What is Structured Data in SEO? Explained

What is Structured Data in SEO? Explained

Web pages have plenty of a number of tough jobs to perform all at once. They need to serve both human readers and robot spiders. More importantly, they need to tell stories and entertain as well as inform and communicate specific information and some of the specific information is displayed in the form of structured data. Let’s figure out what is structured data and its importance in SEO.

What is structured data?

In terms of Search Engine Optimization, Structured data is an organized pattern of useful information in a form of code that provides extra and detailed knowledge to the search engines about the type of content available on the web pages. To describe a website to Search engines, there is a requirement of words so that the search engines can easily understand the contents available on the site. 

The dictionary used by the search engines is popularly termed Schema.org, it efficiently converts contents into a code, to process it easily. Later, search engines read the codes and display them in a richer manner on the result pages.

Considering an example, if you have a site that displays recipes, then along with the Title, URL, and Description, the audience gets to view total cooking time, calories, fats, etc. making the web page more informational & richer visibility. To display all the detailed information, and rich snippets, you need to add structured data to your web page.

No wrong in saying that adding structured data to a site enhances the visibility on the SERP and improves click-through rate exponentially.

Importance of Schema.Org

Schema.org vocabulary involves formats for structuring data. It is the "widely used language" for web crawlers and a general method for describing website pages with organized information. Web crawlers utilize these snippets of data to enhance the user experience and efficiently generate rich snippets.

What Types of Content does Schema.org support?

Schema.org supports many content types; here are just a few common types:

·        Article

·        Creative Work, Book, Movie, Music Recording, Recipe

·        Event

·        Organization

·        Person

·        Place, Local Business, Restaurant

·        Product, Offer,

·        Reviews

·        Ratings

How to Implement Structured Data?

JSON-LD is extensively used to implement Structured Data markup on a page, but what is this JSON-LD?

JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data in short JSON-LD is a text file that helps Google crawlers to deliver more easily readable search results. It is a lightweight solution and can be outlined across web pages, making it easy to add and remove. The best part of JSON-LD is that it does not get blended with the user-visible text, so no need to alter existing HTML tags. Add JSON-LD to the script tag in the website's page head or body section.

Schema markup is another important term that is widely heard in Structure Data. It is a structured data vocabulary that supports search engines to know deeply about the type of content available on the website.

Perks of Structured Data

1.  Quick access to Information

Structured Data tells the search engines, that what kind of content is available on your webpage (User gets accurate information easily).

2.  More visibility of Business Brand

Structured data helps you make your brand more visible to the outside world. It offers you complete control over how you want to display your company on

3.  Improved ROI

Structured data helps the Google crawlers display rich results in quick time and in an easier manner. It generates more leads, resulting in better ROI (Return of Investment) and more exposure to your site.

Final Words:

Structured data significantly helps search engines to get some additional information about the website, which means it helps the website to gain a high rank in the search engine result pages (SERP), resulting in more organic traffic and better business growth. Businesses either large or small, are trying hard to make their site be on the top of SERP. Companies like Logix Shapers offer advanced SEO services to boosts the rankings of business websites on search engines and help you in the proper implementation of structured data. To be in this cut-throat competitive world, hiring a team of professional SEO service providers can be a beneficial deal.

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