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Why New York just made gravity knives legal

Portrait of Chad Arnold Chad Arnold
Albany Bureau

ALBANY – New York's decades-long ban on gravity knives has come to an end.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo last week approved legislation that removed the folding knives from the "dangerous weapons" category under the state's penal law.

Cuomo's approval comes after a federal judge earlier this year ruled the ban was unconstitutional.  

The ban, the court ruled, was too vague and disproportionately impacted workers who carry folding knives for their jobs.

Minorities were also disproportionately impacted by the ban, according to advocacy groups who urged the ban's repeal. 

"I cannot veto a bill passed by the Legislature to address a decided constitutional infirmity in existing law, as recently affirmed by a federal court," Cuomo said in an approval message.

The Legislation passed both chambers earlier this legislative session. 

Why allow gravity knives?

Sculptures stand in front of the exterior of the New York state Capitol Tuesday, May 14, 2019, in Albany, N.Y.

Gravity knives are folding blades that are opened with a press of a button and a flick of the wrist.   

The blades were banned in New York in the 1950s following a string of knife crimes, a memo attached to the bill said.

But lawmakers for years have tried to repeal the ban, twice passing legislation that would do so.

Concerns over public safety led to both measures being vetoed by Cuomo in 2016 and 2017. 

At the heart of the issue were basic utility knives — small pocket knives commonly sold in hardware stores and used by construction workers and other contractions throughout the state.

The knives were commonly mistaken for gravity blades by law enforcement, leading to unnecessary arrests, according to the Legal Aid Society, a public defenders group in New York City that urged the ban's repeal. 

"Many of these individuals purchase knives at your stores and use them in their jobs as electricians, stagehands, and construction laborers to earn a living," the group said in a letter sent to retailers last month urging support of the bill.

Arrests were prevalent 

After twice vetoing the measure, Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently signed into law a bill to legalize gravity knives after a court found a New York ban to be illegal.

There were 3,500 gravity knife related arrests last year, Legal Aid Society said. Of that, 85% involved minorities.  

"No more will unsuspecting and otherwise law abiding New Yorkers — most of them people of color — be swept up into the criminal justice system due to arbitrary enforcement of a broadly worded statute," Assemblyman Dan Quart, D-Manhattan, the bill's sponsor, said in a statement. 

Sen. Diane Savino, D-Staten Island, was the legislation's Senate sponsor.

In a statement, Savino said the previous gravity-knife law "unfairly targeted black and Latino workers who use these knives on job sites everyday."

"People should not be arrested just for trying to earn a decent living and carrying around a tool they need for work," she said. "This is a victory for our brothers and sisters in labor and for criminal justice reform."

Law-enforcement groups urged the governor to veto the bill, arguing a repeal would lead to a spike in knife-related crime and impact public safety.

Cuomo, however, disagreed. 

"I remain confident that our law enforcement community will continue to keep our communities safe by pursuing anyone who uses, or attempts to use, one of these knives in an unlawful manner," he said in a statement.

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