Why You Must Develop a World-Class Recruitment Process & Hiring Strategy for Your Business

Why You Must Develop a World-Class Recruitment Process & Hiring Strategy for Your Business

People. They're at the core of everything we do. Without people, the world does not exist. Business does not function. Commerce does not happen. So why do they take the backseat when it comes to business?

People are typically put BEHIND the work when it comes to prioritisation in the workplace. Just look at the management of people. Rarely do companies carve out time for managing people at all (or teaching managers or leaders how to succeed at it). Instead, the business world simply created a department for that: Human Resources. But even they are limited in how much of a "resource" they can truly be. After all, HR has their hands full handling:

  • Benefits
  • Internal communications
  • Employee retention and satisfaction
  • Training
  • Compensation
  • Relocation
  • Recruitment

... OMG.

Thus, managers and leaders are left to manage people on top of their day jobs. And that's where things get out of wack. We don't have time to mentor, manage or lead but still assume our people will make our businesses succeed - with little-to-no guidance, support and sometimes, capability.

Then, our people fail us. Who's to blame? Look in the mirror.

If you're a manager or leader and your people fail, then you have failed.

Until you recognise this, you can't recognise that you ALSO have an issue with:

  • Management
  • Employee engagement
  • Retention
  • Or recruitment

Recruitment? It's last on most of our lists - and that's why it's killing your company. Put simply: You cannot win without a strong team. You need A+ players from top to bottom. And you need to build your recruitment process right.

Here at The Principle Group, we preach this day in, day out. Big surprise: we're a recruitment company! But, we've experienced how key recruitment is to the success of our own business (which is nationally and globally recognised). Our people are the key to the success of our own business.


How do you do it? And how do you do it well? Prioritise it. And then, follow a plan. Start with The Principle Group's guide which outlines every little step and hiring strategy you need to take to build a World-Class Recruitment Program to:

  • Increase hiring efficiencies
  • Drive profitability
  • Increase retention

Once you build a strong foundation to your recruitment process the second key piece to your recruitment strategy is digital recruitment marketing. 

You need a strategic approach.

Just because you throw something onto the Internet doesn't mean people can find it. The world wide web is a big place, you know. You must take control of your job visibility and promotion, employing best practices so your company gets noticed in the right place, at the right time.

This is digital recruitment marketing. The keyword here is "digital." Tapping into those online channels to reach job seekers is critical to successful recruitment today.

Job marketing/promotion is extremely involved, but it's a necessity. It's "involved" because it's a mix of different strategies, avenues and mediums. In fact, we like to call it a "marketing mix"! (Clever, huh?) But it's digital marketing that is the one part of the recruitment process either completely missed, misunderstood or undeserved.

You can't ignore mobile anymore.

And we're not just talking about millennials. Sure, in the 18 to 29-year-old age range 92 percent own a smartphone, but 88 percent of 30-to-49-year-olds do, too. And they're using them to search for jobs. 

Percentage of People Who Search for Jobs on Mobile:  

  • 78% of Millenials
  • 73% of Gen Xers
  • 57.2% of Baby Boomers

You simply cannot be bad at digital recruitment marketing if you want to succeed in recruitment.

At The Principle Group, our business is centered on virtual, digital recruitment marketing. Our recruiters are trained in cloud based technologies, best-in-class marketing tools, and on the art of phone and video recruiting and sourcing. This allows us to partner seamlessly with organisations anywhere in the country.

Don't worry! We'll teach you our World-Class ways.

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