Tips on Achieving Goals

Tips on Achieving Goals

I'm a big believer in setting goals high and having aspirations. But there needs to be more behind them, otherwise they'll just be another goal left unfulfilled. Here's a couple tips I wanted to share that I've found to be very beneficial. And please feel free to comment below with your own tips or suggestions!

Tip #1 - Have the end game clearly defined 

Too many people are too ambiguous with what they want. I want a nice house or car... I want to get in shape. Again, all these things are great. But they will be very difficult to achieve with such a general definition. Dive into the details. What are the specifics of that end goal? What is the reason behind wanting that? 

Tip #2 - Create checkpoints along the way to see progress 

Anything you want to achieve worthwhile in the long run will undoubtedly need to have checkpoints along the way you can cross off. What is the progress you want to see in 3 months... 6 months... 1 year? Being able to see progress in order to keep yourself on the path to achieving that end goal is something many need. Not surprisingly, a very big reason why people give up early is that they don't see progress along the way.

Tip #3 - Identify and create habits 

While you may not be able to push yourself in times of struggle, you will always fall back to the habits you have established. Identify what these are for the goal you need to accomplish. What are the skills you need to develop? How do you want to track those habits? What kind of duration do you want to track them with? Be careful of setting daily habits that stretch you too much or you'll burn out. Also avoid giving yourself too much time for certain habits or you'll always push it off and never get to where you want to go.

Tip #4 - Know the roadblocks you will have to overcome 

What's going to be in your way? Environment? Fear? Fiances? DO NOT make the mistake of just having the "I'll figure it out" mentality. In my opinion this strategy doesn't work and shows immaturity around what you want to accomplish and how serious you are about it. 

Tip #5 - Have a mentor or coach 

It's always easier when somebody outside of yourself is holding you accountable. But also be aware of who this person is. It should preferably be one that's had success in the arena and also has some sort of interest in helping you.

Alexander Courtney

Value enablement in healthcare; Product leadership and delivery


Great tips Kyle! Thanks for sharing your wisdom


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