Thinking of simply extending your current remote working setup? Forget it. Here are the 5 things you need to get right to succeed in the Never Normal.

Thinking of simply extending your current remote working setup? Forget it. Here are the 5 things you need to get right to succeed in the Never Normal.

Has COVID-19 made you re-imagine the ways you think about work, how it is performed and where? Is your workforce reluctant to come back to the office or have you realised that, actually, you don’t need an office at all? Is it hitting home that the temporary has become permanent? If so, then read our latest thinking on how to embrace this new “never normal” reality.

The COVID-19 pandemic compelled businesses to adopt new remote and virtual ways of working and servicing customers. Many achieved it with impressive speed and, for the most part, it’s been successful. Is it sustainable?

Leaders need to prepare for what is coming next and it’s not the next “normal”; complexity, uncertainty, and new opportunities await. Resilience and agility—including workforce resilience—will be vital to success. In short, to win in the ‘never normal’, companies need to thrive in the new ways of working, not just in working remotely.

So, what can businesses do NOW and what do they need to do NEXT to succeed and adapt?

 Closing the gaps

 A July Gartner study indicated that 47 percent of organisations intend to allow their employees to work remotely full time going forward. For business, the benefits are considerable—our research indicates that a typical employer can save $11,000 for every person that works remotely for 50 percent of the time. Employees win too with less travel time and more flexibility. But gaps are beginning to emerge.

 Because organisations, people and roles differ, remote working may not be for everyone—yet. How can an organisation identify their particular challenges, assess whether remote working will continue to benefit them, and make it work for their business and for their employees?

 Our research shows there are a number of gaps companies need to test for. Among them, identifying whether employees’ physical, mental and relational needs are met. For example, some may not be digitally fluent, others may not have the space or means to set up and sustain a home office. And, of course, there’s the important issue of culture—how do you create a supportive, inclusive, excellence-driven culture for a remote working environment?

 Five focus areas

 Accenture’s new point of view The Never Normal—Defining New Ways of Working Beyond COVID-19, looks at five interconnected areas businesses need to focus on to make a permanent shift to remote working successful.

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 ‘The never normal; New ways of working beyond the crisis’ provides insights and guidelines to get you through the first three, six and 12 months.

Resilience beyond COVID-19 means doing more than just reopening for business; it means seizing the opportunity to do things differently, to innovate and to do the previously unthinkable. Right now is the time to reconnect with your people, re-imagine their experience and revitalise your business culture to support new ways of working and engaging with employees. 

If you are looking to take the plunge and gear your business and workforce for the NOW and NEXT, I believe you will find this insight very useful. For more on how you can shift to new ways of working to benefit your business, please connect with me and my team. 

Contact details:

Charlene Naidoo

Africa Service Line Talent Lead - Associate Director


Markus Gschwari really enjoyed your insights on the new ways of working. There is no blueprint for any organization and the insight you have shared is great! I believe that employee choice is pertinent when designing what the ideal future state should look like.

Patricia Feliciano

Managing Director - Sustainability Latin América and Strategy & Consulting Products Brazil Lead


Great article! Very insightful. Thanks for sharing.

Jeanie Moothoo

Freelance Writer| Business Consultant | Author


Great article. I'm writing a piece from the employee's perspective. I think some companies fail to recognize the great balancing act their workers have had to perform during the lockdown. Organizations cannot claim that working remotely is a success until they understand the levels of stress their employees face daily while working from home.

Tony Cohn

Director Strategic Alliances @ Orgvue | Workforce Planning and Analytics


Analyse the entire organization in real-time and make definitive decisions based on the insights. Plan for different scenarios and model the impact of each to be sure of which step to take next. Monitor the organization to spot opportunities and course-correct in-flight initiatives before its too late.  REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT

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