Repurposing Content the GaryVee Way
Four pieces of content that GaryVee's team created from one video interview with me

Repurposing Content the GaryVee Way

I've always been a big believer in repurposing content. Start with your pillar piece of content (some may refer to it as "hero" content) and use that as the source of different types of content that's customized to various platforms and target audiences.

For me, I typically start off with a recorded video interview, the full length version (after edits) which I post on ECRM's YouTube channel. I then transcribe that video using Rev, and use that transcription for a blog post based on that interview. I may pull shorter clips or images from that video to post on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram. I can rip out the audio for a podcast. I may take a testimonial from a customer interview and created a one-minute captioned video that really stands out. With some of these smaller snippets I usually include a link to the blog post, or to the full video. Some just stand on their own.

Repurposing in this way enhances the reach and longevity of your content, and enables you to efficiently create a variety of content for different social platforms. If someone misses it on one platform, there is a chance they may catch it on another. It's a way to be seen everywhere without a huge time investment.

I learned these tactics from following Gary Vaynerchuk, who has been doing it for years. In fact, he even created a deck with step-by-step examples of how to do this exact thing, called "How to Create 64 Pieces of Content in A Day."

Over the past month, I had the opportunity to see this in action with a piece of content that I actually created with him for ECRM's Recent Global Market: Food & Beverage. For the Global Market, we recorded an on-demand video interview about the importance of soft skills in business, a topic I know Gary is passionate about (he's actually coming out with a book on the topic this November). In addition to sharing it with the Global Market participants, I sent the raw footage to his team for them to use as they wished.

Gary didn't disappoint, and he and his team followed his strategy to the letter. They posted the interview on YouTube, adding a nice intro and thumbnail to the video:

Shortly afterward, they ripped out the audio and posted it on his podcast, The GaryVee Audio Experience:

Then, they posted a snippet from it onto Gary's LinkedIn feed (click the image to see the post):

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And finally, they posted another snippet on the GaryVeeTV Instagram page (click image to see post):

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As you can see, each of his posts has a different look and flavor, and each of the shorter clips focuses on a different aspect of the pillar content. But it ALL came from the same place.

Many entrepreneurs and founder-led brands are time and resource-starved. By creating pillar content and then repurposing it across platforms you can get a bigger bang for your content buck, and what's more, you can do all of this with Zoom and an iPhone (I do!).

Here are the steps to doing it:

  1. Record a full length video. This can a recorded interview on Zoom with a customer, industry expert, ingredient supplier, etc. It can also be something shot on your phone, such as a factory tour, etc. Edit it if necessary (I do this in my phone, but if you have skills with more elaborate editors, have at it!)
  2. Post the full-length video on your YouTube channel.
  3. Use the YouTube video link to get a transcript via Rev or another transcription service (Rev's automated transcripts are pretty accurate and are only 25 cents per minute). Use this transcript to write a blog post based on the video content. (I often embed the full-length video into the blog as well).
  4. If you want to start a podcast, you can pull the audio from the video using a video converter app, and then distribute the podcast using the free Anchor app.
  5. Pull short video snippets from the full-length video, each focusing on a specific topic. You can use Zubtitle if you want to make captioned videos. You can also take screen shots from various parts of the video.
  6. Finally, put together a plan to distribute these various assets over time. For example, you can post the blog on your business LinkedIn page, and the YouTube video on your personal LinkedIn page. A screenshot (maybe with a text overlay) onto Instagram, with a link to the blog page. Same goes for twitter. Then a week later, post one of the video snippets on LinkedIn, again linking back to your blog or website. Every week or two post a different snippet covering a different aspect of the pillar content.

That's it! If you just created one piece of pillar content each month, you'll be able to get a ton of assets that can be shared during the days in between, and the increased visibility and value you deliver will go a long way to driving more leads to your business!

Noa Bankhalter

Business Development Manager at Tapit - Touch and go | Customer Experience Excellence | Operations Leader | Customer Service & Support Operations | Business Process Improvements


Joseph, thanks for sharing!

Joseph Tarnowski

I create B2B Content that Builds Brands, Drives Awareness and Generates $$$


#content #contentmarketing #business #marketing #socialmedia #ecrmrangeme


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