Why is everyone searching for problems?

Why is everyone searching for problems?

If your company is always in problem-solving mode, if everyone is always running around stomping out fires, you may be going in the wrong direction, wasting time and resources that could be put to better use. The traditional business mind-set was that companies should constantly be looking for problems that needed to be solved. Now we know that this mind-set is outdated.

Everyone talks about being proactive, about leading the way rather than just reacting to what is going on. But if you have a mindset where you are focused on fixing problems, then you will be stuck in a reactive mode. Instead of searching for problems, look for things that are going right -- and then add even more value. It's a subtle, but crucial shift in perspective that will generate exciting results.

3 Ways to Shift from a Problem-Seeking Mindset to a Value-Adding Mindset

1. Bring out the best in your people.

Instead of focusing on areas where your employees fall short, look for their talents and strengths. Add value by giving them the tools, support, and freedom they need to develop their strengths even more. The payoff: More engaged employees, less turnover, and higher productivity.

2. Focus on what your customers like most about your product or service.

Instead of putting most of your attention on customer complaints, pay attention to what customers like the most about what you do. Add value by offering even more of what your customers love. The payoff: A product or service that continually grows more competitive.

3. Contribute to the community.

What is going right in your community? Add value by becoming a sponsor of positive programs in the arts, education, or health-promoting activities, and help these programs thrive. The payoff: Enhanced reputation for your brand. 

Most importantly, it is Friday - time for a weekend full of investment in wellness and gratitude.

Jacques Hauwaert

Head of Finance - Industrial Operations


Great post Joshua, thanks for sharing!

Pathik Bhatt

Marketing Strategy + Analytics | Digital, Brand, Content & Media


Great article and perspective Joshua! Been thinking a lot about #2. We spend a lot of time and money doing activities to address problems and processes that don't help customers or the bottom line.

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