Transformation - say what?

Transformation – a noun - first used in the 14th century.

I have just finished looking through the link and seeing the rapid appearance of many transformation enthusiasts, experts, facilitators, trainers and leaders.


a : to change in composition or structure - wood to carbon fibre?

b : to change the outward form or appearance of – a new colour?

c : to change in character or condition – sad to happy?

d: to subject to mathematical change – does it add up?

e: to cause (a cell) to undergo genetic transformation – a big one!

Be careful - So when purchasing the services of an individual or organisation selling transformation services/workshops and general advice, be clear on what you seek. I do not think d: has anything to do with accounting or financial services. I wonder how much e: would cost and what could it do to your organisation, or is this the new description of modern leadership?

Also, please be very careful of those offering transmogrifying services, first used in 1656. These services are guaranteed to change or alter greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect.

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Dr Schavana Phillips

Specialist in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) | ESG | Strategic Leadership | Corp Culture


Transformation is not new and modern leaderships is probably as old as Confucius, who said, "to be a leader you just need to be human" . I am sure there are some leaders who need to undergo genetic transformation anyway.

Bert Ferro

MAICD, FCPA Offering leadership and practical management advice & assistance to | Small Business | Family Businesses | NFPs | Boards | NDIS providers | Social Enterprises | Business Continuity | Allied Health


The next thing people will be offering that is cutting edge, is the ability to convert base metals into gold ..... oh wait


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