Man, 35, arrested at PortMiami for child sex abuse, bestiality videos, police say

WARNING: Article includes graphic statements from arrest report. Viewer discretion is advised

Ferry Maryanto. (Miami-Dade Corrections and Rehabilitation)

MIAMI – A 35-year-old man appeared in federal court Monday after federal agents said they found child sexual abuse material and bestiality videos on his phone after he disembarked at PortMiami the day prior.

According to an arrest report from the Miami-Dade Police Department, United States Customs and Border Protection agents searched the cellphone of Ferry Maryanto on Sunday afternoon, which revealed “multiple videos/photographs” depicting child sexual abuse material.

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Authorities described videos showing boys and girls being raped or otherwise sexually abused by men or women.

Police said the videos depicted content that showed victims between the ages of 3 and 10 years old engaging in sexual activity.

They also said one of those videos showed an unknown person holding a lit cigarette up to the genitals of one of the juvenile victims.

Maryanto was also found to be in possession of videos that depicted videos of bestiality, including multiple videos of women engaging in sexual activity with a horse, pig and dog.

According to investigators, Maryanto made a confession to detectives when being interviewed, but his statement was redacted in the publicly released report.

Mayanto faces 10 counts of possession of child pornography and one count of sexual conduct with animals. He was being held at the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center on behalf of the U.S. Marshals Service as of Monday, according to jail records.

Those records state he’s also being held on an immigration hold and his bond has not yet been released.

Maryanto’s arrest report did not state what cruise line he was on at the time of the incident and if he was a passenger or worker on the ship.

About the Author

Ryan Mackey is a Digital Journalist at WPLG. He was born in Long Island, New York, and has lived in Sunrise, Florida since 1994.

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