Secure Your Business: Choosing Between Guards and Camera Trailers

Secure Your Business: Choosing Between Guards and Camera Trailers

In an era where ensuring the safety of business assets, personnel, and premises is paramount, security measures have become non-negotiable. The challenge arises when choosing between employing on-site security guards or using security camera trailers. As a security professional, I will compare the benefits and disadvantages of both while advocating for an integrated approach that leverages the strengths of each.

Importance of Security Measures in Businesses

Security measures are essential for safeguarding business operations, protecting valuable assets, and ensuring the safety of employees and customers. A robust security system can prevent theft, vandalism, and other criminal activities, fostering a secure environment conducive to business growth.

Pros and Cons of On-site Security Guards


  • Human Judgment and Flexibility: Security officers can assess and respond to situations with human judgment, adapting to dynamic scenarios more effectively than automated systems.
  • Deterrent: The visible presence of security officers can deter potential criminals and enhance the feeling of safety among employees and visitors.
  • Response: Security officers can provide an immediate response to incidents, including first aid, conflict resolution, and coordinating with law enforcement.
  • Customer Service: Officers can assist with directions, answer questions, and provide a friendly face, enhancing the overall visitor experience.
  • Patrol Capabilities: Security officers can patrol large areas, both on foot and in vehicles, to monitor for suspicious activity and cover areas that cameras may not effectively surveil.


  • Cost: Employing security officers can be expensive due to salaries, benefits, training, and uniforms.
  • Human Error: Officers are susceptible to fatigue, distractions, and mistakes, which can compromise security effectiveness.
  • Limited Coverage: An individual officer can only cover so much ground at a time, potentially leaving gaps in surveillance.
  • Safety Risks: Security officers can be exposed to physical danger, particularly in high-risk environments. This includes potential interactions with criminals and everyday risks like trips and falls.
  • Retention and Training: High turnover rates and the need for continuous training can be challenging for maintaining a well-prepared security team.

Pros and Cons of Security Camera Trailers


  • Cost-Effective: Once purchased and installed, security camera trailers can be more cost-effective than maintaining a large team of security officers.
  • 24/7 Monitoring: Security cameras provide continuous surveillance without breaks, ensuring constant coverage.
  • Wide Coverage: Modern security camera trailers can cover large areas with advanced zoom and pan-tilt capabilities, reducing the need for multiple units.
  • Evidence Collection: High-quality video recordings can be crucial for investigations, providing clear evidence for law enforcement and legal proceedings.
  • Remote Monitoring: Security camera trailers can be monitored remotely, allowing for centralized oversight and quick response coordination. However, it's crucial to ensure the monitoring company has a robust program and doesn't subcontract to less reliable third parties.


  • Lack of Immediate Response: Cameras can detect incidents but cannot intervene directly, requiring additional resources for on-site response. In areas with fewer police officers, this delay can be significant.
  • Technical Issues: Cameras are subject to technical malfunctions, weather conditions, and power outages, which can compromise their effectiveness.
  • Limited Deterrence: Cameras may not deter all criminals, especially those who are determined or unaware of the surveillance.
  • Privacy Concerns: The use of cameras can raise privacy concerns among employees and visitors, potentially leading to complaints or legal issues.
  • Initial Investment: The upfront cost for high-quality security camera trailers and installation can be significant. While many camera systems look similar from the outside, the components on the inside are what matter and make some systems far better than others.

Factors Influencing the Decision

When deciding between on-site security guards and security camera trailers, consider factors such as budget, the nature of assets, location, and the level of criminal activity in the area. For instance, high-crime areas might benefit more from the visible deterrence of security guards, while businesses with expansive properties may require the broad coverage provided by camera trailers.

Integrating Security Solutions: The Best of Both Worlds

At Stratigos Dynamics, Inc., we advocate for an integrated security approach that combines the strengths of both on-site security guards and security camera trailers. This hybrid strategy ensures comprehensive coverage and maximizes the advantages of each method:

  • Proactive Monitoring: Security camera trailers provide constant surveillance, capturing any suspicious activities. This data can be relayed to security personnel for immediate action.
  • Mobile Patrol Responses: On-site security guards can be deployed for mobile patrols, enhancing coverage and providing a dynamic security presence that can quickly address incidents captured by cameras.
  • Enhanced Deterrence: The combination of visible guards and surveillance technology creates a robust deterrent against potential criminals, offering both psychological and practical barriers to unlawful activities.

However, even this integrated approach may not be within the budget of most businesses. Thus, I would like to share some information for business owners regardless of what approach they choose that will better assist them.

Security Officers

When dealing with security officers and on a budget, you must understand that you get what you pay for. It's similar to the mantra when dealing with contractors: Contractor A may be the cheaper option but be prepared for subpar quality and likely additional costs associated with the work. The security officer world is no different. A low-paid officer will likely not take their role very seriously, and you, as the end user, may have more issues than when you started. Here are some key questions to ask when searching for the right company:

  1. Insurance: Ensure that the company you are using has adequate insurance coverage to protect against liabilities.
  2. Licensed: Ensure the company you are employing actually has a security license. In most states, it is a requirement for the company to have a security license to operate legally.
  3. Management: Ask how the company provides oversight over their operations. You want a company that proactively ensures their officers are where they are supposed to be and doing their job.
  4. Training Programs: Inquire about the training programs provided to the security officers. Continuous and rigorous training ensures that the officers are well-prepared to handle various situations.
  5. Reputation: Check the company’s reputation and reviews. Look for feedback from other businesses to gauge the reliability and effectiveness of their services.

Security Camera Trailers

The security camera trailer industry has its own pitfalls. As mentioned earlier, camera units for the most part look very similar to each other from the outside, but it’s the internal components of these systems that make the difference. When dealing with a camera trailer provider, ask the following questions:

  1. Monitoring: Most camera units have varying levels of Artificial Intelligence which help with the detection of people, vehicles, etc. However, you want a company that proactively monitors their systems versus a company that pays another company on the other side of the world to monitor them. The difference can be the determining factor in deterring would-be criminals or discovering in the morning that your warehouse was burglarized but the camera provided low-quality video evidence.
  2. Internals: Ask the camera provider how their system works from the second an alert is triggered, how the alert is processed, and what the company does once an alert is determined to be an actual alert.
  3. Support: Ask the provider if the system they provide goes down, what the typical response time is for fixing the unit and getting it back online. Also, inquire if the provider offers client access through a web portal or app so you can see for yourself that your system is working as intended, providing peace of mind.
  4. Scalability: Determine if the camera system can be easily scaled up or down based on your needs. This flexibility can be crucial as your business grows or if you need to adjust your security measures for specific events or periods.
  5. Integration with Other Systems: Ask if the camera system can be integrated with other security measures you have in place, such as alarms or access control systems. This integration can enhance the overall effectiveness of your security strategy.


In conclusion, both on-site security guards and security camera trailers have their distinct advantages and disadvantages. The most effective security strategy often involves an integrated approach that leverages the strengths of each, providing a comprehensive solution tailored to the specific needs of your business. If this integrated approach is not feasible, carefully evaluate the unique needs of your business to determine the best option.

At Stratigos Dynamics, Inc., we are committed to delivering unparalleled security services, ensuring that your business remains safe and secure in an ever-evolving threat landscape. Investing in a well-planned and executed security measure is not just about protecting assets; it’s about ensuring the continued growth and success of your business. By combining the human element with advanced technology, we offer a balanced and effective security solution that adapts to your unique requirements.


Gary L Schlotthauer

Director of Security | Security Manager | I excel in managing access control, orchestrating security responses, minimizing alarms, investigating incidents, and developing proactive strategies based on data.


A great tool to have to conduct perimeter monitoring. Especially, for ends of the property that standard exterior wall-mounted cameras cant reach. That in mind, I feel a physical Security Officer approach is still a must.

Christina Reilly

National Director of Enterprise Solutions|Robotic Assistance Devices RAD| Security Solutions Expert


I 100% agree with you on this. Implementing a RAD RIO Mobile Solar Security Unit, it’s not only more affordable, but our units have the ability to autonomously, detect and deter instances of trespassing, intrusions, loitering, prevent theft and crime, crowd management, eliminate OSHA fines, firearm detection, and so much more while cutting the physical guard cost by 80% annually for the customer.

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