Leon LaBrecque, JD, CPA, CFP®, CFA

Leon LaBrecque, JD, CPA, CFP®, CFA

Dedicated to Solving Complex Financial Problems & Bettering People's Financial Lives

View articles by Leon LaBrecque, JD, CPA, CFP®, CFA

SECURE Highlights:  IRA and Qualified Plan Rules

SECURE Highlights: IRA and Qualified Plan…

December 21, 2019

23 likes1 comment

It’s Here! The Tax Bill is Final!

It’s Here! The Tax Bill is Final!

January 2, 2018

25 likes5 comments

What's Next?  Our Outlook for 2017

What's Next? Our Outlook for 2017

January 23, 2017


New tax laws next year?  What to do now before 12/31/16...

New tax laws next year? What to do now…

November 30, 2016

19 likes1 comment

Opportunity smells like... OIL!

Opportunity smells like... OIL!

January 21, 2016

15 likes1 comment

Law expands 10% penalty exemption for public safety

Law expands 10% penalty exemption for public…

January 5, 2016


China and the Global Market:  What’s Happening?

China and the Global Market: What’s…

August 21, 2015


How 36 Stocks Gave You 55% of the S&P's Return in 2014

How 36 Stocks Gave You 55% of the S&P's…

February 2, 2015

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