ChatGPT Can't Write a Like Well-Known Writer: Lynn Walford
What ChatGPT Says About Lynn Walford

ChatGPT Can't Write a Like Well-Known Writer: Lynn Walford

I just asked ChatGPT to write an article about new battery technology in the style of Lynn Walford.

The article is terrible and uses phrases I would never use. It is overblown, too complex and uses worn-out phrases.

However, I really like what it said about me.

"Note: Lynn Walford is a well-known science and technology writer, and her style often incorporates a blend of insightful analysis, imaginative storytelling, and an optimistic outlook on technological advancements."

Thank you for the run-on sentence of compliments which should be two sentences.

Here is just some of what ChatGPT wrote. It couldn't copy my voice. It surely does not have a sense of humor or can write pun-tastic headlines, like I do.

I put in bold type every word I never use.

"Revolutionizing Energy Storage: Unraveling the Wonders of Cutting-Edge Battery Technology
By Lynn Walford
In the realm of technological marvels, few advancements have captured our collective imagination as profoundly as the ongoing evolution of battery technology. As we propel towards a sustainable future, scientists and engineers are leaving no stone unturned in their quest to revolutionize energy storage.
Today, I invite you on a captivating journey through the labyrinth of innovation, where we shall explore the latest developments in battery technology that promise to reshape the very foundation of our energy landscape.
The Era of Solid-State Batteries: A Quantum Leap in Performance
In the realm of energy storage, solid-state batteries have emerged as the long-awaited saviors, destined to challenge the hegemony of their liquid electrolyte counterparts."

The title sucks. Yarn and sock unravel not---wonders. "Excuse me, but your wonder is unraveling. Would you please sew it up?"

Let's Look at the first paragraph. It is a crummy lead. It does not make anyone want to read the article.

I never use "in the realm."

"As we propel towards," ---hugh? We don't propel forward. That's for helicopters and boats, not humans. "Quest" that's for Don Quixote, who "dreams the impossible dream."

I would never use "today" in the second paragraph because it dates the article.

I also purposely don't use adverbs or adjectives such as captivating, long-awaited and profoundly because they show bias.

I don't use "shall"---it's too British for me. A labyrinth of innovation has nothing to do with battery technology.

"No stone unturned" is pure cliche.

Hegemony---what the hell is that?

I had to look it up " the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group."

In my life as a freelance writer, I've written thousands of articles and none of them were as badly written as ChatGPT's imitation!

Please ChatGPT---- don't gulp this up and spit it out for future generations. In the realm of intelligence, you are not a long-awaited savoir challenging the hegemony of creative writers.

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