Harry Lamberts and his family emigrated from Holland to Southern Alberta nearly 20 years ago. A lifelong farmer, Harry grew up farming alongside his father growing potatoes, sugar beets, and keeping dairy cows.

Once they settled in Canada and found their farm, they started with grain and sugar beets until they connected with The Little Potato Company and began growing little potatoes. They started slow and gradual, working in close partnership with our agronomy team to ensure they had the right support. Now they grow around 500 acres of little potatoes!

Harry loves the challenge of growing Little Potatoes, stating that the crops require quite a bit of intention, and you need to treat them just right in order to get the highest quality crop. Little Lake is a family farm, and everybody does their share. Harry’s sons, Niek and Ton, started by helping their dad with the farm after school, and now they’re gearing up to take on the bulk of responsibilities as their Harry gradually steps back.

When asked to define success for his farm and its future, he says that he hopes his boys will continue doing what they’re doing with the farm. Working with his kids has been the fun part of farming—when they enjoy what they’re doing he enjoys it more, too. He hopes his sons will start families of their own, pass the farm down to their own children, and keep going on for years.