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What New York's new climate change law means for you

Portrait of Jon Campbell Jon Campbell
Albany Bureau

ALBANY – New York is poised to set some of the nation's most-aggressive benchmarks to cut down on climate change as part a wide-ranging bill lawmakers approved this week.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has vowed to sign the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act into law, which would set a statewide goal to reach net-zero greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050.

On Thursday, Cuomo called climate change the "issue of our generation," praising the bill as a bona fide plan to go green.

"It's not a goal," Cuomo said on WAMC-FM in Albany. "It's a goal plus an action plan based in reality that we are implementing today."

Critics say the ambitious climate bill could lead to higher costs and negatively impact businesses who have to compete against those who don't face stringent climate mandates.

"We need to get this right to avoid a potential shipwreck," said Darren Suarez, senior director of government affairs for the state Business Council.

Here's what's in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act and what it means for you:

What does the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act do?

In short: The soon-to-be law sets aggressive, legally enforceable goals for New York to cut down on greenhouse-gas emissions, which contribute to climate change.

Among the benchmarks included in the bill:

  • New York will have to cut its total greenhouse-gas emissions (from 1990 levels) by 85% by 2050. 
  • The remaining 15% will have to be offset by reforestation, restoring wetlands, carbon capturing or other green projects.
  • 70% of the state's electricity will have to be produced by renewable sources like wind or hydro by 2030.

Along with the goals, there is language in the bill requiring 35% of certain clean-energy funding to go toward low-income communities disproportionately affected by pollution.

There are also measures meant to spur worker training in the clean-energy industry.

How will New York meet those goals?

That remains to be seen.

Much of how the state decides to implement any mandates or regulations to hit its goals will be guided by a new, 22-member state panel: The New York State Climate Action Council.

The council, which includes a number of state agency commissioners and others who will be appointed by Cuomo and legislative leaders, will be given three years to come up with a "scoping plan" that will recommend a wide variety of climate-focused changes the state can make to hit its goal.

Among the areas and industries the panel has to consider and recommend emissions-cutting rules for: Transportation, energy-intensive industries, land use and local governments, housing and energy efficiency, power generation, farming and forestry.

From there, state agencies will implement new rules and mandates meant to cut down on pollution and slowing climate change.

What will it mean for me?

The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act requires the state to come up with rules to combat emissions from cars, boilers and furnaces.

It's too soon to say, but it will certainly force change.

Cutting emissions 85% by 2050 will undoubtedly require major shifts from power producers, farmers, industry, transportation and homeowners to become reality.

For most New Yorkers, the most tangible effects could be related to their cars, furnaces and electricity bills.

The law requires the state to craft rules to cut down on emissions from sources like cars, furnaces and boilers powered by fossil fuels — which, when counted cumulatively, add significantly to the state's greenhouse-gas output.

Supporters of the bill say it's a necessary change: The cost of ignoring climate change and the damage it brings will be far costlier in the long term than the short term costs of the state's climate plan.

But electricity generators are already warning it could lead to higher rates for businesses, homeowners and tenants.

Power plants fueled by fossil fuels will likely see the biggest forced change in the short term to meet the 70% renewable energy benchmark by 2030.

Last year, about 26% of electricity on the state's grid was generated by renewable sources, according to the New York Independent System Operator.

Will I get a chance to weigh in?


Once the state council is set, it will be required to hold six public hearings — three downstate, three upstate — before issuing a draft plan.

It will also be required to hold a public-comment period of at least 120 days.

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