Jeroen and Alex own and operate G.V. Ridges Ltd. in Southern Alberta. They met because Alex’s dad was Jeroen kids’ soccer coach. After Alex graduated high school he started working as a farmhand for Jeroen. Jeroen grew up in Amsterdam and ever since he was 10 he knew he wanted to be a farmer. His family had a little trailer out in the countryside and every time they would go stay there he would always go help the local farmers.

For Alex, he grew up on a family farm but never expected that he would go into farming himself he always thought he’d go more of the business or marketing route. But the more he kept working on farms he was presented with more and more opportunity, and now there’s no looking back for him. He thinks it’s a great living.

Both Alex and Jeroen love raising their families on the farm and find that they have a supportive community of other farmers as well as The Little Potato Company’s agronomy team so they felt confident getting started with growing Little Potatoes. They find farming a rewarding challenge, and they love seeing the potatoes they grew on the shelf in stores.