry, Pragad was a voracious consumer of education, waking up at 3am to study before school, later requesting to do a master’s level thesis in place of an undergraduate thesis because it was too easy. It wasn’t too surprising, therefore, that he went back to study in his later professional life, starting the Owner/President Management Programme at Harvard Business School in 2020.

It was at Harvard that he encountered the idea of kaizen, the influential theory of continual improvement that famously transformed Toyota into the world’s biggest car company. “For me that was a mind-blowing concept. Even on a personal level, as human beings, you continuously want to improve, to become a better person tomorrow than you are today, to do things better than you’re able to do today,” says Pragad, who introduced the idea to Newsweek.

Do lean manufacturing principles really apply to news? Absolutely, Pragad insists. It comes back to using data to improve impact and efficiency. “If you’re able to take your staff on a journey of continuous improvement, and you’re able to provide all the tools and skills needed to succeed, why would they not be on board for the journey?”

It’s an approach that doesn’t work for everyone, and he admits some have left, but Pragad says that being clear and unapologetic about your values simultaneously helps to attract people who will thrive in the environment you’re trying to create.

Another very important idea encountered at Harvard was Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), the stretch goal management system that originated with Intel’s Andy Grove, and which remains popular in Silicon Valley.

“I came to realise the power of big, ambitious numbers, because research has shown time and time again that teams and companies that set big ambitious goals always outperform those that do not,” Pragad explains.

With the help of the Google Cloud team, he led Newsweek’s pilot OKR in Q4 2020, with the goal of increasing advertising revenue 55% over the year before. “That was a huge stretch goal, in a pandemic year. But we actually exceeded it slightly. By definition you’re not supposed to meet a stretch goal. That’s when we realised we had been massively underestimating ourselves.”

Pragad credits OKRs with creating a change in mindset, making clear that business as usual was not an option. He says the framework has unleashed the creativity to take the business to the next stage of growth, breaking down silos between teams. Because objectives are both transparent and mutually dependent, the overall goals will only be met if everyone participates, which has surfaced numerous opportunities to improve performance.

The process has been rolled out across commercial, operations and editorial – where in the latest step towards data-led journalism, the team has created a simple scoring tool to quantify the impact of a story based on things like other news outlets picking it up, or governments taking decisions as a direct response to it (breaking Watergate would score highly; cat videos would not). The framework has been so successful that he now plans to apply OKRs to everything the business does, including “back office” functions like HR.

A brighter future?

Newsweek broke even in 2019, and has been debt free since 2021, when it doubled its revenues. The company is investing in its journalism and its technology, and Pragad has set yet another ambitious target, to double again in 2022, which would make it a $120m business.

In terms of securing the company’s future, Pragad is cooling on his original idea of pivoting from an advertising to a subscriptions revenue model, simply because of the speed with which the ad side is growing, but he does see opportunities in ecommerce partnerships and in leveraging AI across the business.

However you look at it, Newsweek is now a brand on the up again. Even its many critics, among them quite a few former Newsweek journalists, have been quieter of late.

The Harvard case study of Pragad’s time as CEO makes it look easy – but it wasn’t, and he remains conscious of the cost of leadership to wellbeing. Nonetheless, for all the difficulty, he describes the events of the past few years as among the best experiences of his life. And, finally out of crisis mode, he’s hungry to go further.

“Newsweek still has such a long way to go. We still need two or three years of immensely hardy work to double, triple, quadruple the business and be incredibly influential. The only limitation is our ambition.”

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£55000 - £65000 per annum + car allow, bonus, bens and 30 days holiday

Henlee Resourcing

Reporting to an engaging and developmental People Director, the purpose of the role is to create a sense of belonging, teamwork, vision, community and purpose around the people agenda.

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HRBP - North of England and Scotland

Edinburgh, Scotland

£55000 - £65000 per annum + car allow, bonus, bens and 30 days holiday

Henlee Resourcing

Reporting to an engaging and developmental People Director, the purpose of the role is to create a sense of belonging, teamwork, vision, community and purpose around the people agenda.

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HRBP - North of England and Scotland

Leeds, England

£55000 - £65000 per annum + car allow, bonus, bens and 30 days holiday

Henlee Resourcing

Reporting to an engaging and developmental People Director, the purpose of the role is to create a sense of belonging, teamwork, vision, community and purpose around the people agenda.

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Executive Director


£65,000 to £80,000


International health charity seeking an Executive Director with inspirational leadership, to build partnerships and deliver our strategic plan.

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Head of Commissioned Partnerships

London (hybrid working)

£55000 - £60000 per annum

Mental Health Innovations

Head of Commissioned Partnerships London (hybrid working) About Us We are Mental Health Innovations (MHI), a digital mental health charity that dev...

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IT Procurement Manager - Global Law Firm


GBP70000 - GBP75000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Role: Senior IT Procurement Manager Type: 9 Month FTC Location: Leeds - x2 days a week Firm: Global Law Firm Day Rate: £70,000 - £75,000 Contact

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HR Data and Systems Manager

Bristol, England

£47000.00 - £52000.00 per annum + full range of benefits


HR Data and Systems Manager, up to £52k pa + benefits, permanent, great organisation, hybrid, Bristol office. Large leading Bristol organisation which offers knows their people are their strength.

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Procurement Category Manager - Technology


GBP65000 - GBP75000 per annum + + Benefits

Bramwith Consulting

Highly regarded Technology organisation seeks an experience technology procurement candidate to join a newly created role in their expanding procurement function.

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National Lead of Operational Learning & Development


SCP 65-69 (£73,137 - £79,402)

Oasis Community Learning

We are offering a unique and exciting opportunity to become an influential leader within one of the largest trusts in the UK.

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Director of Human Resources



University of Sussex

Having challenged convention since its foundation in 1961, the University of Sussex was created to be life-changing for its students, to deliver pr...

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Head of Human Resources

London (Greater)

£85000 - 95000 per year +

UK Debt Management Office

About the organisation The UK Debt Management Office (“DMO”) is an Executive Agency of Her Majesty's Treasury (“HMT”) responsible for financing the...

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Head of Value Propositions and Innovation



Michael Page (Client Branded)

This is an exciting newly created role Coach and lead a team of 12 people About Our Client For over 140 years City & Guilds have worked with peo...

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Head of Brand Strategy (corporate)

London (Central), London (Greater)

up to £100k

Corporate Communications Recruitment

An award winning global integrated agency with a strong corporate branding offer are looking to hire a head of brand strategy. Great opportunity!

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Heaton Moor, Stockport

£62,000 per annum


The Chief Executive role for the Charity is to work on behalf of the Board of Trustees to develop and deliver the business plan and business strate...

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Head of Governance and Executive Office

Office-based in London, N4 with flexibility to work remotely, minimum 2 days in the office per month

£67,678 - £72,753 FTE (Actual: £40,606.80 - £43,651.80 per annum) plus excellent benefits

MS Society

Our Head of Governance and Executive Office leads on ensuring that we maintain the highest standards of governance, demonstrating practice across...

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Development Director

Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB2

£75,000 - £85,000 with flexibility for an outstanding candidate


Our client is looking for an exceptional individual to be their next Development Director following the retirement of the current post-holder.

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Senior Procurement Manager / Technology / Global Law-Firm


GBP550 - GBP625 per day +

Bramwith Consulting

9 MONTH INTERIM OPPORTUNITY £550-625p/day - Senior Procurement Manager - Technology - Global Law Firm - Leeds & Hybrid working This globally recognise

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Opportunity to train with a leading global fundraising consultancy

Home based

£51,000 plus performance related bonus of £2,500 in 2024

THINK Consulting Solutions

Motivated by a continual stream of new challenges? Love to problem solve? Committed to helping teams and individuals deliver top quality fundraising?

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Chief Executive

St Wilfrid’s Hospice, Eastbourne

£90,000 - £95,000 + pension + benefits

St Wilfrid's Hospice

Chief Executive St Wilfrid’s Hospice, Eastbourne Full-time £90,000 - £95,000 + pension + benefits St Wilfrid’s Hospice is the local hospice for the...

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Procurement Consulting Opportunities / Leading Boutique


GBP65000 - GBP80000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement Consulting opportunities - Market Leading Procurement Boutique Consultancy - Private Equity Backed - London + Travel - £65-80k + Package

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Strategic Procurement Manager - Packaging - Global FMCG


GBP50000 - GBP60000 per annum + + Package + Flexi Working

Bramwith Consulting

Strategic Procurement Manager - Packaging - Global and Iconic FMCG brand Location: London/Remote Salary: £50-60k + package

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Interim Indirect Procurement Specialist


GBP550 - GBP600 per day +

Bramwith Consulting

This rapidly growing online commerce business is looking for short-term support until the end of the year to help during a peak period of contract negotiations.

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Senior Procurement Manager / Technology / Global Law-Firm


GBP70000 - GBP75000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

9-Month FTC - Senior Procurement Manager - Technology - Global Law Firm - Leeds & Hybrid working - £550-625p/dayThis globally recognised law firm, ren

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Senior Procurement Manager / Indirects / Global Law-Firm


GBP70000 - GBP75000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement Manager- Global Leading Law Firm - FTC - 6 Months- Leeds Based- **£500-600/Day Inside IR35**

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Senior IT Procurement Manager 9 month FTC


GBP600 - GBP625 per day +

Bramwith Consulting

Senior IT Procurement Manager- Global Leading Law Firm - FTC - 9 Months- Leeds Based- **£625/Day Inside IR35**

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Assistant Director, HR Business Partnering

London (Central), London (Greater)

£75000 - 100000 per year +

City of London

We are the City of whatever we make it… A career with the City of London Corporation is a career like no other. We are based at the heart of one th...

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Assistant Director, Organizational Development & Talent

London (Central), London (Greater)

£75000 - 100000 per year +

City of London

We are the City of whatever we make it… A career with the City of London Corporation is a career like no other. We are based at the heart of one th...

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Client Services Director

Remote (UK)

Up to £90k DOE plus benefits


Are you the senior client services pro this really warm and friendly creative agency need?

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Assistant Director, HR Operations

London (Greater)

£75000 - 100000 per year +

City of London

We are the City of whatever we make it… A career with the City of London Corporation is a career like no other. We are based at the heart of one th...

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Senior HR Business Partner

London, England



HR Business Partner London - Hyrbid £70kpa

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HR Business Partner

Brighton, England

£300.00 - £400.00 per day


A 6 month temporary HR BP based in Brighton (hybrid), £300-£400 per day

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Marketing Lead


£65000 - £75000 per annum

Major Players

Marketing Lead/Head of Marketing - Tech Marketing Lead/Head of Marketing - The Company My client is an extremely successful start-up within Tech (SaaS

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HR Systems and Information Lead

Hybrid working


Imperial College London

We are urgently seeking an experienced HR System and Information Lead that can provide strong leadership to our HR Systems team, during a project p...

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Associate Director (Summer School and Executive Education)



London School of Economics

Play a leading role in delivering a key part of LSE's 2030 vision and strategy Be part of a highly successful and commercially driven team About...

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Art Director / Creative - client side / in-house role

London (Central), London (Greater)

£70k - £75k + benefits / flexible working

MODA Consult

This beautiful brand is looking for an Art Director / Creative to work within their in-house team. Outstanding interior design / furniture brand.

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Partnership Director

London (Central), London (Greater)

£70k Basic + £30k OTE plus benefits

MODA Consult

This is such an exciting role, a Partnership Director working with tech platforms, at a leading digital / commerce agency. Something really different!

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HR Manager 14mth FTC

London, England

£50000.00 - £55000.00 per annum


HR Manager London - Hybrid 14mth FTC Immediate Start

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IT Procurement Manager - Sustainable Technology Firm


GBP80000 - GBP85000 per annum + bonus + home working

Bramwith Consulting

IT Procurement Manager - Sustainable Technology Firm Location: Remote with option to go into office in Central London Salary: £80-85,000 plus package

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Business Director - 2 roles at varying levels

London - Hybrid working, 3 days in the office 2 days at home

£75k - £85k dependent on experience and great benefits

MODA Consult

2 fantastic opportunities at this top creative agency at Business Director level. We need someone with strong CRM / customer engagement experience.

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Business Director x 2 roles

London - Hybrid working, 3 days in the office 2 days at home

£85k - £100k dependent on experience and great benefits

MODA Consult

2 fantastic opportunities at this top creative agency at Business Director level. Opportunity to work with some of the best in the business.

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HR Manager / Senior HR Business Partner

Birmingham, England

£60000.00 - £65000.00 per annum + Excellent Benefits

Wright Solutions

This is an interesting opportunity to join a smaller but highly successful UK business working as a strategically minded HR Business Partner.

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Early Talent Programs Senior Associate

City of London, England

£50000.00 - £60000.00 per annum


A Global Rating Agency in the hub of the Financial Market for Early Talent Programme Lead

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International Pensions Senior Manager

London, England

£80000.00 - £100000.00 per annum + Bonus, cash allowance, hybrid, flex


The International Pensions tax team advises employers, employees, and trustees of pension plans on tax treatment for distributions from and contributions to International Pension Plans.

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Senior Reward Manager - Tax

London, England

£80000.00 - £100000.00 per annum + Bonus, cash allowance, hybrid, flex


The role would suit an existing Manager with demonstrated experience in employment tax advisory and compliance work. Employee share plan and global mobility experience would, whilst not essential, be an advantage.

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Project Management Lead (Mobilisation)

Blended between office and home (England and Wales)

Salary: £56,214 plus London Allowance of £3,520 if applicable

Citizens Advice

We are looking for an experienced project/programme manager with a demonstrable track record in successfully delivering major change initiatives.

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Senior Benefits Manager

London, England

£55000.00 - £70000.00 per annum + Bonus, hybrid, negotiable


The purpose of this role is to manage the Global Benefits Operations across all locations.

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Benefits & Wellbeing Manager

London, England

£50000.00 - £65000.00 per annum + Bonus, hybrid & flexi, negotiable


The firm takes very seriously the physical and mental health of its employees and partners.

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Benefits & Wellbeing Manager

London, England

£50000.00 - £65000.00 per annum + Bonus, hybrid & flexi, negotiable


The firm takes very seriously the physical and mental health of its employees and partners.

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HR Director

Slough, England

£105000.00 - £115000.00 per annum + 20% bonus, car allowance


Excellent HR Director opportunity. Up to £115k + bonus + car allowance. Hybrid working.

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Senior Procurement Consultant / Best-In-Class


GBP60000 - GBP75000 per annum + Bonus

Bramwith Consulting

Senior Indirect Procurement Consultant / FTSE 250 Consultancy Organisation / Rapid Career Progression / Home Based Contract / £60,000 - £75,000 + Benefits inc. Bonus

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CAPEX Category Manager - Global Utilities Company

Saudi Arabia

GBP60000 - GBP70000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement Category Buyer - CAPEX (Engineering & Construction) - Global Consultancy - Global Waste Management Project - 20-35,000 SAR - Riyadh Saudi

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Major Waste Management/Utilities project - Category Manager

Saudi Arabia

GBP70000 - GBP80000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Leading Saudi Arabian Utilities company - Major construction project Role: Buyer Salary: 25-35,000 SAR Location: Saudi Arabia This Leading Procuremen

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Procurement Senior Manager - Global Blue-Chip


GBP60000 - GBP70000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

World renowned professional services firmRole: Senior Consultant - Indirect GeneralistLocation: London - WFH / Occasional travelSalary: £60-70k + Pack

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Professional Services Category Manager


GBP75000 - GBP90000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Global Category Manager- Professional Services - FTSE100 Major - London - £90k + PackageOver the last 5 years, this prestigious consultancy major have

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Procurement Specialist


GBP55000 - GBP65000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement Consultant Role- Leading Top 100- Forbes Procurement and Supply Chain Consultancy Specialist- £65K+ Exciting Benefits Prestigious Central London Office Location.

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Safeguarding Trustee

Flexible location


Save the Children

Are you motivated by our vision of creating a world where every child doesn't just survive, but thrives, and can go on to change the world?

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Grade 10 - £63,673 to £69,561 (appointment is normally made at lowest point on scale)


The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education - EAUC - has a unique opportunity to be our CEO. Are you that person?

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Deputy Young Transport Workers Officer (London)


Starting at £54,879 – £64,730 (plus a bonus of 1/12th of annual salary)

International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)

The Deputy Young Transport Workers Officer, based in our London office will develop strategies for organising young transport workers, ensuring tha...

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Innovative Procurement Manager - Media Production


GBP55000 - GBP65000 per annum + + Package

Bramwith Consulting

This global media organisation are currently undergoing an exciting transformative period, and are seeking a Strategic Procurement Management to drive strategy for the procurement on the largest television and entertainment projects in the organisation's

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HRIS Specialist

London, England

£50000.00 - £65000.00 per annum + Bonus, negotiable, work abroad


This is a fully autonomous role, where you will have full ownership to design, implement, and bring to life an established but underutilised HRIS system.

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Head of Human Resources - Part Time

SW3 6JJ, London (Greater)

£60,000 - £70,000 FTE + Benefits


Job description Job Purpose The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity (RMCC) raises money solely to support The Royal Marsden, a world-leading cancer centre...

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Head of People

Wallington, London (Greater)

Cognus Band 6 £39,872.04 (0.6 FTE of £66,454.84)

Cognus Limited

We are looking for a highly motivated and experienced Head of People to lead our HR department, develop our teams and provide strategic direction.

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Construction Category Manager


£570 per day (inside IR35)

Langley Search & Interim

The Opportunity:-   Our client is currently recruiting for an interim Construction Category Manager to deliver commercial strategy and tendering / ...

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Senior Indirect Procurement Consultant / FTSE 250


GBP60000 - GBP75000 per annum + Bonus

Bramwith Consulting

Senior Indirect Procurement Consultant / FTSE 250 Consultancy Organisation / Rapid Career Progression / Home Based Contract / £60,000 - £75,000 + Benefits inc. Bonus

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HR Business Partner - Hybrid Working

Salisbury, England

£47000 - £53000 per hour

Morgan Law

Are you an experienced HR Business Partner with Public Sector experience who can commute to Salisbury 2-3 days a week? Are you available to start a new interim role at relative short notice? If so please apply today.

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Global Mobility Senior Manager

London, England

£70000.00 - £95000.00 per annum + Bonus, cash allowance, negotiable


We are looking for a Senior Manager to join our Financial Services Global Mobility Services (GMS) Technology team in London. Our Global Mobility Service (GMS) practice is a diverse and fast-growing area of our Tax business.

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Junior Business Partner

London, England



Your new company This company is one of the world's leading technology communication companies. They have a large international presence, leveraging 12,000 employees in the UK alone.

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Head of External Affairs: Fair By Design

London (Central), London (Greater)

£47,013-£56,415 pa + up to 10% contributory pension

Barrow Cadbury Trust

Seeking a talented individual with an outstanding track record of successfully delivering impactful communications and public affairs strategies.

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Associate Director – B2B technology PR


£65000 - £80000 per annum

Media Contacts

Are you an Associate Director ready to change agencies? Looking to work with industry defining clients? Are you an individual with the ambition to become...

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HR Manager

Tewkesbury, England

£45000.00 - £55000.00 per annum + full range of benefits


HR Manager, to £55k pa + bens, hybrid working, Tewkesbury based organisation, HR generalist post, perm. Proud to be the exclusive recruitment partner for a superb leading,well established and growing retail organisation.

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Procurement Specialist


GBP50000 - GBP65000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Direct Procurement Specialist- Leading Automotive Firm- £40-50K+ Package- London Based Procurement Consultant Role- Leading Top 100- Forbes Procurement and Supply Chain Consultancy Specialist- £65K+ Exciting Benefits Prestigious Central Lo

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MD for an ambitious PR agency

London (Greater)

£120,000 - £150,000

f1 Recruitment

An incredible opportunity for an MD to join this award winning integrated agency. Reporting into the CEO, this is an exciting opportunity to lead t...

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HR & OD Business Partner

London, England

£54223 - £60316 per annum

Morgan Law

Are you an experienced HR Business Partner looking for a new challenge? With a refreshed HR & OD Strategy and senior leadership team this is a great time to join.

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Head of Development

Clerkenwell, London

£45-50k per annum

Art Angel Trust

The role has a strong understanding of the funding landscape in the UK and has successfully fundraised from trusts and foundations and private patrons

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Head of HR

Oxfordshire, England

£50000 - £60000 per annum


A newly created Head of HR role within a post-transformation setting.

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Procurement Manager - Travel and Events

New York

USD120000 - USD130000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement Manager - Travel and Events Procurement - $120,000 - $130,000 - Global Leader in Food and Beverage - RemoteIf you want to hear more about

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HRIS Project Manager (iTrent)

London, England

£400 - £500 per day

Morgan Law

1 My London based healthcare client is looking for an experience HRIS Project Manager (iTrent) to join the team on an interim basis. (Hybrid working)

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Director of Communications



Avon & Somerset Police

We support the lives of millions of people across our diverse communities, and have a workforce of over 6,000 inspiring and dedicated staff,

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Head of Digital

City of London, London / London

£100000 - £120000 per annum

Major Players

Head of Digital (B2B Marketing)**NEW ROLE** The CompanyAn international law firm with an exceptionally strong brand platform and a reputation for exce

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Interim Head of HR

City of London, England

£70000 - £75000 per annum

Morgan Law

We are looking for a Head of HR to join a unique organisation in central London for 12 months.

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FM / Construction Procurement Manager - Global FTSE 250

Dublin City Centre

EUR75000 - EUR85000 per annum + bonus + flexi working

Bramwith Consulting

FM & Construction Procurement Manager - Global FTSE 250 FMCG - 85,000 EURO + package Location: Berkshire (flexible working available)

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Procurement Manager - Production and Special Projects


GBP55000 - GBP60000 per annum + + Package

Bramwith Consulting

This global media organisation are currently undergoing an exciting transformative period, and are seeking a Strategic Procurement Management to drive strategy for the procurement on the largest television and entertainment projects in the organisation's

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Strategic Procurement Manager - Packaging - Global FMCG


GBP50000 - GBP60000 per annum + + Package + Flexi Working

Bramwith Consulting

Strategic Procurement Manager - Packaging - Global and Iconic FMCG brand Location: London/Remote Salary: £50-60k + package

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Procurement Officer - Global Mega City


GBP50000 - GBP60000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement Officer - Flagship Mega Project in Saudi Arabia - Raw Materials and Direct Procurement - Riyadh - 15-20,000 SAR per month + benefits - ARA

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FM Procurement Manager - Global FTSE 250 FMCG


GBP75000 - GBP80000 per annum + bonus + flexi working

Bramwith Consulting

FM Procurement Manager - Global FTSE 250 FMCG - £80,000 + package Location: Berkshire (flexible working available)

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Recruitment Partner - Technology / Digital

Swindon, England

£45000 - £55000 per annum + bonus, benefits package & hybrid working

Henlee Resourcing

We are looking for you to be a great team-player who enjoys working with others to achieve exceptional team results.

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Procurement & Supply Chain - Management Consultants


GBP70000 - GBP90000 per annum + bonus + excellent package

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement & Supply Chain - Management Consultants - Multiple Opportunities Rapidly Growing Management Consultancy London + Flexibility + Some Travel £70,000 - 90,000 (depending on experience)

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Director of Finance and Operations

London (Greater)

£77,500 - £85,000


We are looking for a strategic inspiring leader with substantial experience in delivering financial and operational leadership.

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Global Hard FM Procurement Manager


GBP70000 - GBP80000 per annum + bonus + excellent package

Bramwith Consulting

Global Hard FM Procurement Manager - Global FMCG - London - £70,000 - £80,000 + Package

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Senior Facilities (FM) Procurement Manager


GBP75000 - GBP85000 per annum + Package, Rapid Progression

Bramwith Consulting

Senior Facilities (FM) Procurement Manager - Global Property Giant - London - £75,000 - £85,000 + Package

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Procurement Manager - Travel and Events

New York

USD120000 - USD130000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Generating over $600 million in annual revenue, this dynamic food and beverage organization are undergoing progressive internal transformation - buil

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Head of Innovation and Partnerships (Health)


£50520 - £51468 Per Annum

NFP People

Head of Innovation and Partnerships (Health) We have an exciting opportunity for a Head of Innovation and Partnerships to drive innovation to support the work in integrated health and care delivery, and progress opportunities to build new partners

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Taxation Accountant

Sandy, Bedfordshire (Hybrid)

£42,768.00 - £52,124.00 per annum


This role will become the charity's internal tax expert, providing advice on all taxes that affect the organisation and its entities.

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Head of Business Development


£49584 - £50520 Per Annum

NFP People

We have an exciting opportunity for a Head of Business Development to deliver the charity’s ambitious business development goals.

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Finance Manager (maternity cover, 15 months)

E2 9DA, London (Greater)

£50 - £60k depending on experience

ISEAL Alliance

ISEAL is looking for an experienced and motivated 15-month maternity cover for the position of Finance Manager. The role encompasses all responsibi...

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Director of Talent & Learning

Essex (Hybrid)

C£90,000 basic salary plus Excellent Benefits

Astrum HR Search & Selection

Essex (Hybrid: 2/3 days per week Essex with travel/WFH) Our client is a multi-site, fast paced service organisation with strong values. The busines...

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Global Indirect Procurement Specialist


GBP50000 - GBP60000 per annum + Excellent Bonus, Rapid Progression

Bramwith Consulting

Global Indirect Procurement Specialist - World-Leading Professional Services Organisation - London + Flex. - £50,000 - £60,000 + Excellent Package

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Head of People and Organisational Development

Location: Bridgwater College Academy

Salary: £65,000 - £75,000 per annum

Bridgwater & Taunton College

Bridgwater and Taunton College Trust is seeking to recruit an outstanding colleague to the position of Head of People and Organisational Development.

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Head Of Procurement

St Helena Island, South Atlantic

£75k pa (Salary of £60k pa, plus International Supplement)

St Helena Government

Enjoying unique lifestyle opportunities, St Helena Island is a self-governing overseas territory of the United Kingdom.

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Contract Manager

St Helena Island, South Atlantic

£60k pa (Salary of £45k pa, plus International Supplement)

St Helena Government

Enjoying unique lifestyle opportunities, St Helena Island is a self-governing overseas territory of the United Kingdom.

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ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR | Corporate Reputation, Brands

London (Central), London (Greater)

£75,000 - £80,000

Carter Ferris

This global communications agency is seeking a proven corporate and business media strategist, with solid editorial relationships and deep expertis...

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Associate Director / Senior Associate Director – Energy & Sustainability

London (Central)

Depending on experience

Premier Resourcing UK

Associate Director / Senior Associate Director – Energy & Sustainability GV5409 Exciting London agency looking to recruit someone with publ...

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Director (Financial PR - Tech, Natural Resources, Financial Services )

London (Greater)

Up to £150'000 + benefits

Brook Street

Director (Financial PR - Tech, Natural Resources, Financial Services ). Leading Corporate & Financial PR Agency. Competitive Salary.

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Procurement Manager - Strategic TV Production


GBP60000 - GBP65000 per annum + + Package

Bramwith Consulting

This global media organisation are currently undergoing an exciting transformative period, and are seeking a Strategic Procurement Management to drive strategy for the procurement on the largest television and entertainment projects in the organisation's

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Head of People, Organisational Development and the Workplace

Hybrid Working with Head Office at Euston, London NW1 1BS

Circa £80,000 pa plus excellent benefits

Origin Housing

Origin Housing are now seeking an exceptional individual to join them as their new Head of People, Organisational Development and the Workplace.

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Specialist Procurement Consultant opportunity, Saudi Arabia


GBP60000 - GBP75000 per annum + living allowances

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement Lead opportunity - Flagship Mega Project in Saudi Arabia - Renewable Energy & Sustainable Technologies - Saudi Arabia - 25,000-35,000 SAR

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Senior Procurement Manager / Indirects / Global Law-Firm


GBP70000 - GBP75000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Senior Procurement Manager - Indirects - Global Law Firm - Leeds & Hybrid working - £70-75k + package This globally recognised law firm, renowned for

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Procurement Consulting Opportunities / Leading Boutique


GBP65000 - GBP80000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement Consulting opportunities - Market Leading Procurement Boutique Consultancy - Private Equity Backed - London + Travel - £65-80k + Package

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Strategic Sourcing Manager - International TV Production


GBP60000 - GBP65000 per annum + + Package

Bramwith Consulting

This global media organisation are currently undergoing an exciting transformative period, and are seeking a Strategic Procurement Management to drive strategy for the procurement on the largest television and entertainment projects in the organisation's

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Senior Media Relations Manager

London (Central)

Premier Resourcing UK

Senior Media Relations Manager Seeking a new in-house challenge leading a team to create and deliver media relations strategies for a global profes

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Interim Resourcing Advisor

London, England

£350.00 - £400.00 per day


Your new role You will be joining this multinational market leading brand as they prepare to launch an exciting new project across the UK.

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Senior Manager - Pay & Reward

Hybrid flexible working with office locations nationally

£55000 - £65000 per annum + generous benefits

Morgan Law

My highly respected national Charity client has an exciting opportunity for an experienced Pay and Reward specialist to join their organisation.

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Senior HR Advisor

Bournemouth, England

£20.58 - £28.64 per hour


Seeking an experienced HR Advisor / Senior ER Advisor to join a large organisation managing a complex case load of ER 3-6 months +

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Programme Manager


£55k per year

Harris Hill

Implement key organisational change initiatives which are critical to the achievement of the Charity's strategic aims and objectives.

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Director of People & Operations

Hybrid working. Largely home-based, some in-person expected. Some flexibility for hot-desk locations



Are you an ambitious, innovative, and values-led leader who could form a key part of this charity's Senior Leadership Team?

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Account Director


£400 - £450 per day

Major Players

Account Director

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Head of Finance

London (Greater)

£52,404 - £62,573


We are looking for a Head of Finance to lead on the development and implementation of financial strategy, financial planning and budgeting

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Head of P2P Outsourcing (BPO)


EUR100000.00 - EUR120000.00 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

This international FinTech organization provides technology and consulting services to its clients around the world including the implementation of customized Procure-to-Pay (P2P) and Source-to-Contract (S2C) solutions that digitize and simplify purchasin

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Indirect Marketing Procurement Manager / Best-in-Class


GBP60000 - GBP70000 per annum + Bonus

Bramwith Consulting

Indirect Marketing Procurement Manager / FMCG / Nationally Loved Brand / London / £60,000 - £70,000 + Benefits inc. Bonus

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Resourcing and Data Analytics Manager

City of London, England

£65000.00 - £80000.00 per annum


Resourcing and Data Analytics Manager, Leading FTSE 250 Firm, London, Hybrid, Permanent, 65K - 80K

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Head of HR/HR Director

Abingdon, England

£75000.00 - £100000.00 per annum


We are looking for a Head of HR/HRD with M&A experience to join our life science client in Oxfordshire.

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Category Manager


GBP60000 - GBP70000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Senior Procurement Category Manager- Global FMCG London Based- £60-70K + Package

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Flagship project - Procurement Buyer - Tech

Saudi Arabia

GBP60000 - GBP80000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement Buyer- (IT, Hardware, Software) (Multiple Roles) - Working with a leading Global Procurement Consultancy on a Flagship Project in Saudi

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Major Waste Management/Utilities project - Category Manager

Saudi Arabia

GBP70000 - GBP80000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Leading Saudi Arabian Utilities company - Major construction project Role: Buyer Salary: 25-30,000 SAR Location: Riyadh This Leading Procurement & S

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Interim Benefits Manager EMEA

London, England

£300.00 - £600.00 per day


Interim Benefits Manager EMEA - Financial services - London Hybrid Competitive day rate - inside scope of IR35 Interim Benefits job Interim Benefits Specialist Interim Benefits Consultant

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Interim HR Talent Partner / HR Business Partner

London, England

£275.00 - £400.00 per day


Interim HR Talent Partner / HR Business Partner (Talent focus) -London Hybrid -Immediate start - Inside scope Support design and implementation of the Talent Management related modules on Success Factors. £300-375 per day

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Procurement Category Manager - Indirects


GBP60000 - GBP70000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Global Procurement CPS Lead - £multibillion FMCG Major - LONDON / WFH - £70-77k + Car and other package details Global FMCG brand is seeking a bright

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Global Procurement Category Manager - Logistics


GBP75000 - GBP85000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement Category Manager - Warehousing & Transport Logistics - Global Consultancy Major - £80k + Car & Bonus + Excellent Benefits Package - REMOTE

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Global Procurement Category Manager - Professional Services


GBP70000 - GBP80000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Title: Procurement Category Manager - Professional Services and Business IntelligenceCompany: Global FTSE 100 Financial Services FirmLocation: WFH - L

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Interim HP BP - Technology

London, England

£427.00 - £518.00 per day


Interim HR BP to support a Tech population - 9-12 months + - London Hybrid up to £518 per day inside scope Interim HR Business Partner job Immediate start

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Regional HR BP - 12 M FTC

London, England

£65000.00 - £70000.00 per annum


Interim Regional HR BP - 12 month FTC - Facilities Management - London - c£65,000 - £70,000 plus car allowance Interim HR BP - 12 month FTC - Facilities Management - London - c£65,000 - £70,000 plus car allowance Interim Human Resources Business Partn

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Interim Reward Manager

London, England

£400.00 - £500.00 per day


Interim Reward Manager - Global Law Firm - London/Remote - up to £500 per day inside scope Interim Reward Manager - Global Law Firm - London/Remote - up to £500 per day inside scope

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Procurement Consultant


GBP60000 - GBP65000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement Consultant - Forbes Top 100 Procurement and Supply Chain Consultancy Specialist-£65K+ Exciting Benefits- Prestigious Central London Office Location Procurement Consultant Forbes Top 100 Procurement and Supply Chain Consultancy Speciali

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Talent Acquisition Partner - Technology

City of London, England

£50000.00 - £55000.00 per annum


An international Investment Management Firm

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Procurement - Managing Consultant


GBP40000 - GBP60000 per annum + package

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement - Managing Consultant - Global FTSE 100 Professional Services Firm - London - £40 - 60k + Excellent Benefits Package

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Global Procurement Consultant (multiple roles)


GBP30000 - GBP60000 per annum + package

Bramwith Consulting

Global Procurement Consultant (multiple roles) - Management Consultancy - London - £30,000 - £60,000 + Excellent Package + Personalised Career Plan + State of the Art Offices

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Global Junior Procurement Consultant

City of London

GBP40000 - GBP60000 per annum + package

Bramwith Consulting

Global Junior Procurement Consultant - GNFR- International FMCG Firm - London - £40,000 - £60,000 - Excellent Package - Fast Track Career Progression

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Strategic Sourcing Manager, IT & Technology

Dublin City Centre

EUR60000 - EUR90000 per annum + bonus + benefits

Bramwith Consulting

Strategic Sourcing Manager, IT & Technology - Global FTSE 100 FMCG Player - Dublin- £50,000 - €90,000 + Bonus & Benefits

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Procurement Category Manager, HR & Professional Services

Dublin City Centre

EUR60000 - EUR90000 per annum + bonus + benefits

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement Category Manager, HR & Professional Services - Iconic Brand - Dublin with Flexible Working - €90,000 + Benefits

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IT Procurement Team Lead


EUR60000 - EUR80000 per annum + package

Bramwith Consulting

IT Procurement Team Lead - Global FTSE 100 Conglomerate - Amsterdam - €80,000 + Package

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Software Technology Procurement Manager

Dublin City Centre

EUR55000 - EUR90000 per annum + bonus + benefits

Bramwith Consulting

Software Technology Procurement Manager - Strategic Growth Initiative - £25bn+ Professional Services Giant - DUBLIN

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Reward Manager - Analytics

London, England

Bonus, car cash allowance, hybrid


The Reward Manager (Analytics) role requires a professional with a broad and detailed working knowledge of compensation processes with the expertise to implement change using complex reward analytics.

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Reward Analyst

London, England

Bonus, hybrid, negotiable


The scope of this role is to support the Reward Director in the delivery of group wide annual pay and performance review, share plans across the organisation, the provisions for pension arrangements and the employee benefits offering across the Group.

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Procurement Consultant


GBP60000 - GBP65000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement Consultant - Forbes Top 100 Procurement and Supply Chain Consultancy Specialist-£65K+ Exciting Benefits- Prestigious Central London Office Location Senior Procurement Consultant Forbes Top 100 Procurement and Supply Chain Consultancy S

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Director of Communications

Part home/part office (London) based

£90,000 per annum

The UK Committee for UNICEF

This is a great opportunity to join the UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) as the Director of Communications.

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Director of Communications

Part home/part office (London) based

£90,000 per annum

The UK Committee for UNICEF

This is a great opportunity to join the UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) as the Director of Communications.

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Interim HP BP - Technology

London, England

£427.00 - £518.00 per day


Interim HR BP to support a Tech population - 9-12 months + - London Hybrid up to £518 per day inside scope Interim HR Business Partner job Immediate start

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Non-Executive Directors


£4,800 p.a.

Raven Housing Trust

We’re looking for two people to join our Board...

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In House Media Relations Manager Role at Top Law Firm

London (Central)

Premier Resourcing UK

Exceptional In House Media Relations Manager wanted for top tier global Law Firm!   Salary: £70k DOE - our client will flex for the right candidate

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Head of Foundation Partnerships

Part home/part office (London) based

£60,000 per annum

The UK Committee for UNICEF

This is a great time to join the UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) as we have ambitious plans over the next five years.

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Head of Procurement

Bradford, West Yorkshire


Bradford Council

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council – Head of Procurement Bradford is an extraordinary city. Vibrant and diverse, it’s a place of opport...

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Bristol, England

£50000.00 - £60000.00 per annum + full range of benefits


Trainer, to £60k pa, permanent, hybrid with Bristol/Birmingham/Bracknell or Guildford office. Finance sector, leading, long standing and award winning company.

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HR Consultant - TMO Change Project

Cheltenham, England

£350.00 - £400.00 per day + WFH/remote working


HR Consultant - Target Operating Model change project, up to £400 per day, remote working, interim asap. FTSE 100 multi-national engineering organisation which has its headquarters in Cheltenham.

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Principal Commercial Manager

Canary Wharf, London (Greater)

£51,810 - £59,405 pa


Exciting opportunity for a proven senior commercial professional, with extensive experience of delivering end to end procurement activity.

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Senior Procurement Manager - Professional Services


GBP60000 - GBP75000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Senior Procurement Manager - Professional Services - Multinational Communications Firm - £80-90K + Bonus - London based (hybrid model working) One of

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Procurement Category Manager - Professional Services & HR


GBP60000 - GBP75000 per annum + Benefits

Bramwith Consulting

Blue chip FMCG firm seeks a strong Professional Services sourcing expert to join its world-class procurement function.

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Procurement Category Manager


GBP55000 - GBP65000 per annum + + Car & Benefits

Bramwith Consulting

Iconic FMCG brand seeks a high-achieving procurement expert to join the ranks and drive a crucial spend category towards best-in-class.

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Project Procurement Manager - Television Projects


GBP60000 - GBP65000 per annum + + Benefits

Bramwith Consulting

Leading multimedia organisation seek an ambitious and energetic procurement candidate to join their highly regarded team in a unique and exciting position.

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HRBP - North of England and Scotland

Edinburgh, Scotland

£55000 - £65000 per annum + car allow, bonus, bens and 30 days holiday

Henlee Resourcing

Reporting to an engaging and developmental People Director, the purpose of the role is to create a sense of belonging, teamwork, vision, community and purpose around the people agenda.

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HRBP - North of England and Scotland

Leeds, England

£55000 - £65000 per annum + car allow, bonus, bens and 30 days holiday

Henlee Resourcing

Reporting to an engaging and developmental People Director, the purpose of the role is to create a sense of belonging, teamwork, vision, community and purpose around the people agenda.

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HR Manager

Belper, England

£50000.00 - £60000.00 per annum


A Permanent HR Manager Job in Belper, Derby Paying up to £60,000 + 10% Bonus Depending on Experience

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Deputy Development Director

Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

£45,000, - £50,000, depending on experience.


This is a great opportunity for an enthusiastic & motivated professional to develop their fundraising skills in one of the most friendliest Cambridge.

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Senior Procurement Consultant


GBP60000 - GBP65000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Senior Procurement Consultant - Forbes Top 100 Procurement and Supply Chain Consultancy Specialist-£65K+ Exciting Benefits- Prestigious Central London Office Location Senior Procurement Consultant Forbes Top 100 Procurement and Supply Chain Consult

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Head of Communications and Engagement

Gatwick, West Sussex

Circa £70,000 per annum + excellent benefits, including flexible working and 33 days annual leave +


KSS AHSN is seeking to appoint a dynamic Head of Communications and Engagement to join their team!

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Head of People Support Services

West Midlands Region

£70,086 - £73,333

West Midlands Fire Service

Head of People Support Services West Midlands Fire Service £70,086 - £73,333 Who we are West Midlands Fire Service is an ambitious and progressive ...

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Strategic Partnerships Director - Remote


Up to £80,000 per annum + benefits

Micro:bit Educational Foundation

Partnership is a key value of the Micro:bit Educational Foundation and has been central to our success from the very start of the organisation, hel...

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Procurement Administrator / Riyadh


GBP15000 - GBP22000 per month + living allowances

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement Officer Arabic Speaking - supporting a Flagship Mega Project in Saudi Arabia - Renewable Energy & Sustainable Technologies - Riyadh - 15,0

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Procurement Consultant opportunity, Saudi Arabia


GBP60000 - GBP75000 per annum + living allowances

Bramwith Consulting

Expat Procurement Consultant opportunity - Flagship Mega Project in Saudi Arabia - Renewable Energy & Sustainable Technologies - Saudi Arabia - £60-75

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Mid/Senior Backend Developer


£50000 - £110000 per annum

Tomorrow Recruitment

I am working with a UK mobile app, website and branding agency looking for an engineer to join their team.Skillset:Expertise in NodeJS and Javascript,

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Deputy Head of Knowledge and Evidence

Cardiff (Caerdydd)

£58,611 - £63,522

Natural Resources Wales

Role Purpose   As a member of the core Leadership Team of Natural Resources Wales (NRW), you will fulfil a key strategic role, alongside your funct...

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GBP5000 - GBP6000 per month + Benefits

Bramwith Consulting

Buyer - Capex / Opex Procurement Consultant - Global Consulting firm working on site with a Waste Management organisation - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - 25-

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Senior PR Manager (UK and Australia)


£65000 - £72000 per annum + Bonus

Major Players

Senior PR Manager (UK & Australia)Up to £72,000 + annual bonus We are proud to be a partner for one of the world's leading dating brands in their sear

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Head of Finance & Operations


£50k - 58k per year

Harris Hill

Harris Hill is recruiting for a Head of Finance & Operations for this Children's Charity based in London (Hybrid)

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Head of Programme - Diversity & FIR

London (Greater)

£60,000 - £70,000

Recruitment Revolution

We are seeking an experienced leader to help us drive change in the construction and engineering industry.

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Senior Outsourcing Consultant - Global Consultancy


GBP65000 - GBP75000 per annum + Package

Bramwith Consulting

Role: Senior Technology Outsourcing Consultant Firm: Global Consultancy Salary: £65,000 - £75,000 Location: London / Hybrid Working Contact: Tabitha -

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Senior Indirect Procurement Manager / Best-in-Class


GBP60000 - GBP70000 per annum + Bonus

Bramwith Consulting

Senior Indirect Procurement Manager / Best-in-Class Professional Services Organisation / Rapid Career Progression / London / Flexible Working / £57,000 - £67,000 + Benefits inc. Bonus

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Global Procurement Consultant - Manager Grade


GBP80000.00 - GBP100000.00 per annum + Car Allowance, Bonus

Bramwith Consulting

Global Procurement Consultant - Manager Grade - Industry-Leading Procurement Consultancy - London + Hybrid Working - £80,000 - £100,000 + Excellent Bonus Scheme + Car Allowance If you are a Senior Procurement Consultant at either a 'Big 4' or a Bo

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Procurement Consulting Opportunities / Leading UK firm


GBP65000 - GBP80000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

Procurement Consulting opportunities - Market Leading Procurement Boutique Consultancy - Private Equity Backed - London + Travel - £65-80k + Package

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Business Director


£75000 - £90000 per annum

Major Players

Job Title - Business Director The Role / Company A fashion and entertainment agency are looking for a Business Director to work on a US fashion brand!

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Director of Fundraising


£80k - 85k per year

Harris Hill

Harris Hill are thrilled to be partnering with a much-loved British veterans charity to recruit their new Director of Fundraising.

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Supply Chain Coordinator


GBP200.00 - GBP400.00 per day +

Bramwith Consulting

Supply Chain Co-Ordinator - Global FMCG - London + Flexible Working - £400/day (flexible dependent on experience) - Initial 6-month contract Market-leading consumer goods company, responsible for some of the most recognizable brands on supermarket

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Head of HR Part Time

City of London, England

£80000.00 - £100000.00 per annum


Head of HR in Wealth Management & Financial Planning, based in Mayfair Part Time - 3 Days a week

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Procurement Senior Manager - Global Blue-Chip


GBP60000 - GBP70000 per annum +

Bramwith Consulting

World renowned professional services firmRole: Senior Consultant - Indirect GeneralistLocation: London - WFH / Occasional travelSalary: £60-70k + Pack

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Interim Reward Manager

London, England

£400.00 - £500.00 per day


Interim Reward Manager - Global Law Firm - London/Remote - up to £500 per day inside scope

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Interim HR Project Manager - Remote UK

London, England

£500.00 - £600.00 per day


Interim HR Project Manager job- 6 month duration - Remote working in the UK - £400-£600 per day outside of scope HR Program Manager job / HR BP job

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Resourcing and Data Analytics Manager

London, England

£65000.00 - £80000.00 per annum


Resourcing and Data Analytics Manager, Leading FTSE 250 Firm, London, Hybrid, Permanent, 65K - 80K

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Interim Benefits Manager EMEA

London, England

£300.00 - £600.00 per day


Interim Benefits Manager EMEA - Financial services - London Hybrid Competitive day rate - inside scope of IR35 Interim Benefits job Interim Benefits Specialist Interim Benefits Consultant

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Global Procurement Lead - Supply Chain


GBP75000 - GBP80000 per annum + Benefits

Bramwith Consulting

Iconic brand seeks a high-achieving procurement expert to join the ranks and drive a crucial spend category towards best-in-class.

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Indirect Procurement Director - Procurement Consultancy


GBP100000.00 - GBP110000.00 per annum + Excellent Bonus

Bramwith Consulting

One of the largest specialist procurement consultancies in the UK is looking to bring on a Director level procurement professional with a strong track record across both delivery and sales within a management consultancy environment.

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Interim HR Talent Partner / HR Business Partner

London, England

£275.00 - £400.00 per day


Interim HR Talent Partner / HR Business Partner (Talent focus) -London Hybrid -Immediate start - Inside scope Support design and implementation of the Talent Management related modules on Success Factors. £300-375 per day

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Regional HR BP - 12 M FTC

London, England

£65000.00 - £70000.00 per annum


Interim Regional HR BP- 12 month FTC - Facilities Management - London - c£65,000 - £70,000 plus car allowance

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Associate Director of Resourcing

Gloucestershire, England

£257.00 - £292.00 per day


In this strategic post you will be a key member of the senior People & OD leadership team and you'll be implementing effective resourcing strategies that support the workforce transformation plans for the organisation and enable the recruitment, supply an

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Senior Recruitment Manager

City of London, England

£75000.00 - £85000.00 per annum


Partnering with NASDAQ listed business to deliver expert support to their global talent acquisition function.

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Head of Operations

London, E1, with scope for flexible working

£45,000 - £50,000 per annum

SPAB (The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings)

Could you bring senior level support for financial management and operational resilience, enabling us to fulfil our charitable purpose effectively?

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Head of TA - Europe

London, England

£75000.00 - £90000.00 per annum


Head of TA - Europe, International Recruitment Agency, 75K - 90K, Hybrid, Permanent.

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Head of HR

London, England

£80000.00 - £100000.00 per annum


Head of HR in Wealth Management & Financial Planning, based in Mayfair

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Communications Lead


up to £100k

Premier Resourcing UK

NEW Communications Lead position with the TNFD.

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Director of Development

Cambridge, Cambridgeshire


Murray Edwards College, Cambridge

Murray Edwards now seeks to appoint a new Director of Development

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Head of Human Resources


MG2-3 £52,225 - £68,532 per annum depending on location

Avanti Schools Trust

This is an exciting opportunity to join Avanti in a forward-thinking, dynamic and strategic role to drive our ambitions about our people and culture.

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Assistant Director - Education and Equalities

London Fields, London (They promote a flexible, hybrid way of working)



This is an exciting opportunity to join the charity as an Assistant Director to lead their highly skilled and passionate Education and Equalities team

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Chief People Officer

London (Central), London (Greater) - Agile/Hybrid - Homeworking,

£97-£100k FTE plus 6% contributory pension. 27 days plus bank holidays

Anna Freud Centre

Within this role, you will have an opportunity to create and shape the new role of Chief People Officer within the Centre.

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Managing Director - Leading Consumer Lifestyle PR Firm - London

Based in the heart of central London

Up to £130'000 + benefits, bonus and E MI Share Option Scheme

Brook Street

Are you an entrepreneurial M.D or highly experienced Director looking for more creative control at a top Consumer Lifestyle PR Firm? If so, read on!

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Performance Marketing Manager

London, City of London

£50000 - £70000 per annum

Major Players

Performance Marketing Manager - Financial Services - London£50,000 - £70,000I am excited to be working with a Global Financial Services business that

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Talent Acquisition Manager

Oxford, England

£50000.00 - £55000.00 per annum


Talent Acquisition Manager - Central Oxford - Hybrid - Up to £55,000

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Resourcing advisor

City of London, England

£24.09 - £26.83 per hour + Hybrid working


Full-time Resourcing Advisor - £24.09 - £26.83 This is a great opportunity to join a non-profit organisation within the education sector as a Resourcing Advisor. Hybrid working available.

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Head of Finance


£50k per year

Harris Hill

Harris Hill is recruiting for a Permanent Head of Finance for this well-established charity based in Buckinghamshire -Only 1 day a week in the office

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Regional HR BP - 12 M FTC

London, England

£65000.00 - £75000 per annum


Interim Regional HR BP- 12 month FTC - Facilities Management - London - c£65,000 - £70,000 plus car allowance

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Head of Production

London (Central), London (Greater)

Up to £90k plus benefits


​This full-stack consultancy and communications company is looking for a Head of Production

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HR Business Partner/Associate HR Business Partner

Portsmouth, Hampshire

See job advert

University of Portsmouth

The University of Portsmouth are looking for talented and ambitious people to join our HR Partnering Team.

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Associate Director – B2B technology and sustainability


£75000 - £80000 per annum

Media Contacts

Consider yourself a tech savvy individual? Are you looking to move into an industry defining agency? Are you fascinated by all thing’s sustainability, healthcare, and...

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Director of Corporate Communications - FTSE 100 - 6 month FTC

Windsor, Berkshire


VMA Group

Fantastic 6 month FTC for a Corporate Communications Director to joing a FTSE 100 business in the Travel/Hospitality sector.

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Senior Tech Recruitment Partner

City of London, England

£60000.00 - £65000.00 per annum


An international strategy consulting firm for more than 50 years

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Business Director


£80,000 - £85,000

The Great & The Good

London-based network agency seeks entrepreneurial Business Director to play a key role in their future growth.

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Internal Communications Manager

London, England

Up to £60000.00 per annum

Morgan Law

We are looking for an Interim Internal Communications Manager to join a scientific organisation with a clinical purpose, aiming to set the standard for the future of pathology.

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Strategy Director - Consumer creative clients


£65k-£90k (London) or £60k-£80k (Scotland)

Premier Resourcing UK

NEW Strategy Director position with hugely creative and established communications agency.

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Resourcing Projects Lead

Birmingham, England

£45648.00 - £57056.00 per annum


Permanent Opportunity - Resourcing Projects Lead

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EDI Lead

London, England

£50000 - £53000 per annum

Morgan Law

We have an urgent requirement for a passionate EDI lead to join a London based NHS Trust as their EDI Manager for the next 3 to 6 months.

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Head of Government Relations and Public Affairs


£60000 - £61000 per annum + pension, flexible working, life assurance

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Head of Government Relations and Public Affairs Location: Maidenhead, with Hybrid Working Contract Type: Permanent, Full Time Benefits: Circa £60,000 with substantial benefits package

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Head of Resourcing

Birmingham, England

£58708.00 - £76198.00 per annum


Permanent Post - Head of Resourcing

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Board Director/Deputy MD

London (Central), London (Greater)

c£150,000 plus comprehensive benefits

The Foundry - Original

A mid-sized consultancy, part of a larger privately owned group, is looking for a successor or deputy to the CEO

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Senior Copywriter/ HoC - FTC Mat Cover


£65000 - £70000 per annum

Major Players

Senior Writer - FTC Maternity Cover Our client, an award-winning Creative Agency, are on the lookout for their next Senior Copywriter to join their t

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Nottingham, England



This is an excellent opportunity for an experienced HRBP who is a strong generalist but also has led on EDI and well-being initiatives and policies.

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Head of Adult & Child Bereavement Services

Sydenham, London (Greater)

£57,954 per annum (being the full time equivalent)

St Christopher's Hospice

We have an exciting opportunity for a passionate, enthusiastic, dedicated and experienced leader to head up our Adult and Child Bereavement Services.

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Growth Director - Digital Agency - London


£110,000 - £120,000 per annum + bonus & benefits

DNA Recruit

Growth Director, Digital Agency, London with min 8 years experience within new business role

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Creative Director (marketing partnerships)


£75000 - £90000 per annum + Bonus & Bens

Major Players

Are you a Creative Director or ACD with Marketing partnerships experience ready to step up? RoleI am looking for a strong ideas person who can develo

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Director of Finance and Operations | Bliss

London, UK (hybrid working available)

circa £65,000, depending on experience


4 or 5 days per week / permanent Come and make a real difference to the lives of babies born premature or sick by joining Bliss as our next Directo...

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HEAD OF PR | Global Creative Agency

London (Central), London (Greater)

up to £80k

Carter Ferris

A fantastic opportunity to effectively launch a new inhouse PR division within this high profile, high talent London based creative agency. You wil...

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Client Services Director

London (Central), London (Greater)

Up to £100k dependent on experience


Are you a Client Services Director with fantastic integrated experience? We want to hear from top talent for this thriving agency.

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Executive Director for Wales


Salary: £71,500


Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy, and Samaritans' vision is that fewer people die by suicide. That's why we work tirelessly to reach more pe...

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Global HR Director

Cardiff, Wales


International Baccalaureate

Responsible for the design and delivery of the entire suite of HR deliverables across all IB offices, the Global HR Director is the top-most HR professional at the IB who will provide strategic HR advice to the executive team, and who will champion strate

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eCommerce Manager - Luxury Sustainable Sneaker Brand

London (Greater)

£80,000 - £100,000 depending on experience + Bonus Incentives

Recruitment Revolution

We’re fairly ‘new kids’ to the block but we are experiencing crazy growth and looking for someone to be part of this incredible journey.

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PR Associate Director - Consumer

London (Central)

Depending on experience

Premier Resourcing UK

PR Associate Director – Consumer GV5535 Multi-award winning agency who are growing quickly with a great team, are currently looking for a PR Assoc...

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Managing Director - rapidly growing strategic comms agency, deliberately challenging the status quo

Central London

£ highly competitive package dependent on experience


Newly-formed MD role for a strategic comms agency, focused on running and growing the business. An agency challenging the conventional industry model

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Director of Growth and New Business


Up to £75000.00 per annum + £50,000 commission

Tomorrow Recruitment

Director of Growth and New Business for design agency

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Creative Director / Head of Creative

London (Central), London (Greater) / Hybrid Working

£125k + excellent benefits

MODA Consult

We are looking for a modern day Creative Director / Head of Creative who gets retail, shopper, digital and commerce. A huge opportunity to lead!

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Corporate and Public Affairs Associate Director

London (Central)

Premier Resourcing UK

Corporate/ Public Affairs Associate Director role @ top tier central London strategic communications agency My client, a top tier corporate commun

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Director of New Business - USA

New York (US)

$120 - $150k basic salary, with bonus / commission and benefits

MODA Consult

We are looking for a Director of New Business / New Business Director, someone who has eligibility to work in the USA. Role based in NYC, remote work.

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Business Director / Growth Strategy Director

London (Central), London (Greater) / Hybrid Working

Up to £90k, plus bonus + benefits

MODA Consult

Business Director / Growth Strategy Director who has a real specialism in content and influencer marketing. A chance to build something your way!

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Production Director - Interior Design Business

London (Central), London (Greater)

£70k - £75k + benefits / flexible working

MODA Consult

We are looking for a Production Director to work within an interior design business. A rare but highly attractive opportunity for the right person!

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Associate Director - Brand Strategy

London (Central), London (Greater)

£65-80k plus benefits

Rare Selection

We are working on two exceptional briefs for experienced brand strategy consultants to join a renowned consultancy at a key point in its evolution.

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Development Director



Music for Youth

We are seeking an exceptional Development Director with excellent knowledge of fundraising and philanthropy to lead and develop Music for Youth’s f...

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