Which co-worker are you?

Which co-worker are you?

Sometimes we think that work life is separated from personal life. But if we stop to analyze, the time we spend at work is greater than in any other place and that is why at #TheQualityMind we believe that we do not separate ourselves from any area of our lives, on the contrary we think that everything is integrated and that everything is a sum that results in what is inside me to contribute to others, be it work, family, friends.

Consequently, instead of separating, we wanted to group some characteristics, with which a certain group of people can feel identified:

 Group A: Logical, analytical, quantitative and fact-based people.

Group B: Organized, sequential, detailed people who plan everything.

Group C: Empathetic, emotional, coordinated people.

Group D: Intuitive people, who integrate, spontaneous.

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Which group do you identify with? No group is better than the other, everyone is unique and in many cases, there are people who identify with several groups. The importance of being clear about the group with which I feel affinity lies in knowing from where others think and act when they communicate with me, therefore not all of us are going to react the same to a certain situation, but each characteristic, even being different, can add, the same way as a puzzle.

And this is where we want to emphasize, in work environments. As well as these 4 groups, we find in the office, the colleague who is cheerful and fun or the one who is more strict and planner. Also the one who is spontaneous and who talks to everyone in the office or the one who, on the contrary, is more withdrawn.

Everyone contributes from their essence and value, but it is essential that we can identify ourselves and the other consciously; this with a higher purpose that is to develop the ability to observe the other, not to judge or point, but on the contrary to integrate with him in unity, giving value, being inclusive and growing in connection with my partner, then in this way, favorable labor synergies will be generated for the work environment.

Beyond knowing this reality, it is necessary to put it into practice, being empathetic and understanding in the face of the difference of the other towards me, makes the success of group work a reality, naturally generating optimal and energetic organizational climates for the achievement of the goals set. by the company.

Remember, we do not separate, so the same applies to our family and social life, knowing, understanding and understanding that we all communicate and act from different preferences, allows us to have healthy and lasting human relationships.

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