'Cruel and unnecessary': New York poised to become first state to ban cat declawing

Portrait of Joseph Spector Joseph Spector
Albany Bureau

ALBANY, N.Y. – New York's state Legislature voted Tuesday to become the first state in the nation to ban cat declawing.

The bill has been scratching its way through the state Capitol for several years but received increased support this year. It passed both houses of the Legislature and will now head to Gov. Andrew Cuomo's desk.

The bill's sponsor, Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, D-Manhattan, called declawing of cats "a cruel and unnecessary surgical procedure that has no place in modern veterinary medicine.”

She said, “I’m confident that 2019 is the year New York will become the first state in the nation to ban cat declawing.”

Cat declawing results in the permanent, surgical removal of most of the last bone and tendons, nerves and ligaments on the front feet of a cat.

Though no state has banned declawing, some counties across the country have done so, including Los Angeles, and it has been outlawed in 39 countries, including Israel, Switzerland and England.

New Jersey, Rhode Island and West Virginia are all considering legislation to ban cat declawing, Rosenthal said.

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A cat named Rubio walks in front of the podium during a news conference on Tuesday, May 17, 2016, in Albany, N.Y. New York would be the first state to ban the declawing under a legislative proposal that has divided veterinarians. (AP Photo/Mike Groll)

Paw Project, a California-based nonprofit group, has pressed for cat declawing bans across the country, calling the practice inhumane and unnecessary.

“The declawing of cats is an inhumane convenience surgery that can lead to painful complications with serious health effects,” said Brian Shapiro, state director for the Humane Society

If approved and signed into law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, cat declawing would be banned unless there is a legitimate medical condition that would require it.

Any veterinarian to violate the ban would face a civil penalty of up to $1,000.