Child Victims Act: Here's how it could let survivors seek justice in New York

Portrait of Jon Campbell Jon Campbell
Albany Bureau

ALBANY – New York is closer than ever before to giving victims of child sexual abuse a chance to sue their attackers and the institutions that harbored them, no matter how long ago the abuse occurred.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Democrats who lead the Senate and Assembly have all vowed to support the Child Victims Act, a long-stalled bill in Albany that would extend the statute of limitations for sexual crimes against children.

It would also open up a one-time-only, one-year window for past abuse victims to file civil claims regardless of when the abuse happened — a measure that has drawn concern from the powerful insurance industry and the Catholic Church.

Cuomo, aided for the first time in his tenure with a fully Democrat-controlled Legislature, has pledged to put the measure in his state budget proposal, which he will unveil Tuesday.

What does the Child Victims Act do?

A few different versions of the Child Victims Act have floated around Albany in recent years. But the most recent version in the Legislature and Cuomo's own 2018 proposal both do three major things:

  1. Extend or eliminate the statute of limitations for future criminal sexual cases involving a child under the age of 18, which would give victims more time to come forward after they become adults.
  2. Extend the time limit for victims to sue in civil court to the time they turn 50.
  3. Open up a one-year window for all past victims of child sexual abuse to file a civil claim, no matter how long ago it was.

More:What the Child Victims Act could mean for NY sex abuse investigations

The most serious felony sexual crimes against children already have no statute of limitations, meaning prosecutors can't be restricted from bringing charges because of how much time has passed.

But mid- and lower-level felonies do have a five-year statute of limitations, which kicks in when the victim turns 18. Cuomo's 2018 bill would eliminate that time limit altogether, while the Legislature's bill would start it when the victim turns 23.

Cuomo announced Friday he would put a new version in his state budget proposal on Tuesday, with his office saying it would be "consistent" with the Legislature's bill.

What's the most-discussed part?

In March 2018, Feldman traveled to Albany, N.Y., to lobby the New York state Senate to pass the Child Victims Act, which would permit victims of child sexual abuse to sue their accusers for a year after the statute of limitations has passed.

It's the third part — the look-back window — that the bill's sponsors say is most important. 

If passed, a one-year period would begin six months after the bill is signed. For that year, victims would be able to seek civil relief from individuals or institutions no matter when the abuse occurred or their current age.

Sen. Brad Hoylman, D-Manhattan, called it "non-negotiable." On Wednesday, Cuomo said the same.

"One of the things the revival period can do is not only allow survivors their day in court but frankly identify predators in whatever setting they might be in, religious or otherwise," Hoylman said.

What's so controversial about that?

Various insurers and insurance organizations have lobbied against the bill in Albany, raising particular concern about the look-back period. 

Why? They could end up having to pay out damages to victims of institutions the insurers count as clients for claims that had been previously been barred by the statute of limitations.

The state Catholic Conference, which represents the state's Catholic dioceses, has also taken issue with the look-back period in the Democratic Legislature's bill.

In particular, the Catholic Conference believes the period in that bill would only apply to private institutions — like the Catholic Church — and not public institutions like schools and governments.

More:Will NY extend statute of limitations for child sex abuse crimes?

The bill's sponsors deny the church's claim, arguing it would apply to both.

It's a dispute centered on what's known as a "notice of claim" — which has to be filed within 90 days of an act and serves an extra layer of protection that public institutions have against being sued.

Cuomo's prior version of the bill explicitly dealt with it, making it apply to public and private institutions. On Friday, Cuomo's office announced the Child Victims Act in his upcoming budget would eliminate the need for a notice of claim when a sex crime is committed against a child.

"It should be fairly applied," Catholic Conference spokesman Dennis Poust said. 

"We hear a lot of talk about the Catholic Church — and certainly, we've had our share of problems — but most abuse occurs in other forums."

Will this year actually be the year it passes?

The Senate chambers inside the New York State Capitol in Albany.

It's certainly trending in that direction, but nothing is done in Albany until it's done.

Cuomo's proposal will be unveiled Tuesday. And by including it in the budget, it gives him more negotiating power to get it done. 

On Wednesday, Cuomo said passing it will be "easy" because the Assembly and Senate already agree on language. (He said the Assembly's bill is "very close" to what he would support.)

"Let's focus on the commonality and how to get it done rather than focus on the differences," Cuomo said. "It's not just about economics. It's about the acknowledgement; it's about the admission that a wrong was done."

Even some Senate Republicans, whose leaders declined to put the bill to vote in prior years, have signaled support. Democrats won control of the chamber in November.

Sen. Joseph Robach, R-Greece, Monroe County, said he supports legislation that would hold abusers accountable. He said he has only cautioned against being able to sue families after the accuser has died and can't speak for oneself.

"The issue to me has always been: You want to give people recourse, but you also want to do it in a timeframe where someone could defend themselves," Robach said.

Sen. Sue Serino, R-Hyde Park, Dutchess County, said the state should also include measures that would improve reporting of abuse, such as a bill she sponsors to mandate any adult working with children to report any abuse they are aware of.

"These victims absolutely deserve justice, but I think we can, and we should, do more by eliminating the statute of limitations and strengthening our laws to more effectively prevent abuse from ever happening in the first place," she said.

Mary Ellen O'Loughlin, a survivor of child sexual abuse and board member of the Foundation for Survivors of Abuse, said it's "time for Albany to deliver."

"Abusers must be identified," she said in a statement. "Survivors are finally on the verge of justice, but we're not taking anything for granted."

Jon Campbell is a correspondent for the USA TODAY Network's Albany Bureau. Includes reporting by Albany Bureau Chief Joseph Spector.