Your Data - Ready for AI Applications
View’s AI Ready Data-as-a-Service Architecture

Your Data - Ready for AI Applications

🌐 AI at the Forefront of Business

Artificial intelligence applications seem to be all around us, and the opportunities to leverage these applications grow exponentially every day. In our businesses, we yearn for the chance to accelerate sales, handle customer success more expeditiously, and provide our own teams with tools to accelerate our business goals without compromising the safety of our intellectual property or security.

📊 Unleashing Corporate Data with Generative AI

Your corporate data is your true opportunity in Generative AI. However, not all of us can afford the expensive infrastructure needed to train our own AI models. That is where Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) comes in, providing the ability to leverage industry or vertical-specific Large Language Models (LLMs) from open-source communities and marketplaces like Huggingface. This allows us to self-host in our own data centers or cloud instances and combine it with our corporate data to enhance chatbots or integrate into our corporate applications, creating transformative experiences.

🤖 Making AI Relatable and Human-like

RAG leverages vector embeddings to find semantic similarities between your chatbot conversations and your company data, receiving context from the world around us through LLMs. This process, fueled by the tremendous investment of brilliant software engineers globally, makes generative AI feel relatable and the computer interaction feel human-like.

🌍 Pioneering Universal Data Representation

View has pioneered what we call Universal Data Representation (UDR). UDR is View’s patent-pending process for generating metadata and normalizing the representation of heterogeneous data from various sources into a queryable, homogenous representation. Over 80% of corporate data is unstructured, residing in traditional formats like Microsoft Office, PDFs, and HTML. Transforming this data into a common format enhances search speed, efficiency, and accuracy, particularly when preparing data for AI applications.

🔄 Data Ingestion and Management by View

View can ingest data directly through our S3-compatible storage platform or point to repositories where data resides to be subsequently acquired through our data crawlers. This data can reside on-premises or in the cloud, and with support for a broad array of connectors, View can acquire, process, and prepare both structured and unstructured content, normalizing them into a common metadata format (UDR).

🚀 From Data to Insights

Initially, the process of generating UDR was just a means to an end—transforming content into vector embeddings and connecting it to a RAG application. We soon realized that with all your data normalized and queryable, incredible data management opportunities become available.

📞 Enhancing Customer Support with AI

Imagine ingesting data from several departments and deciding you need specific documents for a customer support chatbot. By querying Lexi, our data catalog, you can identify specific data assets that match certain criteria and orchestrate the flow of that data to a specific language model and vector repository. Those embeddings are then stored in a vector database table that can be connected to the chatbot your customers interact with, thereby augmenting your support staff and reducing trivial case handling.

💡 AI Ready Data-as-a-Service (DaaS)

With View's AI Ready Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution, your AI goals become a reality in hours or days, as opposed to what could have otherwise been an expensive and failure-prone science fair project.

🌟 Join Our Alpha Testing Program

View is currently in ALPHA. We invite you to participate in our Alpha Testing Program so you can see it in action with your own data, in your own data center or cloud instances, within your own security perimeter, and see for yourself!

Go to to join now!

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