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  • Barbara, Penobscot County * stock image
    Barbara, Penobscot County * stock image

    "The CAHC HelpLine submitted an application for me to reduce my Medicare insurance deduction -- something I had attempted to do myself but without results. I found the assistance enormously helpful to me."

Our Impact In 2023

  • HelpLine Calls Taken


  • Eligibility Determinations


  • Advanced Premium Tax Credits realized


  • Legislative focus

    50+ bills

Maine’s Health Insurance Consumer Assistance Program and Maine’s Medicaid/MaineCare Ombudsman Program
  • Kate, Policy Advocate

    Braving the cold for a statehouse event advocating the rights of consumers!

  • Helen & Charlotte
  • Devan, HelpLine Advocate
  • 2023 board
    2023 board
  • Ann and Lee
  • Ann, Executive Director
    Ann, Executive Director