Niek and Ton started helping on their family farm after school when they were growing up and have both gone on to complete post-secondary education in agriculture and plant and soil sciences so that they can put their knowledge back into the farm that they’re helping to manage with the rest of their family.

They run it as a true family business, especially during the busy harvest season. Their Dad, Harry, manages storage, Niek and Ton run a lot of the equipment, and their Mom grades potatoes, manages the bookkeeping, and keeps everybody fed.

Ever since they were little, Niek and Ton knew they were going to be farmers. They could have chosen another career path, but they find farming rewarding because they know that what they’re growing is going to end up on someone’s dinner plate.

Niek and Ton say that working with The Little Potato Company has been great because they now have a place in agriculture and they get to do it together and grow together.