Six questions with Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins on a historic first month

Portrait of Joseph Spector Joseph Spector
Albany Bureau

ALBANY - Andrea Stewart-Cousins became Senate majority leader Jan. 1, breaking barriers to become the first woman to hold the powerful post.

Then the governing started.

Expectations were high for Democrats who convincingly won the majority last November by electing 15 new members and grabbing 39 of the 63 seats in the Senate — their first time at the helm in a decade and their largest majority since 1912.

And whether or not you agree with her positions, Stewart-Cousins, 68, had an historic month.

She worked with Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, D-Bronx, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo to guide through legislation that had stalled under the GOP-led Senate for a decade: voting reforms; stronger abortion laws; the Child Victims Act; gun control; and stronger rights for transgender New Yorkers.

The Yonkers senator, first elected in 2006, sat down Tuesday with the USA Today Network's Albany Bureau to discuss her first month as majority leader.

How have you been able to move quickly on bills that languished for years?

New York State Senate Majority Leader, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, D-Yonkers, speaks with legislators and gun control advocates during a news conference introducing new legislation reforms to protect New Yorkers from gun violence at the state Capitol on Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2019, in Albany, N.Y.

Stewart-Cousins: First of all, I have a wonderful group of senators I am working with. My conference, they are just extraordinary public servants. They have come with the right attitude. They want to get people’s work done. They are focused on ensuring they are doing the best for the people of New York.

They fought hard races, a lot of them, and so we’re here 39 strong, and we knew there were certain promises that we made to our constituents. A lot of the things that are happening now are things that we talked about on the campaign trail.

This should be a surprise to no one.

We talked about everything from election reforms to reproductive health, to the Child Victims Act, gun-safety laws. These were things that were backlogged, and frankly had no chance of moving under the Republican leadership.

So we promised that if you gave us an opportunity, we would start moving the bills that we and the majority of New Yorkers agreed should be moved, and that’s what I’m doing.

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What do you say to critics who say the bills aren't thought out or move the state too far left?

Stewart-Cousins: Obviously, there are always going to be critics, and clearly there was philosophical difference, which is why for all these years these bills did not pass.

So I am perfectly willing to understand that people might be opposed, but again with the Reproductive Health Act, we’re talking about updating our laws.

Our laws predated Roe V. Wade. So in 1970, the terrain was very, very different as it related to women’s reproductive health options. Abortion is legal in 1973; Roe v. Wade said it was. And our laws weren’t even as up to date as what the federal laws have.

So the reality is our laws, because we did something unilaterally here in New York, the conversation about abortion rights was under homicide (law); it wasn't even under the health (law).

And we all know that this is an issue of women’s reproductive rights and their health.

All I’m saying and all most of New Yorkers are saying is that we want women to have the full range of good care and reproductive health options that everybody else in this country should have.

More:Abortion laws in New York: How they changed with the Reproductive Health Act

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Is part of this to say you're not the same majority from 2009-10 that was marred by scandal?

Stewart-Cousins: A lot of people refer to 2009, and that is frankly 10 years ago. So it’s not even trying to say we’re not the same conference: We’re not the same conference.

So people bring it up as though we are, but the reality is there are, I think, maybe 20 percent of my conference might have been here in 2009. Eighty percent weren’t even here, so as I said, I began this session with 15 new members.

So any reference to 2009 really rings hollow for most of the people who are in this conference today.

The people in this conference today, again, are people who understand why they're here. They understand that public service is a sacred trust. They want to operate with integrity, and they want to operate with the best interest of New Yorkers (in mind).

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How does it help having 39 members instead of 32 or 33, which would have been a narrow majority?

Stewart-Cousins: Certainly having a cushion (is helpful). The first day for example, one of our senators, opening day, which was Jan. 9, one of our senators had had emergency surgery over the weekend and wasn’t able to be here.

Now had we had a 32 (seat) majority, we would have begun this year the way we ended last year. If you remember, the chamber was split 31-31, and it was very, very difficult to get anything really passed.

The unfortunate circumstance of having one member have some emergency would have really brought the whole state to a standstill.

So I don’t think anybody wants to operate on that kind of a thin margin. It really makes a kingmaker out of every single person, and the ability to get things done becomes a lot more tenuous. So we have a healthy majority.

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How has being a suburban lawmaker and first woman and first African-American woman to hold the position helped you?

Stewart-Cousins: I don’t think about it much, although I am very proud and humbled to have this opportunity. I know how important it is. I spent my whole life in public service.

As I’ve explained over and over again, trying to break down barriers. I know as a woman, as an African American, the kind of barriers that were put up that would have really under so many circumstances, that had for hundreds of years, made it impossible to achieve these kind of heights.

I understand the difference between removing barriers to let people soar or creating barriers to make sure they are not able to.

So I’m happy that my ascension will allow somebody out there to say, ‘Wow, maybe I could do something like that.’

What's next after such a productive month?

Stewart-Cousins: We really do need to focus on the budget now, so we will turn to that. 

But as I’ve said to everyone that's asked: It is great to do packages, but the reality is that there is a lot that will continue to be done.

And as we are able to come up with the types of things that we believe will be helpful to the people of New York, we are going to get it passed and get it out there.

So I guess one of the things they say a lot here in Albany or they used to say is: Stay tuned.

I think people should stay tuned.

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The interview has been edited for length and clarity.