In this unprecedented crisis, L'Oréal's goal of a sustainable transformation remains unchanged

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Today is Earth Day, a celebration of our planet and a call to action to help protect it for us and the generations that will follow. As we face this unprecedented crisis, we are reminded of how important this is. While there are many uncertain factors that call for caution, many environmental experts argue that the Covid-19 is an example of how the destruction of biodiversity and the environment creates the conditions for the spread of new pandemics. Today, morethan ever, we realize that sustainability is not just about the planet’s health. It is about human well-being and building a more prosperous world for all.

This severe crisis must serve as a wake-up call. Our conviction is that companies must rapidly transition to a way of doing business that remains within our planet’s boundaries and work to ensure positive synergies between our socio-economic systems and the environment.

What does this mean for us, at L’Oréal? It means that our goal of a sustainable transformation remains unchanged. In fact, we are more committed than ever, ready to accelerate our progress. We must all reaffirm our steadfast determination to transform our companies, to take our share of responsibility and contribute to the collective effort.

In late June, we will unveil our new sustainability program. With our 2030 commitments, which are in line with the 1.5°C trajectory defined by climate experts, we aim to conduct our business within the parameters of a resource-limited planet.

When it comes to climate and the environment, we must all live up to what is needed, not what is easy.

Ahmed Ikram

Chief Executive Officer at NGO


Dear Mme would please give me an email to my email address

Aurelie Guimard

Head of Sustainability Europe, realistic utopian wih a passion for CSR, engaged in helping consumers make more sustainable consumption choices


More challenging than ever but ever more important. Keep up the good work!!


Bravo pour votre constance, rigueur et engagement qui démontrent la sincérité et le volontarisme de la politique de transformation de l'offre du groupe portée par JP Agon et qui va démontrer, nous n'en doutons pas, que les grandes marques sont capables de tenir une place responsable dans une économie durable, plus que jamais attendue et nécessaire, mettant "la Société" au coeur de leur projet.

Gerald Maradan

External lecturer HEC, Climate Expert


Un exemple de grand groupe qui reste réellement engagé malgré la crise

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