Teacher evaluations in New York: How they will be decoupled from student test scores

Portrait of Joseph Spector Joseph Spector
Albany Bureau

ALBANY -- Teacher evaluations would no longer be required to be linked to student test scores under a bill approved Wednesday by the state Legislature.

The measure has been years in the making as state leaders have increasingly moved away from linking evaluations and test scores and as the state Education Department has pulled back its regulations.

The bill will no longer require schools to use test scores as part of a teacher's evaluation. Instead, it would make that optional by districts and subject to collective bargaining.

It unanimously passed the Senate and was approved 125-6 in the Assembly. The bill will now head to Gov. Andrew Cuomo's desk for his signature.

"We are clearly saying, work it out in the district," said Senate Education Committee chairwoman Shelley Mayer, D-Yonkers.

"We can decide how much weight you want to give to these kind of tests, but you might be able to come up with other measures that work as long as they are measures approved by the state Education Department."

What is changing for evaluations

The state Legislature is set Wednesday to take further steps to decouple state testing from teacher evaluations.

In 2015, the state Legislature and Gov. Andrew Cuomo adopted a new teacher and principal evaluation system that was based in part on how well students did on standardized exams each spring.

The powerful teachers' union protested the law, and it led to widespread pushback from teachers, students and parents. As a result, about 20 percent of students have annually opted out of exams in grades 3 through 8.

"This approach to evaluating teacher performance and student achievement has created many disparities and has not been widely accepted by teachers and parents, prompting families to opt out," the bill states.

Facing ongoing pressure, the state Education Department and the Board of Regents have repeatedly scaled back the tests and what they count toward.

The state cut the testing from three days to two days in grades 3 through 8 for math and English and no longer used the results to grade student or teacher performance.

Last December, the Board of Regents extended a moratorium that decouples student test performance with teacher evaluations until the end of the 2020 school year.

“Three years ago, there was much stress for teachers, administrators and parents across New York state involving the educator evaluation system because of its punitive nature that did not foster opportunities for continuous improvement for our teachers," Emily DeSantis, spokeswoman for the state Education Department, said Wednesday.

She said the department will "work to implement the new law through regulations and guidance."

More:Test results: Fewer students opt out; scores rise

More:NY is cutting Common Core testing from 6 days to 4 days

Details on new teacher-evaluation bill

The new bill states it "seeks to maintain the rigorous standards set for teacher and principal evaluations, while simultaneously addressing some of the concerns from parents and educators."

The bill will make the use of testing results to determine educators' evaluations optional by school districts. Those tests include the Common Core exams in grades three through eight and Regents exams in high school.

It also orders the state education commissioner, currently MaryEllen Elia, to come up with regulations on "alternative assessments that may be used to determine a teacher or principal's evaluation."

Any new assessments would need to be part of collective bargaining between administrators and local unions. Districts would also not be penalized with a loss of state aid while the new assessments are drawn up.

Andy Pallotta, president of the New York State United Teachers union, said the bill will "fix New York’s broken teacher evaluation system."

"We will continue to advocate for a meaningful assessment system for New York students that will measure student progress more accurately and address the concerns raised by teachers and parents alike," he said.

More:Attention, teachers and students: New York to extend an important testing moratorium