Tucker Carlson And Australias Opportunity
Tucker Carlson In Canberra, Australia

Tucker Carlson And Australias Opportunity

Surely there was no coincidence that Tucker Carlson was in Australia as one of the biggest news stories of the decade played out across the world.

Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange had been made a free man, and he was at that very moment returning to his native Australia to restart his life.

It was however Tucker Carlsons performance on stage at the Hyatt Hotel in Australias capital city of Canberra that also created waves across the digital media world over the past twenty four hours.

Rarely does a key note speaker deliver their content with such shameless honesty, freedom, clarity, humor, or wit, that an entire audience in attendance is absolutely enthralled, and that the many millions watching from afar are left smiling, cheering and applauding.

What Tucker Carlson did for all Australians in just fifty six minutes on that stage in Canberra was probably more than any of its leaders have done for its people over the last decade from the countrys Parliament a short walk down the road.

Thats how powerful the truth can be.

Now if you dont know who Tucker Carlson is, he is a US independent journalist whose content online gets more daily attention than the entire Australian medias combined.

In a nutshell, people are interested in what Tucker has to say, and who he talks too.

Is he right about everything?

Hell no, nor does he claim to be.

Yet when it comes to the current state of the world, and our declining rights for freedom of speech, Tucker is a shining light for those who believe in democracy and humanity, versus those who are trying to destroy it.

While I dont anymore, I have, in the course of my life thus far, spent a total of two decades living and working in Australia. Out of its six states and two territories, I have lived in four states, and one of its territories. I know a bit about life in Australia, and about its people.

As Tucker started off his address last night he quickly questioned the celebration that was taking place in Australia in particular by those members of the Government who believed that they were the ones who had secured Julian Assanges long over due release.

Tucker asked.

"Why has it taken 12 years for the Australian Government to get one of its citizens who was being held under arrest in the UK without any charges being laid against him, just because the USA asked them to do so, why havent they sent a navy ship up the Thames to go and get him"?

Why he asked did it take this long?

As this very pertinent point hit home to the members of the audience who were now well and truly into their second glass of Mt Pleasant Chardonnay or XXXX beer, Tucker felt the opportunity to go further.

For the next few minutes of his address Tucker lauded the audience with superlatives about how wonderful Australia is as a country.

At the age of 55 this was Tuckers first visit down under, and the obvious research he had put in prior to visiting, scored him many brownie points with the audience.

He rattled off a list of fine things about Australia, its richness due to its vast supplies of natural resources, an envy of every country in the world.

Its sparse land mass and small population which allows for a sense of freedom and affordable cost of living, and then even its almost minuscule issue around poverty comparing it to the likes of San Francisco.

People he said, look to be happy here.

Perhaps sensing an opportunity to further enlighten the crowd, he used this warm and friendly adulation for Australia and Australians to go deeper.

He spent the next few minutes informing the audience how dirty, smelly and unaffordable London was as a city, and the obvious decline of the UK in general.

He combined that with a sharing about his own country, and its present state, how divided the US is, and the massive negative impact its current immigration issue is having, an issue thats been a bi partisan shambles in his words.

Tucker then posed to the audience that if Australia is so good, and with its allies and current masters in decline, wasnt it time for Australia to stand alone.

Australians in large are an apathetic bunch. If their "keeping up with the Jones lifestyle" is not under threat, then they wont be doing to much to change things.

A sense of entitlement has swept across the country in the last twenty years as its richness and attractiveness to the rest of the world has risen, its brought with it a sense of "we are better than most".

This sentiment is apparent in Australian sporting teams from their cricketers, to their swimmers.

It is almost as if some of those very things that Tucker shared that he loves about the United States of America have become measurements of success for Australians as well, the two cultures entwining through music, food, fashion and language, even if he did announce that he loved the Aussie accent alot.

Yet is was when Tucker was asked to field some questions from attending local journalists that the night really started to uncover what Tuckers message was really about.

Excluding one gentlemen from one media outlet who asked a relevant question surrounding Chinas obvious threat to the land down under, Tucker was subjected to a tirade of ignorant, unprofessional and condescending squawks from two incredibly self righteous individuals who labelled themselves as journalists.

Tucker wasnt going to stand for any "gotcha" style questions from anyone, and as one of the male journalists pushed Tucker about his recent interview with Vladimir Putin, Tucker responded by asking the journalist.

"Why hate on Putin, whats he done to impact your life"

"Did Putin make you take the Covid jab"?

The crowd clapped and applauded Tucker as the journalist now under an attack of his own started shouting out rhetoric about how many lives the covid jab had actually saved in his opinion.

Yet this night wasnt about how Tucker dealt with Australias creepy media representatives and how amateur he made them look.

Tuckers message last night was so much bigger for all Australians.

Tucker Carlson gave all Australians an opportunity to reflect and to awaken their thinking last night in Canberra about the very future of their country.

He provided an opportunity for Australians to consider what is the best way for the country to proceed into their future, and who should they trust in that journey, other than themselves.

He honesty reminded them that in time of their needs ,who they think are their best friends today, may very well not be there for them in the future.

Another antidote offered, asking why has the USA got troops on the ground in Australia, that to me feels like a Master and slave relationship, explained Tucker.

With politicians across the world coming under increased scrutiny as the very political systems we have had faith in for so many years start to show more and more every day there true colors, and there lack of service to the people who elect them to listen to an outsider in the form of Tucker Carlson.

He came to Australia and provide a very raw, and honest perspective should be something that all Australias are grateful. On the very day when Australia welcomed home a true hero in Julian Assange, they were also privileged to share in some wisdom for another who apparently loves their country.

If you have not seen Tuckers address to the Australian people, and you are interested in watching it, then here is a link for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dka2i27sxgs&t=133s

#australia #tuckercarlson #usa #UK #China #Russia

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