Gurman: iOS 17 to Provide Several 'Most Requested Features'

Apple changed the strategy for iOS 17 later in its development process to add several new features, suggesting that the update may be more significant than previously thought, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman reports.

iOS 17 on Phone Feature
In January, Gurman said that ‌iOS 17‌ could be a less significant update than iPhone updates in previous years due to the company's intense focus on its long-awaited mixed-reality headset. Writing in his latest "Power On" newsletter, Gurman explained that a change of strategy during the update's development process has added several new features:

When Apple set out to develop iOS 17, the initial thinking was to call it a tuneup release — one focused more on fixing bugs and improving performance than adding new features (not unlike the approach the company took with Snow Leopard on Mac OS X back in 2009). The hope was to avoid the problems of iOS 16, an ambitious update that suffered from missed deadlines and a buggy start. But later in the development process, the strategy changed. The iOS 17 release is now expected to boast several "nice to have" features, even if it lacks a tentpole improvement like last year's revamped lock screen. The goal of the software, codenamed "Dawn," is to check off several of users' most requested features.

As with previous ‌iPhone‌ software updates, ‌iOS 17‌ is expected to be previewed at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference in June ahead of launching in the fall. The update could offer a range of enhancements and new features, such as a next-generation CarPlay experience, changes to Siri, support for sideloading and alternate app stores, support for Apple's mixed-reality headset, and more.

Related Roundups: iOS 17, iPadOS 17
Related Forums: iOS 17, iPadOS 17

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Top Rated Comments

jent Avatar
17 months ago
The Snow Leopard bug-fixing and fine-tuning Mac OS X upgrade was incredible. I would always welcome another type of release like that.
Score: 61 Votes (Like | Disagree)
jimmyolson Avatar
17 months ago

When Apple set out to develop iOS 17, the initial thinking was to call it a tuneup release — one focused more on fixing bugs … But later in the development process, the strategy changed. The iOS 17 release is now expected to boast several "nice to have" features
My feature request: less bugs
Score: 51 Votes (Like | Disagree)
TheYayAreaLiving ?️ Avatar
17 months ago
All I want is stability and performance upgrades. ✔️
Score: 42 Votes (Like | Disagree)
JippaLippa Avatar
17 months ago
I mean...I'd prefer bug fixes, but I'll still take user requests being addressed.
Whag I don't want is 500 superfluous features I'll never use...
Score: 26 Votes (Like | Disagree)
TheYayAreaLiving ?️ Avatar
17 months ago

Great. More promised features delayed and more endless bugs.
Agreed! Apple also needs to focus on Dynamic Island with iOS 17. I feel like it can offer so much more.

Attachment Image
Score: 26 Votes (Like | Disagree)
contacos Avatar
17 months ago
All I want is a DELETE ALL / SELECT ALL button for iMessage attachments (photos) ?
Score: 25 Votes (Like | Disagree)