New York to make college tuition aid available to 'DREAMers'

Portrait of Jon Campbell Jon Campbell
Albany Bureau

ALBANY – Immigrants brought into the country illegally as children will soon be eligible for college tuition aid from New York if they attended high school in the state. 

The Legislature on Wednesday approved the state's version of the DREAM Act, which would allow those without lawful immigration status to apply for New York's tuition assistance, including TAP and the Excelsior Scholarship. 

It's the latest progressive-favored bill that cruised through the state Legislature now that Democrats have firm control of the Senate after Republicans controlled the chamber for most of the previous century.

The DREAM Act is set to become law: Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, has pledged to approve the measure in some form, though his preferred version differs slightly from what was passed Wednesday.

"Those DREAMers were brought here as small children and know no other home than here," Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, D-Bronx, said Wednesday. "Their parents brought them here for a better life and a shot at the American dream."

The Senate approved the measure Wednesday afternoon, 40-20, in a party-line vote. The Assembly adopted the bill Wednesday night. 

What NY's DREAM Act would do

The New York Senate is expected to pass the DREAM Act along with the Assembly on Wednesday.

New York's version of the DREAM Act is different from the federal version, which has never passed Congress and would grant residency to the children of immigrants who came to the country illegally.

The state version focuses entirely on college tuition aid available to residents.

New York had already acted in 2001 to allow immigrants in the country illegally to be eligible for in-state tuition if they live in the state.

The DREAM Act takes it further, allowing them to get tuition assistance.

It would do two things:

  1. Make the Excelsior Scholarship, TAP and other tuition assistance programs available to those without lawful immigration status who attended high school for at least two years in New York and graduated or obtained an equivalency diploma here;
  2. Create a DREAM Fund, which would be entirely funded by private donations and make scholarships available to the children of immigrants.

Cuomo's version of the bill, which he included in his $176 billion budget proposal last week, did not include the DREAM Fund.

Why now?

Democrats have been trying to pass the state-level DREAM Act for much of the past decade only to be stymied by a closely divided Senate, which had been controlled by Republicans for the past decade.

That includes 2014 when it was narrowly defeated in the Senate, two votes shy of passage.

Things changed in November, when Democrats won big at the ballot box, giving the Legislature a Democrat-controlled Senate to go along with the already Democrat-dominated Assembly.

Yohan Garcia, a Bronx resident who was brought to the country as a child, said the DREAM Act is important because education is "a human right."

"I am more than glad that today we are working collectively to make sure that this right is granted to all undocumented youth in the state of New York," he said Wednesday.

Cuomo has long been a supporter of the DREAM Act. In his State of the State address last week, he pledged to sign a version of it into law within the first 100 days of 2019.

"At this time, in this nation, let New York stand up for immigrants," he said.

How much will it cost?

The bill passed Wednesday acknowledged there will be an upfront financial cost to the state by making thousands more students eligible for tuition aid.

But it doesn't have a detailed financial estimate.

Cuomo included the measure in his state budget, in which he budgeted $27 million annually for it.

Critics of the measure have pointed to the cost as a detriment. Proponents say the long-term financial benefit of educating immigrant students outweighs the costs. 

Did Republicans push back?

Republican lawmakers took issue with the DREAM Act on Wednesday, questioning why New York is making aid available to those in the country illegally when many citizens are struggling to cover college bills of their own.

Sen. Fred Akshar, R-Endwell, Broome County, called it an "issue of fairness."

"What we're seeing today is my colleagues across the aisle roll out the red carpet for illegals, approving costly legislation that rewards them with free college tuition at the expense of hardworking, legal middle-class taxpayers," he said on the Senate floor.

The measure would "increase costs for New Yorkers," said Sen. Rob Ortt, R-North Tonawanda, Niagara County.

"When we can take care of every American citizen who is here legally, who has played by the rules and paid into the system, then we can talk about those who are not," Ortt said on the Senate floor.

In the Senate, all 40 enrolled Democrats voted for the measure. Twenty Republicans voted against it, while three were absent, including Sen. Michael Ranzenhofer, R-Amherst, Erie County, and Minority Leader John Flanagan, R-Suffolk County. 

What's next for immigrants?

The state Legislature is expected to soon take up other measures meant to boost opportunities for those who live in New York and without lawful immigration status.

Cuomo and many Democrats in the Legislature have called for allowing those immigrants to apply for a driver's license, a controversial measure first pushed by then-Gov. Eliot Spitzer more than a decade ago.

"Those of us in the Assembly are probably the biggest supporters of immigrants' rights and of course that is something that we will talk about as a conference," Heastie said Wednesday.

Republicans vowed to oppose the driver's license measure.

"Today, it’s college tuition," Ortt said. "Tomorrow, it’s driver’s licenses. And one day, it will be voting rights. And those are all things that I find not only abhorrent, but actually are meant to undermine federal law.”

Who is the DREAM Act named after?

The bill, which has kicked around the state Legislature since at least 2013, got a new name this year: the Jose Peralta DREAM Act.

Peralta was a Queens Democrat who carried the bill in the Senate for years.

He died suddenly late last year at the age of 47. The medical examiner found the cause of death was undiagnosed leukemia, according to The Associated Press

Peralta's wife, Evelyn, and his two young sons were at the Capitol on Wednesday for the vote, standing alongside Assembly Democrats who wiped tears from their eyes as they spoke at a news conference earlier in the day. 

"Today, my husband's dream becomes our reality," Evelyn Peralta said at the news conference. "To every young immigrant, hear my words: We love you, we see you and we welcome you into our American family."

Cuomo met with the Peralta family Wednesday afternoon.

"As a key part of our Justice Agenda, we look forward to finally making it law for all New Yorkers this year, for Senator Peralta and the Dreamers," he said in a statement.