All the Little Things We Do

To bring the highest quality potato from the field to your plate.

Checking on the crops.

Seed Potato Quality

Our commercial potato farmers must be incredibly picky about what they receive and plant. Quality seed potatoes are paramount to growing a quality little potato.

Seed potatoes in a cute little planter.

Growing Seed Potatoes

We have inspection agents visit the field twice a year to ensure our seed potato quality. The agent physically walks through the fields and inspects the plants to ensure they’re healthy and without disease.

Rows of growing little potatoes.

Soil Composition

Soft, mellow soil is ideal for potato planting. Farmers look for the perfect balance of clay, silt, and sand in their soil to ensure it can easily form little hills for planting. We work closely with our farmers to find the best soil composition for each one of our varieties to give them their best chance to thrive.

A farmer checking the soil.

Keeping the Soil Safe

Planting potatoes in little hills formed in the soil protects them from sun burn, frost, and water damage. Farmers will sometimes plant cover crops like fall rye after harvest to help prevent soil erosion.

A farmer's hand checking on the crops that are keeping the soil protected.

Growing Season

Once a week during the growing season our farmers walk every field, hand inspecting their plants to make sure they’re healthy, and removing any that don’t meet expectations.

A farmer walking his field.

Potato Storage

After harvesting and while they’re waiting their turn to be shipped to our packaging facility, we put our Little Potatoes to sleep in a cool and humid place to keep them fresh. That way we can keep our potatoes comfy and undisturbed until they make their way to be packaged.

Boxes of little potatoes

Quality Starts in the Field

A beautiful little potato blossom in the field.

Crop Rotation

Potatoes are only grown once every few years per field, with other crops filling the years in between. This ensures the soil is constantly being replenished with different nutrients. Rotating with legumes is common because they help take nitrogen out of the air and infuse it back into the soil. Rotating crops helps to bring different rooting patterns into the soil, breaking it up and allowing different microbial growth. Everything we do in the field is in pursuit of creating the best possible environment for our little potatoes to grow in.

See our Sustainability Commitments
A group of our dedicated staff attending one of our variety development training days.

Developing Little Potato Varieties

Variety development does so much to manage the little details about how each little potato best grows before we hand it over to our farmers. We then work with them throughout the growing season to keep innovating, learning, and improving the process to ensure the highest quality and most sustainably grown potato for you. Everything we do is with you in mind—we want to grow the creamiest, most delicious little potatoes you’ve ever tasted, in the way that responsibly uses the land it grows in.

Meet our Farmers

All of the little things we do result in the potatoes we package and ship to your communities. You can go investigate all of the colorful varieties we have. If you want to spend more time on the farms, go find a little moment of happiness with farm strolls, watch some crops being watered, or see a leaf cutter bee in action.

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