What matters most

What matters most

Robert Frost said “ I am not a teacher, but an awakener.”In a world of overload, deadlines and constant stimulus we become numb to the present. Our busyness quickly spins into a vortex of a continual battle of playing catch up.

It becomes worse when my 11 years calls me out on this and resets my priority button (an invisible switch on my forehead) We need to pause and reevaluate what is most important and what really matters.

 We need to ask bigger questions –

  1. what matters (most) right now?
  2. what is my time worth ?
  3. what is the predicted outcome?
  4. why am I doing this?
  5. who can I help?
  6. what difference can I make?
  7. what if…….X?
  8. what needs to change?

Lately, I’ve been out of practice in slowing down (travel / distractions / email / meetings / phone calls) and reflecting on what matters – MOST. When I am at my best (rocket fuel) I’m reflecting, planning and thinking of all that is possible.

I recently started using a lean project management tool called KanbanFlow. Essentially it helps with planning my  to-do, do-today, tracks progress and what is completed. Additionally, there is a built in timer that keeps you focus on a task for ~ 20-25 min. I can time box each task (email) and respond to critical items as the day progresses.

How do you manage your day? What keeps you focused?

For me, September represents going back to school – a clean slate, a new awakening and filled with possibilities. It is a time to focus, think and learn. As we anticipate our children, parents, teachers, professors and admin preparing for classes this week – I am reminded of the great Greek historian Plutarch who said…““The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”

Kirsten Boileau

Supporting growth and development of your employees through learning experiences that deliver impact


Great post, Shawn! Have you read the book "essentialism" by Greg McKeown? Seems to fit fairly well with his approach.

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