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Maine PSAP Crisis Response Report

February 1, 2022

The Public Utilities Commission issued a report as required by Resolves 2021, Chapter 29.. Section 1 of the resolve required the Commission's Emergency Services Communications Bureau, in consultation with the Department of Public Safety, the E-9-1-1 Council, crisis response services providers and other stakeholders, to research and review protocols and procedures necessary to ensure the delivery of crisis response services under the State's E9-1-1 system. It required this report to be submitted by February 1, 2022 and required that the report outline protocols and procedures necessary to ensure the delivery of crisis response services under the State's E-9-1-1 system and include any recommendations, including proposed legislation, necessary to implement such protocols and procedures. It allows the report to include measures for the training of dispatch staff in the provision of crisis response services. The report can be found in the Special Reports section of our Forms & Publications page.