Why agriculture and manufacturing companies should become AI-driven
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Why agriculture and manufacturing companies should become AI-driven

This article aims to offer valuable insights and practical advice for professionals in the Agriculture and Manufacturing sectors who are new or just beginning to explore the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It will delve into real-world examples and steps that leaders can take to lead their organization towards an AI-driven future. Whether you're a manager, executive, or entrepreneur, this article will provide you with some quick knowledge and best practices necessary to navigate the rapidly-evolving landscape of AI and drive innovation and growth within your company.

AI has been a hot topic for many years, but it is only in recent times that we have begun to see its significant impact on various industries (or in our free time, see DALL·E 2). The agricultural and manufacturing sectors are just two examples of where AI is having a profound impact. These industries are essential to our daily lives and are constantly evolving and growing. With the help of AI, companies in these sectors are now able to achieve greater efficiency, productivity, and profitability.

Let's explore the reasons why a company should become AI-driven, examine business cases where leveraging machine learning and other forms of AI will continue to impact these two industries in the years to come, and the steps companies should take to achieve this goal.

What are the benefits and reasons why a company should become AI-driven?

There are several benefits and reasons why a company should become AI-driven. One of the main reasons is that AI can help companies to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, which can increase efficiency and productivity. This can lead to cost savings and increased revenue. Let's look at a number of more:

  • Allows business leaders the opportunity to make better decisions by providing them with more accurate and timely data. For example, AI-driven companies can use machine learning algorithms to analyze customer data, which can help them to better understand customer needs and preferences. This can lead to improved customer service and increased sales.
  • It gives companies a chance to stay competitive in the marketplace. For example, companies that use AI to develop new products or services can gain a competitive edge over companies that do not use AI.
  • AI can also help companies to increase their agility and adaptability by providing them with the ability to quickly respond to changes in the market. Companies that use AI to monitor market trends can quickly adapt to changes in consumer behavior.
  • In addition, AI can be used to improve the security of a company, by detecting potential threats and taking proactive measures to prevent them.
  • Finally, AI can also help companies to become more sustainable by reducing their environmental footprint. For example, companies that use AI to optimize their supply chains can reduce their energy consumption and lower their carbon emissions.

Overall, there are many more benefits and reasons why a company should become AI-driven that are not listed here. But starting with automating tasks, making better decisions, staying competitive, increasing agility, improving security, and becoming more sustainable, AI can help companies to improve their bottom line and stay ahead of the competition.

For a great summary about AI adoption, leaders, and talent, check out "The state of AI in 2022—and a half decade in review" from McKinsey.

Let's look at specific business case examples in manufacturing

AI helps improve quality control by using machine learning to analyze every step in production processes. It also enables 24/7 automation by allowing machines to run without human intervention when necessary (for example: when they're performing repetitive tasks). This allows manufacturers to streamline their operations while saving money on labor costs.

Supply chain optimization can be achieved by using AI algorithms to optimize inventory levels and logistics. By using machine learning algorithms, businesses can gain insights into consumer behavior and predict demand for their products. This enables them to adjust inventory levels accordingly, reducing the risk of overstocking or stockouts. Additionally, AI can be used to optimize logistics, such as scheduling shipments and routes, which can reduce costs and enhance productivity. AI can also be used to automate routine tasks, such as tracking inventory and monitoring supply chain performance. Overall, using AI algorithms in supply chain optimization can lead to significant cost savings and improved efficiency for businesses.

Additional business cases:

  • Predictive maintenance: Using machine learning algorithms to predict when equipment is likely to fail, allowing for proactive maintenance and reducing downtime.
  • Quality control: Using computer vision to inspect products for defects and ensure they meet quality standards.
  • Robotics: Using AI-powered robots to perform tasks such as welding, painting, and assembly.
  • Predictive modeling: Using statistical modeling to forecast demand and production requirements.
  • Process optimization: Using AI algorithms to optimize the manufacturing process, reducing waste and improving efficiency.
  • Autonomous guided vehicles (AGV): Use of AI algorithms to navigate and control the movement of AGVs in warehouse and factory environments.

Let's look at specific business case examples in agriculture

Within agriculture, where AI has already had a huge impact on crop yield predictions. Farmers use computer vision and other forms of AI to analyze images of crops and predict how much rain or sunshine they'll need during the growing season—and this helps them make decisions about when to plant seeds and harvest their crops. As a result, crops are grown more efficiently, which means that farmers can lower their costs while increasing yields at the same time!

AI is being used for a variety of other business cases; from predictive maintenance on machinery to computer vision that can identify crop pests. Predictive maintenance helps cut down on downtime while reducing costs associated with fixing broken equipment or replacing parts prematurely. Computer vision, along with infrared technology, and acoustic sensors, makes it easier for farmers to identify pests before they spread through whole fields of crops—saving time and money by allowing them to treat affected areas before they're irreparably damaged.

In the future, advancements in AI will greatly increase automation in the agricultural industry. Predictive maintenance, when combined with smart farming techniques, can lead to a system that operates continuously without the need for human involvement. This means farmers will no longer have to spend long hours in the fields on a daily basis, leading to a more efficient and effective use of resources. With the integration of AI in agriculture, we can expect to see even more advancements in this field in the coming years.

Additional business cases:

  • Livestock monitoring: using sensors and other technologies to monitor the health and behavior of livestock, and using machine learning algorithms to optimize their care and management.
  • Autonomous tractors and other farming equipment: using AI and other technologies to automate the operation of tractors and other farming equipment, allowing them to work more efficiently and effectively.
  • Livestock breeding: using AI and machine learning algorithms to improve livestock breeding by identifying genetic traits that are associated with desired characteristics such as disease resistance, growth rate, and meat quality.

What are the steps a company should take to become AI-driven?

Implementing AI in an agricultural or manufacturing company is not a one-size-fits-all process. The integration of AI into the company's operations can vary greatly depending on the company's individual needs, goals, resources, and technological capabilities. The number of steps required for a successful integration of AI is not fixed and will depend on the specific circumstances of the company. Thus it is important for the company to assess its own capabilities and resources before embarking on the integration process.

Minimum steps a company should take in this process include:

  1. Setting the foundation: understanding business goals and establishing (and educating) a task force.
  2. Identifying the areas of the business that could benefit from AI, such as production, logistics, or customer service.
  3. Developing a plan for integrating AI into the identified areas by acquiring or developing the necessary technology and resources.
  4. Implementing those technologies, which may involve designing and building new systems, integrating with existing systems, and training employees on how to use them
  5. Testing and fine-tuning the AI systems to ensure they are working as intended and delivering value to the company.
  6. Scaling up the use of AI as needed and adapting to any changes in the business environment, while continuously monitoring and improving the AI systems

Again let me reiterate that the implementation of AI systems requires varying levels of time and resources, depending on the complexity of the systems and the willingness of the company to adopt them. This should be kept in mind during the process at all times.

Note: of course Dall-E 2 was kind of enough to provide the artwork

Looking forward to your opinion and feedback.

For example; are there other key business cases I missed? Or perhaps the steps to becoming AI could be adjusted?

And feel free to tag others who might find the article useful.

#AIdriven #agritech #agriculture #AImanufacturing #manufacturing

Evan Tepper

Builder & Risk Taker


I’m not an AI guy or involved in Ag, but I still found this to be super interesting and helpful to better understand the opportunities and implications.

Miroslav Ponec

Engineering Director at Akamai Technologies


Great summary, Anthony! Please include in the series specific examples of companies already applying AI in their daily workflows heavily and their results. Thank you

Lorenzo Bolognini

🔶 HubSpot CRM | Fractional CMO | Worked with Microsoft, Nestlé, LHH, Envista, Edenred.


With the risk that climate change poses, optimizing the productivity of agricultural companies becomes even more important. There's some great opportunities to prevent or reduce the risk of food shortages by implementing process optimizations, precision agriculture and other practices. In Italy the new government established a new ministry of Food Sovereignty that, while I suspect is more focused on protecting Italian made products, should be used to ensure that advanced agricultural practices are implemented in the sector so that the country becomes more resilient to the risks the future poses. I know my friend Mirco Carloni as an MP is very focused on the agricultural topic and it would be great to hear if these are agenda items that are actively discussed in the Italian Parliament's agricultural committee.

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