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Major Liverpool city centre project at the heart of Labour's plans

Central Docks is Liverpool's largest brownfield site

Dan Haygarth Liverpool Daily Post Editor and Regeneration Reporter
16:52, 08 Jul 2024Updated 16:59, 08 Jul 2024
Visualisation of Central Park, Liverpool Waters
How Central Park could look at Liverpool Waters(Image: Peel L&P)

Rachel Reeves said the new Labour government would work to complete a major housing project in Liverpool city centre as she made her first speech as Chancellor.

Ms Reeves spoke in central London on Monday morning (July 8) as she outlined Labour's plans to deliver economic growth. The first female Chancellor explained her government would reform the planning system to ensure the construction of new homes, which she cited as a key source of growth.

In order to achieve this, the Chancellor said the new government would establish a taskforce to tackle stalled housing schemes across the country. This would begin in Liverpool, where the government would work with property giants Peel Waters on the Liverpool Waters scheme.

READ MORE: Chancellor makes major Liverpool announcement in first speech

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Ms Reeves said: "We will create a new taskforce to accelerate stalled housing sites in our country. Beginning with Liverpool Central Docks, Worcester Parkway, Northstowe and Langley Sutton Coldfield - representing more than 14,000 homes."

Central Docks is one of the five areas which makes up the Liverpool Waters regeneration project, which aims to transform the city's northern docks over the next 30 years. It is the largest neighbourhood within Liverpool Waters and the city's largest brownfield site.

Full planning approval for the preparation work on the site was granted by Liverpool City Council in March 2023 and plans for Central Docks include the establishment of a 4.7 acre public park called 'Central Park' as well as the implementation of infrastructure to accommodate approximately 2,350 new homes. Central Docks will also include new residential and commercial developments - as well as a new cultural building.

Responding to Ms Reeves' speech, Chris Capes, director of development for Liverpool Waters said: “It is great to hear that the new Chancellor of the Exchequer has Central Docks on her radar and is looking to accelerate the delivery of a highly sustainable housing community, delivering thousands of homes as well as creating one of Liverpool’s largest new green spaces. The team at Peel Waters welcome any opportunity to work in partnership with the new government to drive forward the waterfront regeneration of Liverpool’s northern docklands.”

Peel is in the process of revising its plans for Liverpool Waters, following a consultation. As Everton's new stadium is nearing completion and in response to the effect that a rise in home working is having on city centres, the Liverpool Waters plan will be tweaked in line with the consultation's results.

Two new waterfront hotels will be built as part of the revised plan, which also includes the new Everton stadium - having not been part of the first proposals. The new plans are set to include additional new spaces for visitors, as well as designing the surrounding area to complement the Blues' new home, which is set to open at the start of the 2025/26 football season.

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