Is your accurate AI model socially biased?
AI models can be biased due to a lack of enough samples in historical data and not being evaluated correctly.

Is your accurate AI model socially biased?

Picture this: you're applying for a job online, and your application is rejected without any human interaction. The decision was made by an AI algorithm, which analyzed your qualifications, experience, and skills. It's efficient, but what if the AI unintentionally favors male applicants over female candidates? This is not a magic trick; it's the reality of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our lives today.

Over the past decade, AI has quietly woven itself into the fabric of our daily lives, influencing the decisions we make, the technology we interact with, and even how we see the world. From facial recognition systems at airports to personalized recommendations on streaming platforms like Netflix, AI is a force that empowers many modern conveniences.

But there's a catch: while AI is indeed remarkable, it is not without complexity and ethical considerations. In this article, we embark on a journey into the realm of Responsible AI – a concept that ensures AI's magic is not only fascinating but also ethical and trustworthy.

History is biased. We can't build an unbiased AI model using historical data without added measures and considerations.

The Need for Responsible AI

Before we delve into the intricacies of Responsible AI, let's understand why it's indispensable.

Imagine you're an applicant for an online job position, and your application is declined solely by an AI algorithm. You wonder why, but there's no human you can ask. The decision was made by the AI, which analyzed your qualifications, experience, and skills. It's efficient, yes, but what if that AI algorithm inadvertently discriminates against certain groups? This is the essence of the matter: AI, without responsibility, can lead to unjust outcomes.

Take, for instance, the case of an AI-powered facial recognition system. While it may seem impressive in identifying individuals, these systems have been shown to perform significantly worse on people with darker skin tones. This bias in AI facial recognition can result in unjust arrests and surveillance targeting specific racial groups.

The Principles of Responsible AI

To prevent such issues and ensure that AI's value is inclusive, Responsible AI adheres to five key principles:

  1. Fairness: AI should make decisions that are fair and unbiased, treating all individuals equally.In 2020, a study found that an AI-powered healthcare algorithm favored white patients over Black patients, leading to unequal treatment. For more details, read this article.
  2. Reliability: AI should be dependable, making consistent and trustworthy decisions.Autonomous vehicles have faced scrutiny due to AI's reliability issues, with incidents where AI failed to recognize certain road conditions or obstacles. An Uber self-driving vehicle caused a life when it hit a pedestrian crossing the road and failed to identify it at night.

  1. Safety and Security: AI should protect the privacy and security of individuals' data while ensuring the safety of AI systems.In 2019, a major AI data breach exposed sensitive personal information, highlighting the importance of data security in AI.
  2. Transparency: AI should be transparent, providing explanations for its decisions in a way that people can understand.In finance, opaque AI trading algorithms have caused market crashes due to a lack of transparency.

  1. Inclusiveness and Accountability: AI should be developed with diverse perspectives and held accountable for its actions.Biased AI products, such as facial recognition and computer vision systems that misidentify people of color, have drawn attention to the lack of inclusiveness in AI development teams. Here is one case where Google Photos failed completely. Failed to identify, and a demeaning labeling of photo.

Responsible AI is not about stifling innovation; it's about ensuring that AI's usefulness is wielded responsibly and ethically, making our lives better without inadvertently causing harm. It's about embracing the future with open eyes and responsible hearts.

In the upcoming blog posts in this series, I'll delve deeper into each of these principles, exploring real-world examples and showing how they are shaping the AI landscape. Will also explain the challenges and solutions surrounding Responsible AI. It's a journey into the heart of a technological revolution that's transforming the world as we know it.

So, stay tuned for the next installment, where we'll delve into the first principle: Fairness in AI along with coding examples to explain how we should validate and update the model ensuring fairness.

Sumit- You've a very simple, clear and easy to "visualize" writing style to explain a complex set of issues. I'm looking forward to reading your next posts. Well done.

Himanshu Sahrawat

Senior Business Analyst at Findability Sciences


Worth reading 📖, thank you for sharing 😊.

Kavita G Rao

Chief Marketing Officer @findabilitysciences I Farmer Entrepreneur - Bouganvillea Organic Farms II Ex HSBC II Ex WPP


Excellent article Sumit Agrawal 👌

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