Tappan Zee Bridge's last span coming down, slowly: Lowering it to barge could take 2 days

Portrait of Matt Spillane Matt Spillane
Rockland/Westchester Journal News

Months after its steel sibling was detonated into the Hudson River, the last remaining span of the original Tappan Zee Bridge is now being lowered onto a barge to be hauled away and dismantled for good.

The process of taking down the west span began on Thursday and could last another day or two, with the last visible structures of the 64-year-old bridge potentially being removed in a matter of weeks.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, other officials and media went by boat to view the original bridge on Friday. Crews were working on slowly bringing down the west span, which was about 35 to 40 feet lower around noon today than it was on Thursday, Jamey Barbas, project director of the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, said on the packed boat as it circled the dismantling operations.

"It would make my father very proud," Cuomo said from the boat as he looked up at traffic on the $3.9 billion bridge that bears the name of his late father and former governor.

"One day they'll talk about, 'How did they do that?'" he added as the boat tour concluded.

FAREWELL:Erased from the skyline: The Tappan Zee Bridge drew hundreds of thousands to the region

Gov. Andrew Cuomo briefs media and officials on the take-down of the last segment of the Tappan Zee Bridge.

The process of building the new bridge and removing the old one was like a game of "whack-a-mole," with all of the challenges and obstacles that officials had to take on, Cuomo said.

It has been a "very challenging" but "fulfilling" story, he said, and the dismantling of the remaining span is its final chapter.

Span weighs 11 million pounds

Dismantling of the remaining span has been under way on the last section of the superstructure closer to the Rockland shore for the last few months.

It may take a day or two to take down the west span, which includes about 11 million pounds of steel, Barbas said.

The heavy-duty supercrane called the Left Coast Lifter, or "I Lift NY," was nearby. It is being used to help pick up the east span, which was dropped into the water in January with explosives.

The east span will be hauled up out of the water with the help of chains that had previously been laid on the riverbed.

Both spans, which are owned by Tappan Zee Constructors, the bridge's builder, will be taken away by barge to be dismantled and used for salvage, officials said.

It may take days or weeks to remove the steel from both spans. The material would be moved downriver, Cuomo said.

When asked about environmental concerns from the rusty steel being put into the river below, Cuomo said Department of Environmental Conservation chief Basil Seggos was with them on the boat today.

"It's been closely monitored for environmental concerns," he said.

Officials were asked about safety concerns with the bolts used on the Cuomo Bridge. In December the state Attorney General's Office said it was investigating reports that officials had covered up a problem with steel bolts that had broken apart during the new bridge's construction.

Barbas said on the boat today that the bolts are safe and there is no issue.

New bridge manifests Excelsior spirit

Cuomo recalled how the superstructure's east span was brought down by an "accelerated felling" because it had become unstable. The top of that span can still be seen poking from the water. The process, Cuomo said, "was sort of nerve-wracking." 

Foundation pillars below the water remain. Those can be removed once the superstructure pieces are out of the way, a bridge official said.

The governor called the new Cuomo Bridge a "physical manifestation" of the state's Excelsior spirit. "When people say no we can't, we say yes we can." 

New York State Thruway Authority Executive Director Matt Driscoll said the new bridge has greater sustainability and larger capacity, "which will serve this region for the next 100 years." 

Cuomo said having the old structure down will improve the views of the Cuomo Bridge. The old bridge "had a charm of its own," Cuomo said. "I'm not sure what it was."

Cuomo and his team were not wearing life jackets. When asked about it, Cuomo said it was OK because, "I'm not going to sue the state."

WATCH: Last section of Tappan Zee Bridge coming down

On Jan. 15, the other portion of the 64-year-old bridge's remaining superstructure was taken down by controlled explosion. There was concern about its stability, and the opening of the Cuomo Bridge's new eastbound span was delayed until crews could evaluate safety.

Tappan Zee Bridge slowly lowering, May 10, 2019.

Crews have been in the final stages of dismantling the circa 1955 Tappan Zee Bridge since it was replaced by the $3.9 billion Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge.

The first span of the Cuomo Bridge opened to traffic in August 2017, and the second span opened in September 2018.

TAPPAN ZEE BRIDGE: See what's going on with the dismantling

CUOMO BRIDGE: Bike path still months away

BRIDGE LIGHTS: Here's when the Cuomo Bridge lights change colors

IMPLOSION VIDEO: See Tappan Zee Bridge section come down in January

JANUARY: Tappan Zee Bridge section comes down in a flash

BRIDGE LOOK BACK: A historical look back at construction of Tappan Zee Bridge

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